The West's Most Unwanted Export

Posted by khalling 8 years, 6 months ago to Philosophy
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from author Anoop Verma" "More than 300 million people in India live without electricity, even though India has abundant coal, which can be used to generate cheap electricity."
SOURCE URL: http://www.thesavvystreet.com/the-wests-most-unwanted-export-hits-india-greenpeace/

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    Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 6 months ago
    Greenpeace's position on Golden Rice alone makes them rank high among history's mass murders.

    When we encountered them fundraising outside of our Trader Joe's, asking "Do you want to save the dolphins" I responded, I would rather save the children and accused them of advocating a position that cause the blindness and death of millions of children. One of them said they didn't have that position anymore, so I called up the Greenpeace web site and showed them it did.

    Jan was more pro-active, she went in and complained to the management about them being allowed to solicit on their property and that they were being complicit in the deaths.

    Haven't seen them in a while.
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    • Posted by Lucky 8 years, 6 months ago
      'Scientists claimed that organisations opposed to modern plant breeding, with Greenpeace at their lead, have misrepresented risks, benefits, and impacts of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)'

      "We urge Greenpeace and its supporters to .... abandon their campaign against ‘GMOs’ in general and Golden Rice in particular"

      July 2016. Business Standard, India.
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  • Posted by Lucky 8 years, 6 months ago
    In Queensland Australia, a major coal project is being planned by an Indian energy company.
    The resource is high grade black coal that burns with very low harmful emissions.
    With the usual legal obstructions, the Greens have halted the project.

    If this project does not go ahead, the company will likely buy from Indonesia which has somewhat lower grade coal and no obstructionist green movement.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 6 months ago
      Glad you mentioned that, Lucky. India is importing a lot of coal instead of mining it domestically. The Induan power plants that we are in contact with are using some domestic and a lot of imported coal. They are much more open to using new technology to improve their efficiency than any such plant owners in the US who see little advantage from new technology due to government imposed limits on rate of return, and hassles with the EPA for any new technology. I hope to be presenting the technology to owners of Australian coal fired power plants within a year, but I expect similar roadblocks.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 6 months ago
        I tried to deal with my household energy needs with solar panels, but in Nevada I have to be connected to the grid in some crazy regulatory scheme.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
      very interesting. Do you have a link for us?
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      • Posted by Lucky 8 years, 6 months ago
        Hi kh, thanks for asking, some good news, one major obstruction has been knocked back-
        but it is not over until it is over.
        This is a very big project and there are comments from all over.

        Queensland. Australia. Adani Group based in India.
        $16 billion Carmichael coal mine
        One of the world's largest coal mining projects.

        Aug 29, 2016
        one of the world’s largest coal mines in Australia cleared another legal hurdle today
        Adani said the ruling had once again reinforced the stringency of the strict, science and evidence-based federal environmental approval process


        August 29, 2016
        More than a dozen legal challenges have been launched in a bid to stop the project, three still before the courts

        “The project has undergone a lengthy approval process, which includes 36 of the strictest environmental conditions in Australian history”
        “Yet activists continue to run their ideological agenda against the project, despite the economic growth it will bring for regional Australia and the clear benefits it will have in delivering energy security to millions of people in developing countries.”
        " green groups .. launch “frivolous” suits."


        Aug. 19, 2016
        Carmichael has faced relentless opposition from organizations ranging from the United Nations to green groups
        Adani has said legal costs and cutting its way through the environmental hurdles had so far cost it $120 million.


        Aug 29, 2016
        cost of legal delays US$2.26m


        14th Sep 2016
        MAJOR mining projects like Adani's Carmichael coal mine, which have already gone through rigorous approval processes, could be subjected to more open-ended court appeals due to new legislation.


        30th August, 2016
        Adani's Carmichael coal mine project deemed legal by Federal Court of Australia
        Myanmar (previously Burma), another energy short developing nation is concerned.
        The argument was equivalent to saying that Saudi Arabia needs to take responsibility for the emissions from Australian motorists using their oil. It was always a nonsense case

        19TH AUGUST 2016
        Mining Weekly, JOHANNESBURG
        The Carmichael coal, railway and port project includes building Australia’s largest thermal coal mine
        Appeals - taxpayer-funded !


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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 6 months ago
    seems to me that India should set an example and throw greenpeace out of the country period and confiscate their funds. then maybe other countries will do the same as in the usa. thanks for the article.
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