[Best Of: History] Boycott TV? Why Not?
What need of supporting left wing fascists and their rigged elections and debates? That goes for their advertisers in US Businesses which are shoddy. Name a better place? These days almost anywhere. I practice and apply my morals, values, ethics and standards they do not include network television nor their advertisers.
Remember that dip actress that went around defacing a national parks? I won't buy their product and when I buy from the competititor I send an email with the items and amounts of money that went elsewhere and the running total. It's an automatic thing easy to do ont he computer. I've expanded that to some of the stores that carry their products. Heinz, United Airlines, Cingular ATT, for starters are also on that list along with Bank America. It's like water torture lots of little drips. Circuit City is another one. Good places to start not supporting with your devalued dollars.
Why is this Best of Material. Cause the logo thing popped up and blocked the edit button where I wanted to put this.
Remember that dip actress that went around defacing a national parks? I won't buy their product and when I buy from the competititor I send an email with the items and amounts of money that went elsewhere and the running total. It's an automatic thing easy to do ont he computer. I've expanded that to some of the stores that carry their products. Heinz, United Airlines, Cingular ATT, for starters are also on that list along with Bank America. It's like water torture lots of little drips. Circuit City is another one. Good places to start not supporting with your devalued dollars.
Why is this Best of Material. Cause the logo thing popped up and blocked the edit button where I wanted to put this.
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- 1Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 6 months agoI do for the most part...excepting local news, hywy and weather. I also like History and discovery...that's about it...the rest I get from the inner net.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|