The Case Against Homework

Posted by khalling 8 years, 7 months ago to Education
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If you were someone who didn't like doing homework (I mean, who did?) then you will like philosopher Stephen Hicks' message--
“Educating a child” is a vast philosophical project. How does one become a fully-functional adult with a zest for all that life has to offer — and acquire the knowledge, skills, and habits to pursue it?
Homework, traditionally conceived, is not part of the answer. And when we consider the sadly large number of young people who are tuned out, dropped out, or more actively rebelling against their formal schooling, homework is often a major culprit."

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  • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 7 months ago
    "Homework" for me was taking care of 4 younger brothers, drawing buckets of water for washing after dinner, getting firewood in the fall and winter or working in the garden in the spring and summer, helping to clean the house and washing the dishes after dinner, feeding chickens, running a paper route, etc, etc.

    Then there was an hour or two to try to get some alone time to read, think, or just to have a little quiet. Teachers understood that they had 8 hours of our time and with rare exception, assigned "Homework" was for those students that were falling behind the rest of the class, were having difficulty with a new area, or couldn't get their assignments done during class time or study/library hour.

    Assigned "Homework" is the invention of socialist technocrats interested in influencing, even controlling the time and content of peoples lives and training them to accept that condition of life. Some of the reason is as well the egalitarianism drive of; all children need to be taught that everyone's the same and if one child needs extra work, then everyone needs it as well. Added to that is the simplicity of the teacher's work. A work book is given to the child and no work is done in class time to address either the extra needs of some of the students or the special interest of others, and no more quick, 15 minute surprise tests.

    Education is no longer about teaching children how to learn or just the joy of learning--it's about training and preparation for a life of waiting for 'instruction' from the technocrats.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 7 months ago
    "So we should listen carefully and read between the lines, so to speak, when our children start saying self-assertive things like; You’re not the boss of me!

    And we should reply, Damned straight, kid. You are the boss of your own life, and our job as adults is to help you become better at it "

    Yes!!! No mentally healthy person wants to be ordered around.

    Maybe they don't do homework at age 8 but at 28 they're obsessed with getting something working and spend all evening on it because they love it.
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