Gary Johnson on Stossel show
Posted by jimjamesjames 8 years, 6 months ago to Politics
Just saw Gary Johnson and William weld on the Stossel show. The question was should a bakery be forced to sell their product to a gay couple? Johnson's answer was insane. He said yes, but the baker does not have to decorate the cake.....Stossel on Fox Business Channel, August 5.
I don't agree with Gary on everything, but I agree with him more than I do the other available options.
He stutters and dances around this issue a bit because he does not want to give critics a sound bite to suggest his libertarian ideas a veil for or part of someone's agenda to discriminate. He won't explicitly say gov't should force people to sell a cake, but he wants to avoid any accusations that he wants to support discrimination.
I think we need to change the whole notion of gov't force being the default, and if we not using gov't force against something we must support it. We need to be able to say we're opposed to drug abuse or discrimination w/o wanting gov't force. We need to be able to say we're for helping the poor and supporting cancer research without the gov't being the one to fund it.
Johnson can't seem to make these philosophical arguments in the TV show forum. It's "discrimination: for or against?" He says "against".
While we are struggling with this, Trump and Clinton are openly saying they want to use gov't to help good people like you and punish bad people who are different from you. We should cut Gov Johnson some slack. He's not a natural at politics, which is a good thing. He's trying to say he's against discrimination in a way people hearing a sound bite will understand.
To me, this election is not Trump v Hillary because there are too many other things at stake.
The Supreme Court, for example, Hillary regards Ruth Bader Ginsburg as her model Supreme Court justice, and I think Ginsburg is one of the worse ever appointed. Trump's nominees (he named 11) are all approved by the Cato Institute, a think tank to which I give high respect.
This same thing will happen down the line of regulatory agencies such as the EPA, Labor Board, etc., all of which have been strangling business even more than taxes have.
As for the defense of the United States, Peace through Strength, the Eisenhower policy, will be the Trump policy. I expect Trump will, like Ike, Nixon, and Reagan negotiate with enemies and adversaries from a position of strength. But negotiate. Hopefully Trump will make Russian an ally to go after ISIS and America's endless wars will come to an end.
Where Clinton will continue all of the policies that produced the unacceptable present, Trump will get rid of as much of the Establishment (Dems and GOP) as possible and change Washington as it has not been changed since Ronald Reagan rode in from the West.
Therefore, I think we need rally around Trump.
So do we elect someone who is right handed and willing to cut off their left?
And I mean this as a real means of discussion. I am not young , but not old either. But my kids are young and should not have to pay for the sins of others fathers.
I think that the establishment and media hate him for his anti-establishment stances that he will never actually get elected. I will vote for him because I want to see the death of political correctness and the rule of the establishment.
and read the first few comments.
Now, imagine her taking the "2am call" and flaking out like that.
To me, this election is not Trump v Hillary because there are too many other things at stake.
The Supreme Court, for example, Hillary regards Ruth Bader Ginsburg as her model Supreme Court justice, and I think Ginsburg is one of the worse ever appointed. Trump's potential nominees (he named 11) are all approved by the Cato Institute, a think tank to which I give high respect.
This same thing will happen down the line of regulatory agencies such as the EPA, Labor Board, etc., all of which have been strangling business even more than taxes have.
As for the defense of the United States, Peace through Strength, the Eisenhower policy, will be the Trump policy. I expect Trump will, like Ike, Nixon, and Reagan negotiate with enemies and adversaries from a position of strength. But negotiate. Hopefully Trump will make Russia an ally to go after ISIS and America's endless wars will come to an end.
Where Clinton will continue all of the policies that produced the unacceptable present, Trump will get rid of as much of the Establishment (Dems and GOP) as possible and change Washington as it has not been changed since Ronald Reagan rode in from the West.
For these, other, reasons I think we need to rally around Trump.
“Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party,” the movie, is a documentary that exposes the secret history of the Democratic Party and the rise through corruption of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Excellent. I think it let the Republicans, especially Lincoln, off a little bit, but the sordid past of the Democrats should be taught in schools (which won’t happen because the Democrats control the teachers unions and government runs the schools). The movie came out July 22, be sure to see it before it leaves the theaters. Google the title to find out where it is playing.
I watched another movie, too, and you can watch it on your computer, called "Clinton Cash." I did not read the book, which is reputedly also excellent. Wow, but these two Clintons are something you will not believe until you watch this.
Get your own popcorn.
If his bakery is force to service someone or something against his principals or desired, Johnson has just promoted slavery. Which is the forcing of one group or person to act or perform actions for another group.
The free market will dictate the success of this bakery....if people decide not to patronize the bakery for their stand they go out of business...problem solved. if people support the bakery like they have Chik-Fil-A again people have spoken problem solved. Or just go bake your own damn cake and shut up.
And today I picked up on another reason not to vote for Johnson. Libertarian my eye!
Now I have two reasons gained in one day.
I was already thinking he is a wimp.
Serving black at the lunch counter.
I serve coffee and toast. I serve coffee and toast to you and everyone else including gays.
Gay comes in and demands I make him coffee and toast, and make 50 orders and take it to my wedding and serve it to my guests while we celebrate that which you vehemently oppose due to your religion.
HUGE difference...
As 'they' say, the devil is in the details !
This behavior by the Gays is turning me completely against them and all I want to do is shove them all back in the stinking closet. They do not have the right to FORCE their lifestyle and behavior on other people period...
So, if the lawsuit is over refusing to create a generic wedding cake I see no difference between that and serving a black at a lunch counter.
Now map the bakery address and then look at how many bakeries are in close proximity to it.
The people wanting the cake were frequent costumers to the bakery also. And the lawsuit was filed after the law was changed, not when it happened; which was before.
By demanding the decoration of the gay couples wedding, as typical wedding cakes and party cakes have that is where the issue comes up.
It's an issue and it's slippery slope that Johnson does not elect to fight. He wants to move on to more important , easier to explain winnable issues
(in his judgement) and not get bogged down in other areas.
My point of view is, we shouldn't be so critical of of Johnson's verbiage. We really need to get out the vote for him, not provide ammunition for the opposition.
After all we shouldn't discriminate based on race or religion according to law. If he was a gay Muslim would that clinch it? What if he blew off a leg. Now he's handicapped too.
You think I am kidding? there are people out there who could believe this.
If he were a Republican Muslim Jihadist would it be OK to refuse service? Democrats would think so.
When kids are arrested in elementary school for DRAWING a stick picture of a gun or making a gun outline with their fingers, it should be a red flag taller than Mount Everest that this society is broken, with no standards to operate by other that what is Politically trendy.
Is it moral to refuse service to someone that your religion tells you is a sinner? Is it moral to force the baker to serve the customer he despises?
There is no answer because the United states Mores are nowhere to be found and therefore useless as a guide. that is why you have so many opinions and in the end force is used based on what the ruling Political Party feels they can get away with to get re-elected.
That is not morality, it is corruption of the entire concept of moral standards.
IMO no law that Congress or the Supreme court has passed (Yes Supreme Court decisions are effectively creating law by rejiggering the meaning of words in the Constitution and it's Amendments and creating something new) under the influence of Political bias are valid.
There would be no need for enforcement of Law if there were real standards that we could all agree on and base our judgement on.
But that Libertarian idea is impossible without those standards. And without teaching those standards to our children and not allowing anyone into office that does not respect those standards.
“Politics is not a separate field in itself. Political ideas do not come out of thin air. They are the result of the moral premises which men have accepted. Whatever people believe to be the good, right and proper Human actions – that will determine their Political actions“. – Ayn Rand Screen Guide For Americans
Here is my contribution to defining those standards for the United States. See what you think.
The law lack any common sense. Discrimination is an essential component of a rational mind.
Forget him.
The whole idea that somehow an association is enough to pass evil to another is a very primitive way of seeing reality. Got a business, do the business and serve your customer and save mental reforming for later. If dealing with a gay couple will harm you in some way mentally, then you have an integrity and self esteem problem.
As an atheist, I have dealt with theists all my life. Should I have avoided dealing with them? I have a gay brother. Should I stop being his brother and disassociate with him for the rest of our lives? I have an alcoholic-drug addicted brother who had stolen my identity which got me arrested until the police could collect some fines to take off the cuffs. In that case I have not associated with him for over 30 years mainly because he still considers me to be the cause of his life going bad and why it was OK to threaten to kill me on several occasions.
In business you serve any customer who is civil and not threatening in some way. In a way, business ethics is divorced from certain personal beliefs. E.g., one does not concern oneself with the personal value structure of the customer. You give him the benefit of the doubt as one should do to any stranger and even those whom you know.
Any constitutional or civil rights attorney's on this site (probably not !) who can inform this question ??
My guess: media would ignore the subject because the topic only divides people who think about it and most people don't take the time.
Serious consideration of real issues is purposely missing from POTUS elections, because the media concentrate on what divides the voters instead of solutions to impending financial and ethical destruction of America.
So here is your cake, without names or can get those down the street.
Problem solved.
I think they could make a case for discrimination stick for the price being jacked just for them.
Maybe they'll sweeten up.
Oh...and take your own pictures and pick your own flowers too!
I can see it now...only gay bakers, photographers and florist everywhere...hell, we might do away with the "wedding" altogether!