Gary Johnson Loses It! Goes Full PC Over Term ‘Illegal Immigrant’ [VIDEO]
Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 6 months ago to Politics
Gary Johnson Loses It! Goes Full PC Over Term ‘Illegal Immigrant’ [VIDEO]
An interview with guy Benson of Townhall:
Wow, Johnson really loses it... no matter how one feels about the rest of his platform, or illegal immigration, or "undocumented immigrants" I would say to him, No; I would not do the same thing. Right or wrong, I would respect the sovereignty and rule of law of the nation I wish to enter. I would enter legally, consider another nation, stay where I am and try to change things in my native land, or start my own business. I wouldn't want to be arrested or considered to be a scofflaw by the native citizens. When in Rome...
A second link:
An interview with guy Benson of Townhall:
Wow, Johnson really loses it... no matter how one feels about the rest of his platform, or illegal immigration, or "undocumented immigrants" I would say to him, No; I would not do the same thing. Right or wrong, I would respect the sovereignty and rule of law of the nation I wish to enter. I would enter legally, consider another nation, stay where I am and try to change things in my native land, or start my own business. I wouldn't want to be arrested or considered to be a scofflaw by the native citizens. When in Rome...
A second link:
Those who call it inconsistent simply need to unlearn the bogus dualism of "left" and "right".
the only true test was lesser of two evils. That would be Clinton and Klein. I yelled about damn political insiders along with others. So I can't torpedo someone for being what I asked for. I listened to the media and that really convinced me. Whatever they are for I'm against.
Sorry Hillary ha ha three strikes your out.
I believe many will follow the same path and take chemo in an effort to avoid the cancer which is Hillary.
I disagree with Johnson on the term, but I'm glad he is passionate enough about something to be forceful. I was so tired of watching his low key boring interviews ;^) Johnson is closer to the immigrant issue than either Trump or Hillary. Neither of them has been closer to immigrants than seeing them turn down the bed in their luxury suite.
Johnson's going after the voters that are not strongly supportive of either Hillary or Trump. It's not how I would have done it, but I will wait for the results.
LEGAL immigrants however he is supported by, albeit still not in high numbers. But people who went through the process according to the law don't want to see cheaters jump the line.
and Trump may lose even some of that weak support
You don't need 100% you don't need 70% you only need fifty percent plus one. That's what the 3.4 percent mariin is all about. It's not what cherry picking is about. That just tells you where NOT to spend your time and money.
I was surprised to see him so animated. He seems so controlled and sedate to me... granted I haven't followed his every appearance...
Happy labor day weekend!
I laughed for days over that...still true.
Does not what you just wrote clearly demonstrate that the terms liberal, libertarian or conservative are utterly meaningless? To me, clearly, they are. They ended up meaning whatever one wishes them to mean, when used.
All the best!
It does not say for parks or other purposes. Nor does it say the federal gov't owns' all land not deeded to individuals.
That land control would fall to the States.
Just one more way the States are supreme to the Feds.
Nor does the U.S. Constitution use the word immigration, ever, at all. The reference to migration refers to a State power, not a federal power.
Why do we cave whenever the feds overstep their powers?
No one paying attention at first and, after the fact, we simply accept unconstitutional laws.
As long as the states are following the same policy (and they should be held to account for it, both doing too much, and too little), they are fully expected to help enforce immigration law.
Now just about everyone knows that goofy Gary is
Yes they are illegal. Yes the laws need updating. Is this really the biggest problem we have? Only citizens should vote and hardworking, smart people should get citizenship in ten minutes. Maybe we can make space for them by exporting some able-bodied welfare candidates to socialist and communist states.
Second thing is requirements to enter demand some skills. Demonstrated grasp of the language when they go to the consulate is one. Bringing a family from Chiapis to Nogales or even the much closer Brownsville is a huge undertaking. So some changes in the policies might help. That takes deal making if you are talking Mexico or Iran. Never the less when they cross illegally they have committed a criminal act and they know it. Their own government provides a comic strip type guide on the subject.
So what it boils down to is all these Hollywood Liberals have purchased a passport set for any of the families down here. Put your money where your mouth is and not in Clintons piggy bank. And don't enable those who encourage law breaking. Although working to change those laws might help. Legally not by the whim of a dictator.
A Crook
A pretender
and another pretender.
Election 2016, what was a slam dunk for the Rs has become more nauseating than any election in recent memory...pick you poison.
Sure thing on the left lottery ticket on the right.
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
LA Times/USC
Trump +3
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Clinton +1
Iowa: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein
Trump +5
For a complete breakdown or No Cherry picking and most all the polls included. Last week nary a one showed Trump ahead now 19 of them do exactly that. What I don't know is which polls are open to anyone and which are restricted to just registered voters.
Kinda makes you wish those Latino Supporters could vote doesn't it H illary
I agree with Johnson's point about it being rude to call people "illegal". He doesn't agree with the law, so he finds it offensive to call people who commit these illegal acts by the name of their crimes: illegal immigrants, drug criminals, income tax cheats.
Johnson was very unclear about the executive orders. I think, although I'm not sure, he was saying exec orders overturning laws may be okay if there's no hope of enforcing the law.
One thing I liked about his style is he didn't raise the tone of his voice, but that's about all I liked. He usually does interviews where he sticks to the same talking points. I don't know if he want off the message or if he's trying to change his message, trying to get away from the exasperated rising tone thing, and trying to express indignation at Trump.
My guess is he was tired and in a bad mood, and his attitude was more like, "Politics is a crappy job. I'm sick of doing interviews all day, answering phony-baloney questions about dog-whistle rhetoric, while pretending like we're not talking about what the rednecks hear in that dog-whistle." A hardcore politician would have just roboticaly stuck to the talking points and gone and gotten some rest after an unremarkable interview.
I am surprised to hear this from a objectivist...A=A snuck in under the wire, you steal a SS, put your kids in school all at our expense and It's "RUDE"? to say what IS...Illegal? again...A=A
Someone breaks the say you broke the not rude...if the illegal thinks it's rude? bad, you shouldn't of broken the law.
That's just my opinion...and I'm sticking to it.
Right now, less than 1/2 the world gets it.
"Ultimately" we must protect ourselves, our rights and our property. The cops only show up after the fact.
Of course, I don't really think any nation with wealth for looters or victims for thugs can have completely open borders. I believe we can one day have more freedom to cross at check points as easily as I onced crossed from Detroit to Windsor a few decades ago. I don't see all of humanity singing kumbaya any time soon. That world requires quite a bit of "Soma" (Brave New World). No... we are going to need some technology and customs gateways for the foreseeable future. Two of the 9-11 terrorists overstayed their visas... We need to ask why someone has overstayed, and it would seem to me to be negligent if borderstates didn't make some attempt to keep known threats from entering. Otherwise ...Wild west justice? Shoot horse thieves on the spot? ... Or be sheep waiting for the sacrifice? No, All of Humanity is not ready to live and let live...
Like it or not, it was our Hebrew biblical ancestors awakening that gave us "western" society.
How to awaken the rest of the worlds cultures...I have no clue except, teach them English and give em a whole lot to read and write.
Now for Johnson: We are presented with several candidates for POTUS. A left authoritarian with progressive leanings, a right authoritarian with conservative leanings, and a somewhat libertarian with some live and let live leanings ( sorry for leaving out the Greens and others). The left wants authority over business economics, the right wants authority over mental economics, and the libertarian wants to free up economics. I mean by economics the human action used to obtain both mental and physical values.
Personally, I would go for Johnson because spending a wasted vote for the lesser authoritarian is the right thing to do. A wasted vote is a vote that is one that over votes for the winner or is a vote for a loser. There are always more than 50% if the votes that are wasted votes.
Trump, with his extreme pro law abiding rhetoric, is giving me the mental picture of brown shirted jackboots coming to US streets to root out the illegals and real criminals along with others who may in the near future be considered to be vermin.
Clinton, with her anti-economic stance, brings a mental picture of what Rand saw from her window in the early days of the soviets.
So be brave and use the wasted vote for Johnson.
By the way, did I hear right the other day? I wasn't recording and heard something in a Trump speech about everyone to be required to take an oath of allegiance. I guess I will be off to rock breaking in some gulag for those who do not easily bend to authoritarians.
That FIB you paid probably drove his Lexus 80mph to WI for this long weekend and is spending that money here right now. :) :)
"I would go for Johnson because spending a wasted vote for the lesser authoritarian is the right thing to do."
He's about as libertarian as you can be and have a shot at winning. I think he has a real shot if some sort of major scandal or upset were to occur. It would have to be something like positive proof that Trump paid underage Mexican boys to sleep with him. Obviously that didn't happen, but something like that would cause him to lose the redneck vote. The conservatives who would vote for him b/c he has the best shot at winning would go to Johnson. Then a bunch more Democrats like me might go to Johnson, esp in a year like this when the Democratic nominee is not that popular. Johnson has a slim but real chance of winning. I have a sign up in my front yard, which is on a major commuter road 3 blocks north of a high tech park with 3,800 employees, just the kind of people who might vote Johnson.
"is giving me the mental picture of brown shirted jackboots "
I get that image from his rhetoric, but I think (hope) he couldn't execute it effectively, and he's just saying that to fire up the scared, confused, and angry rednecks of the US.
"Clinton, with her anti-economic stance,"
I think she's a master of the status quo. In a country where gov't is a big chunk of the GDP, she'd make sure everyone gets a little slice and the gov't machine keeps its high taxing and spending. I don't think she's really anti-economic. That's just for the scared and confused handout-seekers, who are similar to rednecks Trump seeks but slightly less angry.
I try not to get caught up in it. These are amazingly good times, and politicians gear their message to people who have a problem that they can offer to solve. It's similar how ads try to suggest you have some failing or something missing that their product/service can fix. So if you listen to politicians and commentators you get this idea of how everything is miserable, even though this is an amazingly prosperous and peaceful time in human history.
Actually I believe OUR CONSTITUTION and OUR LAWS decide. If you want to STOP being a nation of laws and become a nation merely of men you will quickly descend down the path of every previous nation that did not have and adhere to a Constitution such as ours which protects the rights of its CITIZENS. ( see the current thread about Venezuela ) Neither Illegals nor anyone else is ENTITLED TO ANYTHING. Frankly, if you feel otherwise I think you might be in the wrong place.
If we can't take everyone then we have to have some rules. We should not give preference to those who are willing to break our laws in order to get here.
Maybe the first step is to start enforcing the laws. At the same time we should have a debate or whatever it takes to answer your question, which I would phrase as "can we benefit from everyone who wants to come and help people for money in the US?"
There are separate problems which can be solved individually:
1. Enforce the border. You can do that as a single issue, unconnected with the existing inhabitants. Do that.
2. Improve immigration law. It's really hard to legally immigrate. Make it easier. Of course this will mean more highly skilled immigrants will come who will challenge middle class jobs instead of just low skilled jobs. So be it. This could be done as a separate issue. Do it.
Once these two things have been done and there is no longer the threat of gangs and others freely crossing and people have an easier way to come legally, then it will be a lot easier to get a consensus on the existing inhabitants. Don't try for a comprehensive solution. Break it down and solve it one step at a time.
The desire for a "comprehensive solution" is based on our unofficial policy of looking the other way. You're saying let's 1) enforce the law and 2) separately decide what we want the law to be. The trouble is 1 doesn't sound good to people who want more immigration. #2 doesn't sound good to people who want less immigration. So we stick with the bad policy of looking the other way with 15 million people living and operating illegally here.
The choice is Socialist Autocracy or Constitutional Republic. I chose and still choose the latter.
Every dollar spent on those criminals, theives, thugs, murders, is a dollar less for our own citizens. Don't try to use the excuse that som are law abiding. If they are illegal they are not. And so are the people in the USA who knowlingly hire them.
All right! You are in the majority already. I'd give iyou a point if I could. Heres ersatz version. +