"60 Minutes" features Gary Johnson and Bill Weld

Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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Opening segment on 9/18/2016 broadcast, very good interview.
SOURCE URL: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/60-minutes-libertarian-candidates-gary-johnson-bill-weld/

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 3 months ago
    I watched it last night. One thing I notice is Johnson has a knack for saying things that sound odd. At one point he came close to saying, "the two mainstream candidates are so unpopular that people would vote for Mickey Mouse; well I'm the Mickey Mouse candidate." He didn't say that, but it was close. I understand what he means, but it just sounded odd.

    He also says he wants to be the comet. Why not meteor? A meteor killed the dinosaurs, right? Moreover if he wins people will call it a meteoric success.

    Some times I feel like I see hints of "shut the $#(& up, Gary" on Bill Weld's face.

    I loved the line where the interviewer said it's just his perception but he felt like the campaign was more critical of Trump than Clinton. Gary Johnson said he didn't want the campaign to be about condemning people. Weld answered the question speaking over Johnson, "you must have done well in school," in a tone that said no $#i! Sherlock.

    All this means is Johnson is not a super-polished politician typical of national-level politics.
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