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I agree, the internet is derived from a darpa experiment
which just growed like topsy. . we can only hope that
it would be governed as a private property system,
since private interests host it. . however, the one-
world-government folks have latched onto it and are
giving us a horrible fit. -- j
Initial government funding is not a reason or justification for government control now. They want it all, and would have us believe that anything that was ever government funded forever precludes private ownership -- just like multiculturalist collectivists deny private ownership because primitive tribes once roamed the earth before principles of individualism were thought of. Their goal is control over everything, including everything they never could have imagined but which was produced by productive individuals.
in taxation -- the feds view ALL of our incomes as
controllable, and choose the portion which will be
left to us for our discretionary spending. . Their
Spending Is More Important -- For The Common
Good. . mustapha mond says so. -- j