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  • Posted by Flootus5 8 years, 4 months ago
    Interesting. My home state of Nevada is actually ranked #12. I beg to differ. It is rapidly approaching our neighbor to the west.

    When I first moved to Nevada back in the 80's, this place was really cool. It was the most hands off libertarian leaning wide open place on earth. Gambling, prostitution, next to no taxes, and all that "public" land that one can roam upon and look for minerals. It was still the original west.

    Now, with the federal lockdown on the "public" lands, the republican controlled legislature and governorship raising taxes left and right, and the horribly lopsided demographics of Las Vegas and Reno versus us few pleebs out in the hinterlands, it is becoming a nightmare. And then the longstanding embarrassing stain of Harry Reid.

    Where would I put it? Pulling a ranking out of thin air, I would say something like 40. At least we still don't have an income tax. I always appreciate the sounds of the machines in the casinos and in the airport when flying back home.

    If the states were being ranked by uniqueness, though, Nevada is #1.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years, 4 months ago
    I thought that Arizona would be a little higher up in the ranking. Maybe it has something to do with the Federal Govt.involvement in management of the states resources. I would if the State could remove the influence of the Feds.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 4 months ago
    OK #3! I knew I retired to the right place. New Hampshire continues to amaze me, surrounded by socialist nanny states, but remains libertarian-leaning
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 4 months ago
    Saw this yesterday as well. Overall, I think Cato does a pretty good job and they spread the ranking requirements out enough that no one single measurement distorts things too much. If you're in a state in the bottom ten, it's because your state is run by progressives and power-mongers.
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