
Atlas Shrugged Take-down Request and Subsequent Correspondence

Posted by WesleyMooch 12 years, 2 months ago to News
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I received the following in my YouTube mail box:

Re:ASP2 Accessibility ESL Hearing Sight Impaired
Please take down the Atlas Shrugged Part 1 video from your YouTube account.

If you would like to post Part 1, please submit a request at: http://www.atlasshruggedmovie.com/contac...

Thank you,
Atlas Shrugged
Sent to: Samizdat
My reply:

Re:ASP2 Accessibility ESL Hearing Sight Impaired
I'm sure you meant the Atlas Shrugged: Part I full-length plus reviews and commentary on Part II, whereas the video in the subject line of your message was an entry in the ASP2 Promotion Video Earning Contest.

In the spirit of the law of your take-down request, I'll go you one further and remove *all* Atlas Shrugged material.

Quite frankly, I've had it with your entire half-assed project.
Sent to: atlasshruggedmovies

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  • Posted by terrible_tim 12 years, 2 months ago
    You did not ask permission to post that which you do not own nor have the right to post. You quite literally stole their property, edited it as you saw fit, and re-posted it without their authorization.

    You engaged in criminal behavior and their response was to ask you politely to remove the stolen video and submit a formal request.

    And you get mad? Have you even read Atlas Shrugged? You're a thief and a second-hander and a looter of the worst kind. You're an idiot.

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    • -6
      Posted by 12 years, 2 months ago
      Notify your pals in the State of crime you allege. Your kind supports the State no matter its basis.

      As for ASP, I wouldn't ask them for the time of day, given lacking integrity.
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      • Posted by sdesapio 12 years, 2 months ago
        We are "ASP" Wesley. We are the production company. The films are our intellectual property. You may not use our property without prior authorization. If you would like to use footage from the films please submit a request here: http://www.atlasshruggedmovie.com/contac...

        Regarding your accusation of our lacking integrity, do you care to be clear as to what specifically you are referencing? I'll be happy to address any rational questions you might have.
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        • -5
          Posted by 12 years, 2 months ago
          No, thanks. The "Fine Print" corresponding to the ASP2 Promotion Video Earning Contest
          http://blog.atlasshruggedmovie.com/2012/... ,
          section 5, CONDITIONS, subsection f, final sentence, "The Producer is not responsible for typographical or other errors in the printing, the offering or the administration of the Promotion or in the announcement of a prize," excuses the Producer and you as agent from accountability. Lack of integrity is built into the contest, which is something I'm man enough to admit having missed. But no, I have no question for the unaccountable.

          As for the permission trap, I'll pass on that as well.
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          • Posted by terrible_tim 12 years, 2 months ago
            Right. I remember that. That was the contest you so badly wanted to win but didn't. Do us all a favor and go back to your conspiracy bunker and listen to Alex Jones. Why would you even want to win a contest that would only have put you in the company of such horrible people who lack integrity? You're a petulant child.
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            • -4
              Posted by 12 years, 2 months ago
              I dedicate this Theodore Roosevelt quote to the others who participated with me in the ASP2 Promotion Video Earning Contest:

              “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

              THE MAN IN THE ARENA

              Excerpt from the speech “Citizenship In A Republic” delivered at the Sorbonne, in Paris, France on 23 April, 1910

              Theodore Roosevelt
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  • -5
    Posted by 12 years, 2 months ago
    Ironically, I'm grateful for this ingratitude on the part of ASP. I'm inspired to pull out all the stops and put up Mark Cuban's film Redacted for viewing on my YouTube channel:
    All you snitches and letter-of-the-law types snitch away, and I'm o' break it down for you what will happen:

    YouTube will send me a notice saying "your video is blocked in some countries" -- presuming YouTube's audio recognition software picks up any copyrighted material. (This doesn't stop YouTube from making money on the ads that play on my uploads, of course. They make a good show of their being RIAA-and-MPAA-friendly, though, don't they)?

    Mark Cuban will commend me for having the balls to provide what distributors and movie theaters do not.

    MPAA will cower in fear from the mere idea of publicizing a film that, like Atlas Shrugged, shoves an extended middle finger up Hollywood's ass.

    Finally, the State too will cower in fear of firing up a largely sleeping giant of a public who's ready for revolution, the spark for which a truth-telling documentary film like Redacted is a viable candidate.

    Expect also to see playing on my YouTube channel another film which exposes the criminal State:

    Alex Gibney's Taxi to the Dark Side, which documents former Vice President Richard Bruce Cheney's complicity in crimes against Afghans, as part of Bush's and his criminal war for opium.

    Long live Pat Tillman!
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