Trump: The Most "Unprincipled" Presidential Candidate Ever
Posted by D_E_Liberty 8 years, 6 months ago to Politics
Written for the Gulch: One Objectivists view of why Donald Trump has no philosophy in the Randist sense, and thus, has no consistent political principles.
In the end, however, what we will see, if he wins, is that our "separation of powers" will FINALLY be implemented full swing again. The DC political class are not going to just lay down for him as they did for Obama, for whatever reason you wish to assign (they liked what Obama was doing to gather power, his skin color, his thuggishness, and fear). For Hillary, it will be business as usual and we will continue our way over the abyss of tyranny.
It used to be that "citizen politicians" were what we desired. Why not now? Trump ain't perfect. No one will ever be. However, he's done well in his business and, if you look at his family, he seems to be a pretty good guy. No, he doesn't study the Constitution, probably wouldn't recognize it if it was laid down in front of him. However, he's obviously not stupid and he will learn. In no way do I think he is evil. I think he's just a carnival barker-ish (a very American historical character) guy who wants to do good for his country. I tend to think positively about people until they prove me wrong. There's nothing in his past that would make me believe that he wants to destroy this country as Obama has wanted to do. Hillary just doesn't care what happens to the country or its people as long as it benefits her. This, alone, makes it imperative that he wins.
And, in the meantime, how do we start a strong movement to oust politicians after one or two terms in office? Many of this country's problems would be fixed if WE THE PEOPLE implemented term limits by voting out incumbents every election.
There is no which party. There is one party the Government Party Deomcrat Socialists to the left and Republicans in Name Only to the near left AKA right wing of the left. We are in a one party system of government now. 'Think of that when you vote locally. Nits breed Gnats.
Unfortunately Trump never sobers up.
The only thing that constrains him is his ego and self-interest, much more predicable, less dangerous and lesser of two evils WRT Hillary. She is still the worst.
Trump is scary! Not that Hillary isn't.
Nevertheless, once said and the media and never trumpers attack him, it turns out he was bringing our attention to something that needed attention.
For example, BHO/Hillary started ISIS. No one would say it, he did. Media and never trumpers went like sharks on a feeding frenzy. It turns out, that now that it's out there, it's true. There's even a video of BHO in a conference before pulling out of Iraq in which he lists the organizations the United States was training at the time to help the Iraqi government, in the list, yes he did, he said we were training the ISIS group in Iraq. That in addition to the historical events that took place after we left Iraq. Somewhat like Nixon and Vietnam.
Just as SCOTUS came up with Obamacare is a tax and not a mandated fee, the court can decide anything is what they say it is. “Micro-aggression” is more than only the start of the end of free speech, and the 3rd, 4th, and 6th amendments have so many holes in them already from existing court decisions it will not take much to eliminate any protection at all from them or the rest of the constitution. The Court is a major issue.
The entire court system is now so corrupt it is difficult to find a judge who actually knows the law rather than the judge knows the people in power who made and confirmed the appointment. Look at the AG, the FCC that wants to take over the internet, the FBI who is obviously giving passes to the political elite, and add hundreds of other examples, THEN make it even worse when Hillary gets in. Record numbers of Americans became ex-pats not only by moving out, but by giving up their citizenship. Today, under the law, if you give up your citizenship due to taxes, then the government claims the right to tax you for an additional 10 years. The next will be a prohibition to leave and a requirement to repatriate any money you have outside the country. This is not merely Hillary v Trump, this is Hillary and the establishment against the population. And, here, as in Argentina, Italy, and ever so many countries, the people initially vote in the dictator. The history is there, all within the last 100 years.
Now, all we have to worry about is his interpretation of what is good.
One's self interest should never in conflict with what is best for a country. But when the country becomes Statist as in the U.S., then conflict should exist. Unfortunately, Trump is too much of a Statist and a pragmatist.
So, for the pragmatic me, is to go with the non-politician that's sick and tired of business as usual in D.C., like me, that says he will go after corruption, improve trade to benefit America, bring back jobs others have exported, make our military strong in a dangerous world, leave state level decisions at state level where they belong and keep America's sovereignty, among other things. Some of the things may have been said by other career politicians, but I believe them like I believe CNN is not for Hillary. If he does half of what he promised and how he promised. I'll be a happy camper.
It's obvious he lived by the principles of the country and it's government and became despite all that the ulitmate outsider. I'm sure you establishment ass kissers rallied to save your little right wing corner of the left but that's all I see you doing just more thinly disguised left wing BS. At this point there are two choices. Comrade Hillary and socialist autocracy funded by the turf protecting establishment
See what the Ultimate Outsider can do. No way it can be anthing worse that a continuation of the crap shoeled on our plates day in day out.
Take your left wing government and shove it I aint loyal to you anymore.
Constitutional Republic if you don't like it get out of my country. take Wilson Roosevelt Johnson, Clinton Obama and Clinton with you.
"Objectivists have no problem with self-promotion and EARNED fame and fortune. They do have a problem with con men and snake oil salesmen who buy votes based on fraud and conscious misrepresentation of their intentions. In a very real sense, Donald Trump is the most unprincipled person ever to run for the Presidency."
What shred of evidence does the author offer to make this assertion ?
False alternatives.
BTW, Cruz was far more correct on the issues than any other candidate. Given the candidates we have now, any lying on his part was not significant.
I was happy to see Cruz go, that is for sure. Given Cruz lies and cheats (but not as well as Hillary), he is hardly a good choice. Rand was my first choice. When he dropped out, that left Carson who could not win, and Trump who would shake things up. I have not voted anything but LP since there was an LP, but I will vote Trump to shake up the establishment. If he were not such a threat, the media and the BGP establishment would not be so violently against him to the point of instigating violence, publishing totally made up stories, and twisting his words. The behavior of the establishment alone should be enough to point voters toward Trump. Anything else be worse than what we have because Hillary will increase all the bad things until we have Venezuela in America.
An all this does not even take into account he is religious nut case.
For me, elected national positions should be a term limit positions, not a cash cow. Harry S. Truman once said something to the effect that no man could get rich in politics, unless he was a crook. We've seen too many of those recently. State level, I don't care whatever the individual States like.