"An Honest man is one who knows he cannot consume more than he produces." -- Ayn Rand
Posted by PeterAsher 10 years, 8 months ago to Government
“I want Americans to pay attention to see where their lawmakers’ priorities lie here: lower tax bills for millionaires, or lower student loan bills for the middle class.”
Translation from Obama-speak to English:
Allowing productive people to keep their current after tax earnings or confiscating more of those earnings to pay the debts of others (who obtain increasing amounts of that subsidy by decreasing their production.)
Translation from Obama-speak to English:
Allowing productive people to keep their current after tax earnings or confiscating more of those earnings to pay the debts of others (who obtain increasing amounts of that subsidy by decreasing their production.)
What's next? Free University education because 'the students cant pay for it' ?? Lets just give everything away. Why not. We wouldn't want anyone to put forth any honest effort to contribute to society....
Spot on forecast!
Following this will be, "Oh...you want that debt eliminated earlier, Mr Recent Graduate? Wear this brown shirt and jack boots."
By that definition an honest man is likely one of the smallest minorities of all.
Now I started writing that as sarcasm but almost instantly realized that we actually do.
However these are the benefits of a fulfilling life that they cannot even conceive of.