Founder of ISIS

Posted by jimslag 8 years, 6 months ago to Government
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Trump says he was joking about The Prez founding ISIS but a 2012 report from the Defense Intelligence Agency through the Pentagon says that this could happen well before it did. Lt. General Flynn thinks that the Administration made a willful decision to ignore and continue on their path of foreign intervention. So, it looks as if the Administration has no one to blame but themselves for the mess that they are in. I put this under Government because like President Reagan said, the government is the cause not the solution, or something like that.

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    Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 6 months ago
    Trump's statement about Obama and Shrillary being co-founders of ISIS is in fact correct, but Trump needs to put this in its proper Objectivist context. The problem is that the explanation does not fit into one minute sound bites.
    provides some very interesting data on people's desires in Muslim countries. What this and most other documents fail to document is that while a significantly larger number of Muslims wanted more freedom, less religion, etc., they got the exact opposite in several North African countries, as well as throughout the Middle East.

    For an interesting history of the Arab Spring, see
    and the books it reviews by Ahmed Bensaada: "L’Arabesque Américaine" and "Arabesque$". The roles that the State Department, the CIA, George Soros' Open Society Institute, and Google played in the Arab Spring are well-documented and even related to CIA involvements in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan.

    Arguably, the goal of introducing more freedom into Muslim culture is in American self-interest. However, despite extensive planning outlined in the references above, in all countries in which the USA has intervened, covertly or overtly, for many decades, the net effect has been less freedom, more violence, and more oppressive, more Muslim regimes. This is precisely what Ron Paul means by blowback. Moreover, this is empirical evidence in support of the Objectivist stance of the use of force, and it should be championed as such.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 6 months ago
      Yes, the Trumpster simply stating in his repetitious way that ISIS is Obama's and Shillary's fault isn't going to impress any low information voters all ga-ga over a first female president.
      He needs to explain how O the Great and Powerful ignored the advice of his generals by pulling out troops way too early. ISIS reared its ugly head as a result. That's not hard to explain. I'd also be saying that if Shillary was up all night during the Benghazi attack, why weren't the trapped Americans there ever sent any help. The key word here is "Incompetence."
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    • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 6 months ago
      Excellent references - thank you. Much to be learned and be disgusted about in our "most transparent government. One point of contention - the connection to Israel is not conclusive; it is based on a statement that Mossad trained some of the revolutionaries, but without going into the book, the write up presents nothing to substantiate it and on the fact that a pro-Israel US foundation is a major contributor to Fikra, an Arab activist group that has a number of US Jews involved and funding it. I looked up the group and their Jewish supporters. They are far removed from Israel. These are American Liberal Jews who, while donating to Israel, are also responsible for many of the anti-Israel policies. This apparent paradox is due to Israel accepting money from just about anyone who is willing to give it, while the Liberal American Jews have lost all connection to Jewishness or Israel; their primary allegiance is to Progressivism (socialism by a different name), followed by family. I would not make an Israeli connection based on people that Israel often does not allow to even visit the country. This maybe just a small detail in the overall scheme.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 6 months ago
      What they fail to see is that the islamic muslim culture is not capable of willful disciplined thought and control of their behavior, that, by the nature of their culture can only be achieved through Fear of a reprisal from some unseen entity or a direct result of government initiatory force.
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  • Posted by Hot_Black_Desiato 8 years, 6 months ago
    The person who creates an organization or a company is known as the founder. Founder is also a verb meaning "fail miserably," which is something a company's founder hopes the company will never do.

    Alleged Journalists, who are required in order to graduate must take some language specific courses to graduate. Columbia School of Journalism as one of its foundational classes teaches their graduates this:
    M.A. Evidence and Inference
    Nicholas LemannTali Woodward
    “This fall M.A. course teaches a disciplined “journalistic method” of testing assumptions and hypotheses, recognizing the ways that stories can distort the truth and exploring how to make sure that reporting firmly proves its points.
    Students also develop useful skills for working with statistics, conducting in-depth interviews and combining anecdote and narrative with the big picture in their writing.”

    Did you notice? "...the ways that stories can distort the truth..."
    Trump was, and I can say this as an uneducated moron, (with only a B.S IT, MBA, 19 industry IT certifications, Pilots License, Real Estate License, used to have CDL license to name some, and will have my teaching certificate in the next couple months), that even with my seriously limited intellect, and reasoning skills, understood the metaphorical references Trump was using, including the second amendment references.

    A founder can also be a person who lays the foundation or provides the environment for an organization to take root and flourish in. Hillary and Obama were in that sense founders of ISIS, especially considering that the guns, vehicles, and other military hardware was scooped up by these people are what is used to attack us and our allies.
    Trump is simply using basic common language, not the politically correct elitist speak and it is driving all these elitists completely insane. Trump is stripping the pedestal the elitists have placed themselves on as the intellectual keepers of knowledge and action where they believe they should be above everyone else telling everyone else what to do, how to think, how to speak, how to act. Trump is tearing that all down, and it is about time.
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    • Posted by Hot_Black_Desiato 8 years, 6 months ago
      Academic elitists need ripped off their ivory tower and brought down to reality. Just because a person might have a more robust vocabulary does not mean they are smarter, or even deserving of their self-proclaimed positions of moral, intellectual, political and academic authority.
      Trump is speaking to the average common person, who by the way, are educated and intelligent but just refuse to bow to the politically correct way of putting things. I for one refuse to be politically correct even though if I put half an ounce of effort can rattle off plenty of big words to make myself look important and portray a semblance of superiority that is not warranted.
      This is one reason I ignore, for the most part, what the media bashes Trump for. I understand his simple talk, and the deeper complex metaphorical discussion and I think a lot of people are really waking up to this also which is why the polls that have been taken since the conventions are completely skewed toward Hillary. Take for example this poll. Which was done and released today 8/14/2016:
      Read the questions, they also do not tell you what the distribution of Democrat to Republican to Independent is. The New Hampshire section when asked if they would vote Hillary was really fascinating especially when you look at women. 81% of men and 81% of women answer no they never would. Trump’s responses were 85% men, and 91% women said no, but then you have a contradictory number below, when you break down Democrat vs. GOP. Basically in all these polls their numbers do not really seem to add up, and it seems that they are polling far more democrats than republicans. The Pollsters are skewing the narrative, along with the media, Hillary is spending hundreds of millions in non-stop ads against Trump and the polls given all these facts are still within the margin of error.

      So from observation, and assessment it seems to me that is all things were equal Trump would be crushing Hillary everyone, which is what I actually think is happening. This also lends credibility to Trump’s claims that 1) everything is rigged, and 2) better watch in November, because if Hillary wins. There was probably massive cheating just to make it happen.

      Think about Obama’s elections. How do you have entire counties, around Philadelphia where there is not even one vote cast for Romney in 2008 and 2012? Really not one single vote? If it were just one country in one state I might believe it, but this occurred in numerous counties in several states. Coincidence. I think not.

      So Obama and Hillary founder of ISIS. "OH YEAH" In the abstract most certainly.
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      • Posted by JuliBMe 8 years, 6 months ago
        This early in the race, polls are meant to SHAPE opinion, not reflect it. The polls will change once we get close to November 8th.
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        • Posted by MinorLiberator 8 years, 6 months ago
          +1. Thank you. I'm in another discussion group that's, let's say, less "objective", more conservative/libertarian. I keep repeating the same point as you, but a lot of them are just not hearing it. They are completely disheartened by the polls, concluding that Hillary is a lock, or, that Johnson has as much chance as Trump, etc. Patience. And wait until Nov 8 is closer...current polls are garbage.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 6 months ago
    I just tried to post the same thing by using the article's title to see a DUPLICATE POST advisory and an option to post it anyway.
    But I didn't.
    jimslag, in my version I wrote, save for pretty similar start that you wrote upstairs, something more~
    This is what happens when a civilian president completely ignores the advice of generals professionally trained to study war strategy and tactics.
    Ask Adolf Hitler. Oops, never mind. His narcissistic imagined strategic genius forced to shoot himself in a bunker.
    And so much for little Barry proving that he actually deserved that Noble Peace Prize lobbed at him as fast as he first entered the Oval Office for stuff he said as a candidate.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
      Sorry about that but I have my own issues with Barry and Hildabeast. As for the Nobel, I did not think he deserved then and I still believe that to this day. I sure wish the Committee could take it back and rebuke the reason they thought he deserved it for. As for the Democratic nominee, I have personal dealings with her and her husband over security issues when I was in Mordor on the Potomac and had to give the briefings for secure communications. I have never been as looked down as much as I was whenever I had to go up to the WH, just for being an enlisted minion. So, even though I was the senior enlisted in the secure comms department as a First Class and had the most experience with the equipment and procedures, I felt that them and their minions in the staff did not listen to a word I said. I hated going to the WH for the rest of my tour just because of the creepy feelings I got after they took over.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 6 months ago
        No need to say you're sorry. You got here just ahead of me fair and square. Rude would have been old dino posting beside your post.
        I've read of military personnel at King Barry's WH being treated shabbily.
        Are you a fellow once a Marine always a Marine? (I was a draftee but I was able to turn that lemon into lemonade once I got past Parris Island).
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        • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
          Nope, I was Navy, a First Class Petty Officer at the time. Retired as a Electronics Technician Chief. Communications, radar, computers and nuclear power, not necessarily in that order. Lots of my friends were Jarheads though and I respect their training and comraderie.
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  • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 8 years, 6 months ago
    I heard that every single advisor told Obama not to pull out of Iraq when he did, but Obama didn't give a crap. That's how he operates - its "My way or da highway!" Clearly, Obama is the cause of the current state of affairs in the Middle East. Him and his "Arab Spring..."
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    • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
      He is the smartest man in the room, just ask him and he will let you know. That is the way he operates, he hears but doesn't listen to his advisers. He always knows better.
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  • Posted by MinorLiberator 8 years, 6 months ago
    As with Trump's 2nd Amendment comment, I clearly knew what he meant, and it was a huge stretch to read into it what the MSM did. But hey, that's there job. Same here: I understand what he means about O and Hillary and ISIS (although perhaps he should have used the ever popular term "enablers" rather than founders). But that's because I pay attention to the actual news and facts. I agree with others in the thread that you can't reach the unconvinced with tweets and sounds bites.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 6 months ago
    i agree...and there is also the saying that.."for evil to exist, all it takes is for good men to do nothing...", so for Obama to exist, who are the men who did nothing to let him rise to the top???...
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 6 months ago
    Saddam was Sunni. Bush/Obama installed a Shiite rule in Iraq which tried to subjugate the Sunnis. So obama's policy at least encouraged Isis to form
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 8 years, 6 months ago
    Putin, during a 2015 news conference, told journalists pretty much the same thing, laying the foundation of ISIS at the feet of Obama, Biden and Clinton. The only thing different from Trump, was that he very articulately laid out the when and where and how. He basically called Obama stupid.
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  • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
    OK, so maybe O did not found it but he sure had a hand in funding it. I found a NYT article, yeah, I know that talked about arms going from Saudi and Qatar at the behest of the CIA and other NGO's to mostly Islamist groups. The "West" (US) was besides themselves because they had no control over who got the weapons, since they were going through intermediaries.
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  • Posted by wmiranda 8 years, 6 months ago
    I recently saw a short video clip of a press conference Obama had in which he is explaining all the efforts being made to get out of Iraq quickly. He said the Iraqi government was getting stronger and America was training various groups to assist the government after the pending pull out from Iraq. Yes, you guessed it. In the list of groups he mentioned, Obama mentioned we were training the ISIS group. BOOM! HIllary was State Dept. the time. I hope I can find the full or more complete video. It was from the time period when we were getting ready to pull out of Iraq.
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  • Posted by rcadby 8 years, 6 months ago
    I just wish they'd send all the DC's first born over to these 'wars'. We watched the net-flick Benghazi last night. I wish every voter would see it. No mention of DC names, but it's obvious who should be held accountable.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 6 months ago
    Said the right thing for the wrong reason?
    The left seizes on the shot-from-the-lip comments, and the stream of consciousness comments of Trump, but the thousands who attend his rallies understand him. He doesn't need to Photoshop the crowds to make them look bigger like CNN does for Hillary. She gets small crowds, he gets big crowds, yet he's behind in the polls. Something is screwy.
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  • Posted by lonerinfl 8 years, 6 months ago
    While I do have issues with both Obama and Hillary I still have bigger issues with anyone(yes those two both do it too) that makes blatant false statements. ISIS was formed in it's current life in public eye in 2002 and went international after the 2003 when the first invasion of Iraq. ISIS was just overshadowed by Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. But with the death(?) of Osama bin Laden there was a big shift in who was the next big threat and many form Al Qaeda members went to ISIS but hey why deal with messing things like facts.
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