Hi. My name is...Manywalks

Posted by Manywalks 12 years, 4 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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The flight here was a little bumpy, but I'm glad I arrived. I read AS years ago and loved the movies. From the start I realized Rand was right.. Manywalks is a name I adopted to thru hike the Appalachian Trail after laying myself off from a Senior Manager Corporate position in 2005 and selling a 90 acre homestead in Iowa. I was tired of working myself to death making money for everyone else and seeing my high taxes wasted while politicians live high and want more money from the producers to stuff their own pockets and buy more votes. I want to continue to be creative and productive, but would love to find a way to bypass the current system in a way that would allow producers to trade fair value while starving the government (Fed/State/local) to it's constitutional size. I believe in the US as the greatest nation on earth, but politicians and the "entitled" have gotten us on the wrong track. I believe if the answer to someone's problem is more government, then they are our problem. I'm currently in Northern CA and would be glad to connect in person with any other nearby Gulch members (manywalks@gmail.com), but fully expect to move elsewhere since CA is so out of touch with reality. Meanwhile, I'm glad I made it to the Gulch...it's a beautiful place!

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