Mexican Embassy says that illegal migration not a crime
Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 6 months ago to News
Yet, when I lived there, I could be asked for my "papers" at any time and deported if not provided. Seems to be a bit of a double standard there.
If Mexico was the target, watch their attitude change.
I anyone thinking of "Going Galt" in Mexico would be wise to read the Mexican Constitution first. What is "says" about foreigners will open their eyes.
I lived in Mexico from 2000-2006 and have no desire to return for any reason. (I left soon after selling my house, which had been on the market for four years.)
BTW: Overstaying a tourist visa in Argentina is not a crime and, as a permanent resident, I have the same rights as a citizen except that I cannot vote in Presidential elections.
My home in Sayulita was on ejido land and the "papers" were in the name of a Mexican woman who was married to a good friend of mine. She was the "presta nombre" for dozens of Americans and Canadians who "bought" ejido property and built homes there. She was a member of the ejido and highly respected in Sayulita by the Mexcians and foreigners alike.
The customary fee for "borrowing" her name was $100 USD per year and no one ever lost a penny or a moment of sleep doing business with her.
In all seriousness, politicians seem to be the same all over.
If US embassy's did this they would be shutdown.