Venezuela June 25

Posted by sender47 10 years, 8 months ago to Government
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Well, how things are going in Venezuela?.

Pretty much the same for the normal citizen, scarcity is even worse; inflation is on more than 60% (from June 2013 to May 2014).
People is marked in government markets (also they ID is registered so they can't buy the same again for a week at least, it depends of the product.)..
2 weeks ago a man died after 4 hours in line for 2 Kilos of powder milk. Nobody moved of the line
Is common that people is robbed when they are in line (a lot of times lines start the day before).
So in the Highway to hell... but...
Something has started to happen inside the government. They are at last, blaming each other for the situation.
And what ignited this situation: they got out of office to the most influential man in the economy of the country Jorge Giordani (A communist that knows nothing about economy... really he has no study on that), and hell broke loose when he wrote a letter blaming Maduro of the situation, of not hearing what he said, and of course, blaming him of taking a capitalist turn in the policies -.-.
Then Maduro called him traitor... and another former minister (Hector Navarro), defended him. (Surely tomorrow he will be called a traitor too).
Last but not least is Heinz Dieterich, the man behind the Socialism of the XXI century ideology. Advisor of Chavez and this whole process.... He called this the worst government in the history of Latin-America, and Maduro a "Donkey"... But over all he said, that Venezuelan gov was not socialist but capitalist, and inept... Can you believe these guys? As always, their system doesn't work ergo it wasn't true socialism -.- .
As for what we know, Maduro only aim at the moment is to maintain in power, and tries to ally with the powers that manage things here, the ones with the guns (Militars), and the one with the drugs/money, that most of the time are the same.
Strange deaths have been happening between the cartels that manage the gov ( cubans, narcos, military etc... ). A German was killed 4 hours after he got to the country, he was killed just when he got out of the car to enter the hotel… with an UZI. The rumor says (and rumors tend to be terribly accurate here), that he was the money holder of the president of PDVSA and Minister of Energy Rafael Ramirez

The only good of this is how bad things are getting; "Highway to Hell" really defines the mood of most of the opposition right now.

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  • Posted by $ TimCutler 10 years, 8 months ago
    I went to the Atlas Summit last Friday and asked everyone I met if they had any thoughts on Venezuela. Two said that all they knew was what they read at - so, you have a following! At least three admitted that they didn't know anything.

    I am particularly interested in the price of gasoline in Venezuela. I know it is very cheap, but I can't figure out how or why the authorities can maintain a system for production, distribution, and retail sales. My instinct would be to hoard gasoline in anticipation of a total shortage. If the Venezuelan leaders are beginning to argue, my suspicion is that whoever controls the retail gasoline valve can end the arguments very quickly. Can you give me a price history picture for gasoline, natural gas, propane and motor oil?
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    • Posted by 10 years, 8 months ago
      Hello, hope to be in one of that summits someday, or make one here (after all of this pass).

      I will ask for the record of this prices, there is not much in internet as the gas and gasoline prices have been the same for 17 years. since 1997.

      As far as I know,


      91 octane 0,070 Bs per liter
      95 octane 0.097 Bs per liter

      The gas "goes by a fixated term of 1 year increase"... because in reality nobody knows exactly what they are doing, there is a table but is far from what the bill says.

      We get the bill and although there is a price for cubic meter... years have passed since the last time anyone checked the usage meter, so.. you pay a fixated price.. for my family 0,237 Bs per cubic meter.

      The motor oil... that... well... I haven't seen a bottle in a year... if you are lucky to find someone that sell it around 700 Bs the cheap ones.

      The actual implicit price (Monetary mass/ reserve) of the USD is 64,35 Bs. I use this price as a should-be-around-there price... As we have three different regulated prices (6.3 Bs, around 11 Bs and around 50 Bs), and of course the "black" market (72.59 at the moment) .

      Will try to get better numbers than those.
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