Open letter to Mr. Kahn

Posted by $ TomB666 8 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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This former Army officer explains exactly what is wrong with Obama/Hillary/any other globalist's ideas about radical Islam.

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  • Posted by mminnick 8 years, 4 months ago
    Again with the o0 or negative ratings with no comment. I don't think negative (-1) should be allowed without some comment. I know that is limiting the rights of the gulch members, but it doesn't seem fair to be able to drive a comment negative with telling the person why.
    If you dislike a post enough to give it a -1, you have reasons for doing so, state them. Maybe others would agree but a blind downgrade offers no one the chance to respond with a reasoned argument or comment.
    Stand by your rating. don't hide behind it.
    Having said that, I have read the full open letter and agree with everything in it plus more. There are reports from credible sources that Mr Khan is a support of Sharia and has made the statement that it is above all other legal systems however good. Note this includes the Constitution he so vigorously wave on stage at the DNC. It is also reported, although with less credibility that he supports the Muslin Brotherhood. With the lesser credibility I don't support that claim, just letting it be know it is out there from usually reliable sources. The Sharia comment is from his own writing on Islamic Law and practices.
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