Legal Intern Services
I am a law student half way through his academic career as such at a law school located in central Florida. I wanted to get some practical experience working in a law office - pay is not an issue. I do have a full-time job working for a timeshare company and would only be using this position to supplement my legal experience and pad the resume.
If anyone is located in or around Orlando, could you please let me know of any opportunities available in the field?
If you are not located in central Florida, would anyone be willing to furnish some advice as to how to get these sorts of opportunities?
I have extensive experience working in a office environment. I am highly educated (sometimes to my detriment) with two bachelors and two masters' degrees. I can furnish a resume upon request.
If anyone is located in or around Orlando, could you please let me know of any opportunities available in the field?
If you are not located in central Florida, would anyone be willing to furnish some advice as to how to get these sorts of opportunities?
I have extensive experience working in a office environment. I am highly educated (sometimes to my detriment) with two bachelors and two masters' degrees. I can furnish a resume upon request.
I have an interest in property (both intellectual and real) law, employment law, patent law, probate, and civil rights/constitutional law issues.
Why do you ask?