Let Us Alone!

Posted by khalling 8 years, 7 months ago to Philosophy
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Ayn Rand was invited to write a weekly column for the LA Times. Here, she reads three of the articles (listening audio 30 min tot) "Leave Us Alone" "The Cold Civil War" and "The Man Haters." These articles are very prescient today

"The statists’ epistemological method consists of endless debates about single, concrete, out-of-context, range-of-the-moment issues, never allowing them to be integrated into a sum, never referring to basic principles or ultimate consequences—and thus inducing a state of intellectual disintegration in their followers. The purpose of that verbal fog is to conceal the evasion of two fundamentals: (a) that production and prosperity are the product of men’s intelligence, and (b) that government power is the power of coercion by physical force." ~ Ayn Rand in 'Let Us Alone!'
SOURCE URL: https://campus.aynrand.org/works/1962/01/01/let-us-alone/page1

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  • Posted by mminnick 8 years, 7 months ago
    The only real power of a government is the power of coercion. That is one of, but not the only, reasons for the 2nd Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. A free press is also necessary to limit the coercive power of the Government. When the press no longer can be trusted by the people, it is a true sign that danger to the society is on the way, if not actually present.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
      we need to have the right to freely assemble. interestingly, I was reading about Norway and Sweden and some people who had begun to boycott the media. They just did a silent protest by walking the streets during the "evening news." after awhile neighbors had a better understanding of who agreed without anyone on social media risking "hate speech" laws etc. It still seems very passive to me, as an american, but interesting.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 7 months ago
    The ultimate weapon of the government is death. Say no often enough and you'll find yourself looking into the cowl of the Grim Reaper. This business of power corrupts is a given. There is no such thing as a benevolent government or a free lunch. That is why it is essential to limit the powers of the government to do as little as possible while maintaining order. The USA has drifted so far from that ideal that it is doubtful that it can ever approach the kind of republic that the Founders imagined.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 7 months ago
    It all comes down to power. Those who seek it will never let others alone. Those who realize they have all they could ask for do leave others alone.
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  • Posted by Esceptico 8 years, 7 months ago
    Although in my mid 70s, I probably will live to see the collapse of the US --- but I will view it from one of the many places in the world that are still great to live in. Life does not center around the US. You might also want to read her Nov 18, 1962 article about the 1962 election, entitled "Post-Mortem, 1962."
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  • Posted by handyman 8 years, 7 months ago
    Seeing your comment about "endless debates about single, concrete .... issues," brings to mind an observation that gets reinforced with every news item on the presidential campaign. Nearly every pitch by political candidates, especially those with a progressive bent, focuses on a concrete. Examples abound: education is expensive - so let's have free college. Wages are too low - so let's have a higher minimum wage. Pick out any political campaign promise and it is likely to be addressed as a concrete as opposed to a conceptual issue. When you do hear a conceptual issue - like freedom or an individual rights issue - raised, it is usually by a conservative or libertarian or Objectivist.

    That's bad enough, but here is the really sad thing: concrete pitches win out over conceptual arguments with a vast majority of the public nearly every time.

    I'd like ask fellow Gulchers if they observe the same phenomena. If so, why is that? Does a poor educational system reduce students' thinking to processing mere perceptions? Has the human brain not evolved sufficiently yet? Why do abstractions seem to fall on deaf ears and appeals to concretes inspire mass demonstrations and movements?

    I know this paints a bleak picture. Any rays of sunshine out there? Any ideas to combat it?
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 7 months ago
      There are a number of leaps of faith that are leveraged every time:
      More money for X = Required to improve X
      X has a problem = The government must act to fix X
      X is unfair = The government must act to make X fair
      etc, etc
      So many items argued leverage this simple fallacies, but appeal to the subconscious mind, like a baby crying. It is so difficult to bring the argument home from facts and to a logical examination of the consequences that it never happens, particularly in the sound bite present.

      I propose at least a partial solution in requiring 1) as a hypothesis in a social experiment, all laws to have an intended outcome, 2) all laws have a renewal time frame, such that they must be consciously renewed because they still have value. These two items will avoid excessive legislation on the books, and require significant action for the government to maintain itself. In addition they will serve to document each social experiment, as well as the intention of the law. For example, if welfare will reduce poverty, then it will have to be measured against this result, and the cost can be compared to the outcome. Presently, no such objective review of outcomes is available.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
      this happens on the right as well. illegals-build a wall, stop those hippies from burning the flag-make a law, drugs are out of control-arrest more people and put them in jail....
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    • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 7 months ago
      Too many people don't want to think deeply about anything, especially something that they think will give them stuff. It's a cowardly evasion, and will in the end, bite them in the end. Too bad, it will take us all down when that happens.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
    I dont understand why after reading the book entitled "the problem with socialism", I have a much calmer feeling about whats going on today.

    Its as if I understand now the interconnection between all the crazy things that are popular today. The public schools, the call for increasing government spending and power, the takeover of medical care, the appeal of Hillary , etc. For some reason, what seems like a cascading desire on the part of the populace into letting the government take over is now in focus. Its socialism taking over in all areas.

    I think that there isnt much that I can do to stand in the way of socialism. It just has to play itself out all over the world. Its everywhere in all countries now, including the USA. The world has to collapse, as in AS, and socialism has to defeat itself from the inside, as did individualism.. Ayn Rand was right in that the system has to collapse, but wrong that it could be stopped before it collapsed. That is why the book AS failed in its basic mission.

    I wont live long enough to see the total collapse, fortunately. The plan now is to ride it out as in Alongside Night (book and movie), and Living free in an unfree world (book by Harry Browne).

    I think I have changed my mind that it will make any meaningful difference whether Hillary or Trump gets elected this fall..
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    • Posted by BrettScott 8 years, 7 months ago
      Yes, we are beyond the point of no return. It reminds me of the Whittaker Chambers quote, "I know that I am leaving the winning side for the losing side, but it is better to die on the losing side than to live under Communism."
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
        I think its all about money. The more money the statists get, no matter HOW they get it, the more they will attack freedom. So I do whatever I can to stop funding them. Maybe I will fund my own version of the clinton foundation and get a tax deduction. I buy as much as I can on the internet while there is no sales tax.
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    • Posted by handyman 8 years, 7 months ago
      You are right that socialism, in all its various forms, is oozing throughout the world. However, a collapse may not be the only plausible outcome. Isn't it entirely possible that all the cultures of the world stagnate right about where we are. For a significant portion of the population, stagnation wouldn't be such a bad deal, One problem with stagnating in any kind of socialist "utopia" is that we may never know the heights to which humanity might soar.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
        Its an interesting scenariio, but I think the nature of socialism entails marching relentlessly towards total governmental takeovers and control. Each step towards socialism makes the economy worse and requires more steps to undo the damage from the last. We can see it all over the USA. Needed government income continues to rise as the government takes over more and more. Cost of medical care has exploded once Obamacare went into force, and more and more requirements have to be met. Soon we will have a carbon tax. Once coal is outlawed, cost of energy will rise.

        This means to me that the Venezuela scenario is coming to the USA (actually as predicted in AS)
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        • Posted by handyman 8 years, 7 months ago
          Perhaps you are right, Term2. In either case, Objectivists can weather the storms much better if their preparations include forming strong local networks of like-minded people. An Objectivist-oriented "subculture" would provide alternative pathways for trade, mutual defense, political and societal change and, at a minimum, occasional intellectual respite from the increasing craziness going on around them.
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    • Posted by EdGoldstein 8 years, 7 months ago
      You are right, the only thing we can do is live free and as they close the gate on the pen that may devolve to in our minds, but we must remain free. However we must also remain engaged in fighting for that freedom. We owe that to our ancestors who tried to build the Republic and to our own self respect. Remember the Alamo.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
        Fighting socialism is like trying to prevent the tide from coming in. I think its best to let the tide come in, and just arrange life where the tide doesnt have so much of an impact. We will never actually stop socialism, when it is all over the world and about to take a huge leap with Hillary as president. Fortunately, I dont need any more schooling so what she does with that wont impact me. What she does with medical care WILL impact me however. What she does with destruction of the currency will also impact me to the extent I cant get OUT of dollar denominated things. Best to NOT own fixed assets like real estate, but keep wealth more mobile.
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