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The US-A to contain the New England states, NY, the Dark Center and much of the West Coast would have the industries of propaganda (from DC and LA primarily but also Harvard, Yale, etc) and fiat money (DC and NY.)
The midwest, mountain, atlantic, and southern states would be in country US-B with food production, oil production, coal mining, gold mining, etc.
Wonder how long the looters in NY and DC will last with the "security" for their fiat currency (debt) removed and the military volunteers from US-B no longer available to fight in the looters wars.
(Heritage Foundation study shows higher percentages of the US military come from the Southern states and from Montana, Alaska, Wyoming, and Maine, with lower than average from New England, NY, DC.)
Just spent the weekend driving from US-A (LA,CA) to US-B (GA) and listening to the '91 audio book of Atlas Shrugged en route for about 34 of its 64 hours. Crossing the plains of north Texas and surrounded by rocking horse pump jacks, cruising at about 85 mph with a train on the track parallel to the highway I listened to the first run of the John Galt Line. It felt like being a part of the action (with a bit if imagination.)
It's about time I look for another home again, Washington State has been turning really liberal. People up here automatically vote for the "D". None of them can tell you why, except that they are Democrats because their mommy's and daddy's were Democrats. They have no other reason. Most think Ben Ghazi wouldn't stand a chance against Hillary for President. We really need a test in order to qualify to vote. A voter should at least be aware of the issues and how they effect our freedom, not just brainwashed by some stupid slogan or some handsome SOB.
Ben Ghazi was thinking of asking Stu Ped to be his running mate.
Typical of liberals/progressives, once they have soiled their backyards, they move to another to begin the process of destruction again. My son reports that it is getting intolerable to live there for a person who is not of the liberal mental disorder.
I hope we see the part about your son's observation of "intolerable" for non-liberals prove to be a miscalculation today. Actually 90% of everyone I'm around are not of the liberal/progressive disorder. I've found a lot of coverts recently, and a whole lot conservatives that still just remain silent. We've just got to get them out to vote, silence will do nothing. This brings up something I saw recently, a video with Brigitte Gabriel. I'll find it and start a new thread with it. It's compelling, watch for it.
Curious. You don't happen to live near B'ham, do ya?
And with Clooney being an avowed liberal leftist, he will fit right in with the Urban Liberalists. The sheeple are sure to make him the next "He's a star so Ill vote with my autograph book in hand" politician.
No wonder those in Jefferson, er, Rural California dream of secession. ;-)
His mom was a great singer, and he can act, but that's it. As Will Rogers used to say, "Common sense ain't so common."
I guess if the liberals give Clooney a script to follow if he is elected Gov., he could do at least as well as "moonbeam". Or not. I wonder who is in charge of flushing CA when the libs are done with it?
This kind of thing just cracks me up.
Oh, and remember....he's just acting a part. That isn't who he really is.