An NCO Leaves the US Army

Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 5 months ago to Government
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  • Posted by mminnick 8 years, 5 months ago
    So that you know where I come from and where I stand:
    I come from a military family. My father as a mustang and went on to be an O-6 twice (WWII and Korea) and ended his career as a permanent O5 (Forced to retire with a bad heart found in his physical for O6 and Regimental Commander). My brother was a West Point Graduate and served in Viet Nam.
    My father commented on how the military had changed and my brother left the Army because of "the chicken S**t" way things were being done during after Viet Nam.
    Both told me that the Army would never be the same again. They were wrong, it did recover and return to its former greatness, only to slip away again through political appointments/promotions rather than competency based appointments/promotions.
    The NCO that left and the NCO leaving are a sign of the failing o the political system that commands them rather than the military Chain of Command. The Chain is somewhat responsible for standing by silently and allowing it, but it is the political structure that is to blame.
    It is not just the Army, it is all branches. When all that matters is "who you know”, not “what you know” or can do. Those that "Can Do" leave and the military institutions suffer for it.
    To those of you who served and tried to keep it right, to those of you who left because you couldn't stand it anymore. I salute you and commend your service.

    You have done the right thing.
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