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They pile on and fight for the bloody shirt to wave around as their flag..
"See, they are a victim. They agree with me. Therefore my whole cause is a victim too"
Edit - spelling
Dunno if he was alive or not, wasn't going to stop to find out (the supersized drink cup sitting next to him kind of made me think the former was true). When I described him to my boss, my boss seemed to recognize him, and my boss wondered why we had so many homeless in the store last night; he counted 10 at one time.
Oh, I'm sorry, were you trying to make a point?
Second, s/he pretty much appears to be my enemy on all fronts, the least of which was his/her twisted views on sex.
Third, how do they know s/he was killed because of his/her sexual confusion? Maybe a rapist mistook him for a girl, then killed him when he found out. Maybe it was a mugging gone very bad. Maybe s/he was meeting someone for some clandestine purpose, and a gang-banger came along to make his bones...
As Mimi speculated, it was probably a fellow illegal that killed him/her.
Think of it as evolution in action...