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  • Posted by jimjamesjames 8 years, 3 months ago
    And, again:

    "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything". Joseph Stalin
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
    "We are now living in a fake reality of constructed data and phony polls."
    The author may be biased, but this part of his message is absolutely true.
    Stop listening to manipulated polls and fear mongering by both major parties. Vote on principles.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 3 months ago
    Sure. We saw it in the last election where in key battleground counties Romney received zero votes - a statistical impossibility. The fix was in to put Hillary on the ballot. Short of her timely demise due to her hidden health problems or that October surprise promised by Julian Assange of Wikileaks, she doesn't even need Donald Trump's implosion to win the Presidency and continue her quid pro quo.
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  • Posted by Rglab 8 years, 3 months ago
    Yes-how do you think Obama won Ohio-how does one get 108% of the vote. As a 6 signs black belt, that's statistically impossible!
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 3 months ago
    A video from 2010 proving that electronic voting is manipulated..hacked.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 8 years, 3 months ago
      We use marked ballots here but I notice that they have code numbers which might go to the registration card? First a clerk finds my card then the next clerk codes a ballot. I don't know why they just can't have ballots without some kind coding, though maybe the clerk is just putting a signature marking on the ballot so too many ballots can not be sneaked in when the tabulating machine is emptied and the counters adjusted(?).
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 3 months ago
        we have marked ballots too..we draw a line to complete an arrow and feed it into a reader machine. No chads, no touch monitor screens...simple and effective. I'm sure there is a way to cheat it but, unlike the electronic options, at least an physical effort would have to be made.
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  • Posted by illucio 8 years, 3 months ago
    Well, that would be the death of democracy. Yet in the past elections have been rigged, in many different forms and ways. Nevertheless, if the government does its job to keep people ignorant on politics, other forms of "cheating" can be accomplished. The main problem is that few understand how far an election can go, and what responsability is at hand in this. Congress, the Senate; all these chambers go through a very ignored ballot that can create a very powerfull adversary during office. It´s too bad people still believe the executive office is the main election, something that proves we still have some issues to resolve from older times. A President´s power should be limited for many reasons, and he/she shouldn´t have the main ground anymore. But most vote for one candidate, one voice, one big mistake. And then there´s me. I believe that, despite the biparty system, one really doesn´t get to chose much. It´s like a multiple choice quiz. Keep people distracted and tamper with their gut feelings so that passion ends up making choices, and not reason. Some countries give them distractions in consuming, others in desperate situations. Untill the voters really focus on what´s going on, you can herd them like sheep for the most part.

    Education is really poor these days, and that´s a perfect way to form opinions and convince the mass majority. To think that in many districts most use one history text book is proof that tampering with the facts is quite simple. As for the "higher educated" well, for the main part they´re trained to be very good at a very specific trade, carreer or sub system; leaving them oblivious to many facts as well. Like a "machine" with very particular parts that perform very specific functions. It´s not perfect of course, but it keeps the system running. Democracy, a rather noble concept in a very schirmish world.
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  • Posted by chad 8 years, 3 months ago
    Why rig an election when whomever is elected will do exactly the same thing the other would do? Obama never stopped the war (as promised) and conservative presidents increase taxes and size and scope of government despite their promises not to.
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  • Posted by davidmcnab 8 years, 3 months ago
    OK so we know that the elections in many or most nations are routinely rigged. It's hardly headline news.

    What I'm more interested in is why the population aren't frothing at the mouth and demanding election systems and vote counting protocols that guarantee the election outcomes actually reflect the will of the people.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
      As soon as the population gets off it's couch potato ass and starts working for some serious changes...assuming there is a constitution to change.

      Until then it's just whining.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years, 3 months ago
    What Hillary did with the DNC nomination she would attempt to do with the Presidential Election, She has no morals, when it comes to seeking the highest office in the land she would manipulate, and murder to get what she wants.
    Some of the major media are reporting that the Major Hacker Groups are siding with Trump.
    There is Julian Assange who has a large volume of Hillary's email he might release before the election. Then there is the Russians, need I say more!
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
    It's rigged more by the media attention given to a candidate. Cnn should be renamed hcn. For Hillary Clinton network. They constantly give Hillary a pass on everything bad she does and hammer on trump for anything he does or says. It's disgusting
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 3 months ago
    Hello TomB666,
    Snopes and FactCheck dismiss the idea, but sometimes the numbers defy credulity.
    There does seem to be reason to be skeptical.
    The question: If it is happening is it enough to throw a national election?
    Who is John Galt?
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    • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 3 months ago
      O.A. There is video testimony before congress from IT geeks that not only is this do-able, but it has been done. Soro's owns many of the electronic voting machine company's States use. Considering his record for undermining the nation and considering the testimony of those with the skill and in the know, I'd be checking for who owns those refuting the claims.

      If you tap the picture of X and Y is selected behind the scenes, without your or anyones knowledge, thousands or millions can be voting for the opposition without ever knowing it.

      It happens every cycle and, I content, does change the outcome of elections (O's 2nd term).

      I posted a link to the testimony in this thread.
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      • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 3 months ago
        Hello AJAshinoff,
        How are you doing? :)
        That is terrible, but seems par for the course. We really are a banana republic now... That Soros connection is definitely worrisome. That guy is a real monster.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
      With "winner take all" electoral votes in 48 states, a few thousand votes in key locations can easily change the loser-looter into a winner-looter.
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      • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 3 months ago
        Hello freedomforall,
        "winner-looter" Yes. That being the case, it has to be virtual landslide to ensure victory. I'm beginning to think Jefferson was right about needing regular revolutions... We definitely need voter ID and paper ballot backups. I understand some of the electronic voting doesn't even have that. Although I despise all the cameras we have in public now, having them at the entry of polling places (not in the booth) might dissuades some of the cheaters. Perhaps a thumb print on every ballot??? I had to supply prints for gun purchases... hmmm...
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        • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
          How about instead I sacrifice my right to vote and receive nothing from the federal government. No benefits, no interference (e.g., I can work for anyone who wants my service with no social security number, no w/h required), full personal privacy (take that NSAss), ability to own private property (instead of "estate"), no federal taxes except "use fees", e.g., fuel tax on motor vehicle fuel. Just opt me out of your rigged lotto game if you can stand the competition, looters. (In the next twenty years I expect we will lose the benefits and get total interference instead.)
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 3 months ago
    Yes, Yes and Yes again...but, can it be rigged in a big way? I don't think so. What we saw in 2012 is in certain districts like Detroit, (a liberal enclave) in swing was just enough to make a difference there. The rest of the double voting, dead person voting and illegal alien voting in the rest of the country probably didn't amount to much.

    I am very stern with our election census people in my small town...I tell better be checking ID and if they are not citizens, or dead!.. they should be arrested! and the dead ones should be put back in their graves...laughing...that'll fix em!

    Most agree...
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    • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
      With "winner take all" electoral votes in 48 states, a few thousand votes in key locations can easily change the loser-looter into a winner-looter. Hackers are just as susceptible to cash payments as anyone else.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
      It only takes just enough to rapidly move from State to State. Aren't computers wonderful. The right bait and wammo instant karma majorities. Remember the blonde bimbo they kept showing over and over on the Acorn Story?
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
    Of course. It already is haven't you noticed. 46 to 51% percent of the nation isn't represented and both the parties are left wing - Libertarians and Government Party. How could they not be rigged EXCEPT their pre selected candidate plan backfired this time when the left of the left ran into Sanders and Klein and the right wing of the left ran into the ultimate outsider Trump.

    As with Kennedy and Reagan those loopholes will be closed by next election.

    They will keep trying. Some version of winner take all, or top two vote getters go to the General Election or let's have felons vote or sending out of date registrations ballots not knowing who is filling them out. or money as free speech Between Comrade Gregoire in Washington and Comrade Soros in Curacao the moveon drones will keep trying and so will their bought and paid for judges.

    I noticed how many people thought try to treat Trump under the normal 'rules' of politics and want him to act like an insider when they bleated mightily for an outsider all those months and years. Bwa ha ha hahaha Gotcha. You got your outsider and you want him to act like an insider? What kind of looney clooney toons thinking is that?

    Forget Democracy I'm more concerned about a Constitutional Republic versus a Socialist Autocracy
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