Monetary Base has just reached 4 trillion dollars

Posted by jcabello 10 years, 8 months ago to Economics
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While the government is so busy with smoke and mirrors (e.g. Clippers owner, Redskins name ), the monetary base (i.e. total amount of emitted dollars) has just reached 4 trillion. That is 4.6 times the amount of dollars than in June 2008.
Wonder if the government courtesan news outlets even report this stuff? After all, they may be smart enough to like round numbers.

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  • Posted by ISank 10 years, 8 months ago
    Damn incredible. I was talking to a Fed economists and they said we are in unknown territory. I was thinking WTF much of my savings in this currency you so explore with.

    I'm ready to shrug, and have to a certain extent. Something has to change. I wish you a enjoyable afternoon. Gonna go enjoy a cohiba, but....scratch that...and that's against the law.
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  • Posted by robertmbeard 10 years, 8 months ago
    Now check out the related but more important "currency in circulation" which directly drives inflation:

    Currency in circulation has reached $1.28 trillion. Most of the difference between the 2 numbers (monetary base vs. in-circulation) is represented by big regional banks holding larger reserves. Some of that was required by new banking laws.

    The rest is not going to new loan origination yet. Once it does, there will be a big spike in "money in circulation", with a resulting spike in inflation. Does anyone remember the 1970s?
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    • Posted by 10 years, 8 months ago
      Right, there is "little" inflation because right now the banks are paying each other. What an irony for the socialist US gov. Essentially the government prints money and gives it to the rich in hopes that they will use it to create products and services. Still, the economy is still in very bad shape, and there is little demand for money by workers, because people will essentially work for bread and water.
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      • Posted by robertmbeard 10 years, 8 months ago
        In addition, the Fed allows big banks to deposit money (e.g. reserves) at the Fed and pays them a small interest rate. This is the Fed's trick to incentivize banks not to lend all of the newly printed money (which would immediately cause inflation).

        The politicians than blame the banks for not lending money to people. However, if they did, the monetary base of circulating dollars would increase significantly above $1.28 trillion and would result in widespread inflation.

        Basically, the Fed's monetary policies are nothing more than delay tactics but cannot indefinitely hold back the inflationary tidal wave that is building from all of their money printing...
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    • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 8 months ago
      Please DON'T go there! The 70's were a time that should have been my peak years of enjoyment, but,
      As I was getting close to graduating from high school, I discovered that there was no way I could go to collage, I just didn't have the money and because Dad made a bit too much money I couldn't quality for any grants, and too little to get a loan. Back then that meant one thing, I was about to be drafted. Instead of waiting for that I joined the Navy and spent my time in river patrol boats, being shot at.

      At least when I came home, I had the GI Bill to use for college and jumped into doing homework as I dealt with lingering PTSD. I just turned it into the focus I needed to concentrate on my studies. No partying for me in school, I couldn't drink or use drugs - for me that let the lingering demons out.

      Then as I was graduating I discovered that due to the slow down of NASA and the military budget cutbacks, engineers weren't finding jobs without years of experience - the years I'd spent sailing around in the Pacific and Vietnams rivers.

      Since I had a lot of spare time on my hands due to no job (and no money), I jumped in and worked to help elect a new kind of president, a president like we've never had before - Jimmy Carter. Did that help? oh my no.

      Like all dems who claim to be working for the common man, they don't grasp that you help him by helping businesses prosper so that they can HIRE those regular Joe's out there who need a job. You also don't screw with the monies market so that the "working man" faces 20% inflation and 11% unemployment.

      Through all the 70's I faced some tough times that taught me many valuable things and as tough as they seemed, there were some good things, none of which came from government. I met and married a wonderful woman who after 37 years has supported me and stood by me as we tested each of our marriage vows. She gave me a lovely little girl in 78 and we closed out those years with the birth of our son.

      As I watched the 70's end, I watched them anticipating the return to a military life as a 2nd Lt in the US Army. A new president was taking office with a new vision for the country and for us in the military. I didn't know it then, but under this new president I'd once more be returning to a jungle in combat, but this time with a promise to us that we would be allowed to jump in, kick butt and come home, that we would not be staying there. I judged everything else he said by how he kept his promise to us - he did what he promised to do.

      The 70's began for me with a promise that wasn't kept and the 70's, and began the 80's with a promise that would be kept. That our government would stand for us and with us. A test BO has failed to pass every day he has been in office.

      Yeah, I remember the 70's and today feels just like them.
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  • Posted by Solver 10 years, 8 months ago
    That's progressive growth.
    "We are the great and powerful!!! Things are slowly improving!!! Ignore that chart spiking debt/liability behind the curtain!"
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