Clinton Cash: Documentary based on the Peter Schweizer book

Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 7 months ago to Government
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I have seen this documentary twice on One America News Network. It is still being played there on occasion. I have not seen credible refutation of what is presented. What is presented demonstrates who the King and Queen of cronyism and political exploitation for personal gain really are. If you have time for this hour long documentary and find it compelling, please pass around this youtube link to those that need to see it.


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  • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 7 months ago
    Yes, they're bad actors, even evil people. But very few seem to care, even from their time in Arkansas and particularly today. Those that don't care will not be convinced to care, because so many of them believe that they can and will get something from them for support, either public or private. The Clintons and their ilk understand that fact very well and have tapped into that pool better than almost anyone else.

    They, or others with their skills, will continue, as long as our neighbors, even our own children, parents, and closest relatives are allowed by the rest of us to grow up without having to learn the harder lessons of life and self esteem that's derived from individual accomplishment.
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