An Open Letter to the Galt's Gulch Community
Posted by mminnick 8 years, 7 months ago to The Gulch: General
I have been a member for several years now and have noticed, to my dismay, a growing tendency by one or many to set comments and posts made by others to zero. It is not so much the setting to zero that bothers me it’s the fact that they never post a reason comment or justification for having done so. They simply do -1 and set it to zero.
Speaking bluntly if you don’t have enough nerve to state why you’re decrementing someone’s comment don’t do it. If you dislike the common enough, thank it is asinine, or has absolutely no redeeming merit at all then say so and decrement. In fairness I also think that if you’re going to do a +1 you should also put a comment in explaining why. This is not as critical an issue as adding a comment for a decrement.
There are many posts and comments that I disagree with, some quite strongly. If my memory serves me correctly I don’t believe I have ever decremented a single comment or post. If I don’t like it I generally explain why. Even then I don’t decrement. I do know that decrementing is a time-honored tradition in the Gulch but I do think it’s time that a little common courtesy and respect is shown even if you don’t agree with the posting.
I’m almost, but not quite, to the point that I would like to see this automatically enforced. There are ways to do this via software as I’m sure you all know. At the very least I would vote for having the name of the responsible individual placed in a comment attached to the post. This annotation would be a permanent addition to the posting.
Michael G Minnick (a.k.a. MMinnick)
Speaking bluntly if you don’t have enough nerve to state why you’re decrementing someone’s comment don’t do it. If you dislike the common enough, thank it is asinine, or has absolutely no redeeming merit at all then say so and decrement. In fairness I also think that if you’re going to do a +1 you should also put a comment in explaining why. This is not as critical an issue as adding a comment for a decrement.
There are many posts and comments that I disagree with, some quite strongly. If my memory serves me correctly I don’t believe I have ever decremented a single comment or post. If I don’t like it I generally explain why. Even then I don’t decrement. I do know that decrementing is a time-honored tradition in the Gulch but I do think it’s time that a little common courtesy and respect is shown even if you don’t agree with the posting.
I’m almost, but not quite, to the point that I would like to see this automatically enforced. There are ways to do this via software as I’m sure you all know. At the very least I would vote for having the name of the responsible individual placed in a comment attached to the post. This annotation would be a permanent addition to the posting.
Michael G Minnick (a.k.a. MMinnick)
This rehashing we see among us might just a "being on the same page", thing"
"+1" or "well said" sound arrogant to me. The "thanks" feature shows the names of everyone who thanked a post.
On this site I use the thumbs us as "thanks", If I disagree, I write a response. This results is most of my responses being about disagreement. I use the thumbs down thing for out-and-out rude comments.
A post that has been down-marked to zero attracts my attention.
Usually, I go to it and read it first, like it or think it is harmless and mark it up.
Marking-down a post to zero is likely the action of some troll.