Does this Work?
Posted by deleted 8 years, 5 months ago to Economics
This is basically for Mike Marotta but anyone can chime in with their 3 cents worth (inflation, ya know).
Just finished re-re-reading 'For Us, The Living' by RAH. Since I know MM is quite knowledgeable about money and economic things, I would like his take on the theory of the economic system RAH propounds in the book. Over to you, Mike.
Just finished re-re-reading 'For Us, The Living' by RAH. Since I know MM is quite knowledgeable about money and economic things, I would like his take on the theory of the economic system RAH propounds in the book. Over to you, Mike.
Robert A. Heinlein
written 1939, published 2003
“You were probably educated in the conventional economic theories of your period which were magnificent and most ingenious, but--if you will pardon my saying so--all wrong.”
This book is not really a novel but a sexed-up set of economics lectures. One of Heinlein's earliest works, it does not reflect his later thinking.
A libertarian paradise and paternalistic welfare state is achieved by use of economic theories described in detail. A summary is-
all economic problems are solved by the government printing and giving away money
"Do I have do everything around here?" (not said by Tiger Woods)