Reply to My Letter to U. S. Congressman
Posted by lwwahlert 8 years, 6 months ago to Government
I wrote my Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, California - Orange County: that the fix was in on the FBI Director not finding any evidence to indict Hillary Clinton
Here you go:
August 5, 2016
Mr. Lenard W. Wahlert
8 Rubis Way
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-4227
Dear Mr. Wahlert:
Thank you for contacting me with your views regarding the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of her private email server for official government correspondence . I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns.
As you may know, Hillary Clinton was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for her alleged mishandling of classified information by the use of her private email servers for official State Department communications. In the course of the investigation, the FBI discovered that 113 emails contained classified information at the time they were sent, including 65 emails deemed “Secret” and 22 deemed “Top Secret.”
As the investigatory arm of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the FBI handles cases that involve any alleged crime that falls under federal jurisdiction. Upon conclusion of those investigations, it offers a recommendation to the DOJ on the ca se. After consideration of the evidence presented by the FBI, the Attorn ey General of the United States makes a final determination as to whether charges will be filed against an individual for the purported crime.
At the conclusion of this investigation, FBI Director James B. Comey delivered a statement to the press and the American people indicating that while Mrs. Clinton and others at the Department of State were “extremely careless ” in their handling of classified material, based on the evidence, the FBI would not recommend criminal charges be filed against her. He stated there was no previous precedent that would support bringing criminal charges based on the facts of the case , and that no criminal intent was uncovered during the investigation . He did, however, indicate that while under these circumstances a person may be subject to administrative sanctions by the agency at which they are employed, that question is not answered by the FBI . Following the statement by Director Comey, Attorney General Loretta Lynch accepted the FBI’s recommendation, and thus Mrs. Clinton will not be prosecuted by DOJ for those actions.
While I remain skeptical of the FBI’s recommendation and DOJ’s decision to not indict Mrs. Clinton, I do not have the authority as a Member of Congress to reverse the decision.
Again, thank you for giving me the benefit of your views. Please continue to keep me informed on any federal issue of importance to you.
Dana Rohrabacher
Member of Congress
Here you go:
August 5, 2016
Mr. Lenard W. Wahlert
8 Rubis Way
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-4227
Dear Mr. Wahlert:
Thank you for contacting me with your views regarding the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of her private email server for official government correspondence . I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns.
As you may know, Hillary Clinton was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for her alleged mishandling of classified information by the use of her private email servers for official State Department communications. In the course of the investigation, the FBI discovered that 113 emails contained classified information at the time they were sent, including 65 emails deemed “Secret” and 22 deemed “Top Secret.”
As the investigatory arm of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the FBI handles cases that involve any alleged crime that falls under federal jurisdiction. Upon conclusion of those investigations, it offers a recommendation to the DOJ on the ca se. After consideration of the evidence presented by the FBI, the Attorn ey General of the United States makes a final determination as to whether charges will be filed against an individual for the purported crime.
At the conclusion of this investigation, FBI Director James B. Comey delivered a statement to the press and the American people indicating that while Mrs. Clinton and others at the Department of State were “extremely careless ” in their handling of classified material, based on the evidence, the FBI would not recommend criminal charges be filed against her. He stated there was no previous precedent that would support bringing criminal charges based on the facts of the case , and that no criminal intent was uncovered during the investigation . He did, however, indicate that while under these circumstances a person may be subject to administrative sanctions by the agency at which they are employed, that question is not answered by the FBI . Following the statement by Director Comey, Attorney General Loretta Lynch accepted the FBI’s recommendation, and thus Mrs. Clinton will not be prosecuted by DOJ for those actions.
While I remain skeptical of the FBI’s recommendation and DOJ’s decision to not indict Mrs. Clinton, I do not have the authority as a Member of Congress to reverse the decision.
Again, thank you for giving me the benefit of your views. Please continue to keep me informed on any federal issue of importance to you.
Dana Rohrabacher
Member of Congress
I'm not an opponent of Citizens United, but I strongly believe in absolute transparency of campaign funding. I want to know who is being bought, and by whom. Individual campaign contributions only, with no limits, and every contributor identified.
We need to repeal the 17th Amendment, and return the selection of senators to their home states. Making these positions elected by popular vote was intended to root out corruption and cronyism, but all it did was make the senators servants of the big money people behind the major parties. Lots of other "course corrections" needed, but that's one of the big ones.
So what alternative do we have? Elect a crook and lying thief to the White House?
I'm voting for Mr Trump (aka John Galt)!
But she isn't the biased media protected Bloody Benghazi Corrupt Shillary, wife of a former Rapist-In-Chief that she helped enable, bribe taker and money launderer of the Clintonista Crime Family and presidential candidate of the socialist jackass party.
I do believe Congress has the power to address lies.
Heard some effort is being made to address that. Like I'm holding my breath.
Every time I have wrote my Congressional Senators and Representative I get a form letter not answering my questions. John McCain, Jeff Flake are my Senators and Ann Kirkpatrick is the Representative. All off them are idiots. I have even requested as my elected officials to answer me directly and no form letter and they all have sent me form letters in return. They must have staffers who hate getting letters from the state's constituents. So, they just send out form letters.
I just joined another group to fire up Admendments to the Constitution through a recall of the states vote. I'll try to find the link & post it.
Purpose: Convention of States Action is a 501 (c)(4) non-profit organization founded for the purpose of stopping the runaway power of the federal government. We believe Washington, D.C., is broken and will not fix itself. The federal government is spending this country into the ground, seizing power from the states and taking liberty from the people.
We have a solution that is as big as the problem.
Goal: Convention of States Action (COSA) seeks to urge and empower state legislators to call a convention of states. Delegates to the convention will have power to propose amendments to the Constitution that would curb the abuses of the federal government. Article V of the Constitution gives them this power; the COS Project will give them an avenue through which they can use it.
Plan: COSA’s plan is twofold
1. Article V requires that 34 states pass resolutions to call a convention of states on the same subject, before the meeting will be called. We are working with state legislators around the country to call a convention for a specific subject: Limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.
2. We believe grassroots support is the key to successfully calling a convention. We are building a political operation in over 40 states, recruiting 100 citizens who are ready to contact their state legislators in at least 75% of the state legislative districts.
Same old, same.
There are many things she can do but is apparently too lazy or too in the tank for Hillary to do it.
The smell emanating from DC is getting so overpowering that no amount of Fabreze will ever eliminate it.