Christians discovering Egoism/Capitalism? Or Egoists/Capitalists discovering Christianity?
Posted by Skyscraper67 11 years, 7 months ago to Culture
Okay so this guy I want to share with you because he's identified the 'war' going on in right-wing politics. How Christians keep trying to promote capitalism and other secondary results of individualism, egoism, rational self-interest and everything we're about. But what threw me off when I first encountered him was that he himself proclaims to be a Christian - an altruism hating, rationally selfish, Ayn Rand loving Christian. I know. I thought the same thing. But regardless he makes some great points here about what Christians will have to choose. If you have any thoughts about his conceptions of God too I want to hear your thoughts on his ideas. I myself and still looking into theology and Christianity partially as an academic effort but also with some new questions... Anyway, this article at the least might be encouraging. To see thinking, reasoning Christians talking about the merits of Ayn Rand and self-valuing individualism.
The fundamental problem that I see is that no one can say what "The Bible" really is. The actual manuscripts are highly suspect and the KJV and other editions are only translations, i.e., interpretations. Only the actual original works can be considered the Word of God - and those are not available. In fact, they were held for a thousand years by men who had every reason to change history.
Furthermore, the Roman Catholic Church is not the only Apostolic church. Coptics for instance, but also a tradition in India, trace their history to other Apostles whose writings can only be accepted as Scripture. How would you reconcile any of that for internal consistency?
I agree that the Christian Egoist quoting Jonathan Edwards seems like a nice guy. Beyond that, I think that he is stretching a point ... and not actually making a line of reasoning...
And myself, I have more of an affinity for Buddhism: God is within you; and you must find your highest self. But, really, I easily classify myself as an atheist. Nothing else seems objectively consistent: rational and empirical.