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"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything". Joseph Stalin
The author may be biased, but this part of his message is absolutely true.
Stop listening to manipulated polls and fear mongering by both major parties. Vote on principles.
Education is really poor these days, and that´s a perfect way to form opinions and convince the mass majority. To think that in many districts most use one history text book is proof that tampering with the facts is quite simple. As for the "higher educated" well, for the main part they´re trained to be very good at a very specific trade, carreer or sub system; leaving them oblivious to many facts as well. Like a "machine" with very particular parts that perform very specific functions. It´s not perfect of course, but it keeps the system running. Democracy, a rather noble concept in a very schirmish world.
What I'm more interested in is why the population aren't frothing at the mouth and demanding election systems and vote counting protocols that guarantee the election outcomes actually reflect the will of the people.
Until then it's just whining.
Some of the major media are reporting that the Major Hacker Groups are siding with Trump.
There is Julian Assange who has a large volume of Hillary's email he might release before the election. Then there is the Russians, need I say more!
Snopes and FactCheck dismiss the idea, but sometimes the numbers defy credulity.
There does seem to be reason to be skeptical.
The question: If it is happening is it enough to throw a national election?
Who is John Galt?
If you tap the picture of X and Y is selected behind the scenes, without your or anyones knowledge, thousands or millions can be voting for the opposition without ever knowing it.
It happens every cycle and, I content, does change the outcome of elections (O's 2nd term).
I posted a link to the testimony in this thread.
How are you doing? :)
That is terrible, but seems par for the course. We really are a banana republic now... That Soros connection is definitely worrisome. That guy is a real monster.
"winner-looter" Yes. That being the case, it has to be virtual landslide to ensure victory. I'm beginning to think Jefferson was right about needing regular revolutions... We definitely need voter ID and paper ballot backups. I understand some of the electronic voting doesn't even have that. Although I despise all the cameras we have in public now, having them at the entry of polling places (not in the booth) might dissuades some of the cheaters. Perhaps a thumb print on every ballot??? I had to supply prints for gun purchases... hmmm...
I am very stern with our election census people in my small town...I tell em...you better be checking ID and if they are not citizens, or dead!.. they should be arrested! and the dead ones should be put back in their graves...laughing...that'll fix em!
Most agree...
As with Kennedy and Reagan those loopholes will be closed by next election.
They will keep trying. Some version of winner take all, or top two vote getters go to the General Election or let's have felons vote or sending out of date registrations ballots not knowing who is filling them out. or money as free speech Between Comrade Gregoire in Washington and Comrade Soros in Curacao the moveon drones will keep trying and so will their bought and paid for judges.
I noticed how many people thought try to treat Trump under the normal 'rules' of politics and want him to act like an insider when they bleated mightily for an outsider all those months and years. Bwa ha ha hahaha Gotcha. You got your outsider and you want him to act like an insider? What kind of looney clooney toons thinking is that?
Forget Democracy I'm more concerned about a Constitutional Republic versus a Socialist Autocracy