Clinton's Successes From A Liberal Perspective

Posted by lwwahlert 8 years, 6 months ago to Philosophy
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Here is the best a Progressive Liberal can come up with in support of Hillary Clinton's contributions as a First Lady, Senator, & Secretary of State:

I've had an ongoing back and forth with an old business friend. He is a "refined" liberal.... LOL

He is thoughtful, fuzzy, & friendly. No evil intent; but naive beyond words. He loves HIllary. Yesterday he couldn't help himself but come right out and say Hillary is his choice for President because she is QUALIFIED & COMPETENT.

So I sent a very respectful and honest message to him - asking him to list 3 or 4 bullet points that demonstrate her leadership in the U. S. & Globally - I indicated that I had never seen anyone in her Party - being able to list more than one - and that one is usually so weak it falls down under its own weight.

Here you go - his response to me.... God love him

I should know better, Len - in fact I do - but you soften me up with your compliments, so I'm taking the bait old friend!

Over on my side of the aisle, the consensus seems to be on this question:

1. As Secretary of State (SoS), hard negotiating with Russia, China, and the EU to impose the tough sanctions on Iran that led to their coming to the table.

2. As SoS, negotiating cease fire with Hamas to stop lobbing rockets from Gaza into Israel.

3. After humiliating defeat of health care reform as First Lady, went right to work in second term with Ted Kennedy and Orin Hatch to pass Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) through Congress.

4. As Senator from NY, worked to secure $21 billion federal aid after 9/11.

What those show me, Len, is a tough fighter and negotiator - like her opponent. Only she doesn't stiff her creditors.

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  • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
    Bill just could resist the opportunity at the end of his Hillary support to stab Trump, on the way out...

    "What those show me, Len, is a tough fighter and negotiator - like her opponent. Only she doesn't stiff her creditors."
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