Posted by $ TomB666 8 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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Heinlein said it very clearly in “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress”: TANSTAAFL, there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. From what is going on at the D convention, it appears that absolutely no one there has any clue as to what actually puts food on the table. If anyone would ask Ayn Rand’s question: “At whose expense?” you’d see a lot of bluster about taxing the rich and other equally stupid ideas because no one there knows what really makes civilization work.

When Hillary or Bernie say to tax the rich, they don’t mean the already rich, they mean the working rich. That is a definition that keeps changing as the situation gets more desperate. Before the government began its destruction of the US Dollar, someone making $250,000 probably was really rich. Back in 1940 you could buy a nice new home for $5,000, a Ford or Chevrolet new cost less then $1,000, and so on. Today a nice home costs $250,000 in a lot of areas, even after the housing crash. But they keep referring to people earning $250,000 as rich, and have no plan to tax the inherited wealth of John Kerry or the stolen wealth of Bill and Hillary. Probably the really rich are the same people who own our politicians, and thus can keep the government’s hands out of their pockets.

A vote for either the Green or Libertarian party is a vote for Hillary as neither have a snowball’s chance. Hillary’s bleak and failing policies have been well documented, but only recently has her total lack of accountability been made apparent. There is no reason to believe she will alter her strategy while under the protective media/government dome. So while many facets of Trump’s policies remain untested he has at least made known his plan to protect the Constitution with his potential Supreme Court appointments. Many gambled with Obama’s promise of “Hope and Change.” My choice is more defined by analysis of the past seven plus years.

As Reagan asked, “Are you better off now then you were four (or in the current case seven) years ago?” Is there any evidence that Hillary can actually accomplish anything more than filling her own pockets?

What I do know is that Hillary would be a disaster!

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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
    What I do know is that Hillary or Trump would be a disaster.
    Were you better off after any administration in the past 30 years?
    Giving consent to the traitors in the Dark Center to continue to betray the people is not acceptable.
    Voting in fear of Hillary for the GOP is not rational.
    Voting in fear of Trump for the Dems is not rational.
    Voting for either Trump or Hillary is voting for statist dictatorship and subjugation of humanity.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
      So your choice is to ...?
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      • Posted by InfamousEric 8 years, 4 months ago
        My choice is to vote for the only one who 90% matches my values - Gary Johnson
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
          In the 1970's I was as staunch supporter of the Libertarian party. I did door-to-door canvasing with petitions for signatures so we could get on the ballots, handed out literature, etc. Then, at the national convention in Boston I found out what the Libertarian party really stood for - getting elected. In order to 'fill the halls' they sent folks out prospecting for drug dealers, prostitutes, and anyone else they thought was in favor of not prosecuting victim-less crimes. How many true libertarians are drug dealers?

          I have tried a couple of times since to reconnect with the Libertarian party, but have not found it in practice to be what it preached. I am as suspect of Gary Johnson as I am of any other politician.

          If in fact he does 90% match your principles then you probably should vote for him.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
            That's just Boston Sillybertarians. Too much exposure to MA. Just joking a bit. Have no first hand knowledge of Boston libertarians, but my experience with libertarians from other places is the opposite of the one you describe (and not doubting your experience.)
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            • Posted by $ Snezzy 8 years, 4 months ago
              I knew a few of them. Some lost souls, some crooks. Only the crooks accomplished anything, but they weren't as clever at it as the entrenched Massachusetts Democrats.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
        Vote based on principles instead of in fear.
        Voting based on fear of what the Dems would do is what GOP voters have done for 30 years and the GOP has betrayed them repeatedly.
        The Dems and GOP are one party against liberty and against free markets. They both oppose the Objectivist principles.
        Only the Libertarian party supports most of those principles.
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        • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 4 months ago
          and, according to the odds, voting for Gary is equal
          to voting for Hillary. . not smart. . support Gary and
          vote for DT. -- j
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          • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
            Not a chance in hell. I have learned from the past, and there is no salvation in the GOP regardless of their promises (soon to be broken.)
            Donnie is textbook monarch. No King George for me. No Empress Hitlery either.
            There is nothing smart about sacrificing principles in fear. that is how we got to this disgusting point.
            Some people never learn from history. I do.
            Maybe we will all get lucky and the first debate (the one without Johnson who only polls 14.9% and the statists insist on following the rules only when they favor them) will be interrupted by an attack by aliens killing both candidates and the current POTUS and VP in separate attacks. Sic semper tyrannis!
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago
      Then you must vote Liibertarian, Lack of Confidence, None off the above, or a write in. That send you on your journey of making the decision on your own on it's proper course or pathway.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
      But, there are various levels of "disaster". In rational terms, the known disaster under Hillary is NOT worse than the relatively smaller disasters under Trump. We will get one OR the other this time.

      The most important thing we are likely to get with Trump is that he will speak his mind and uncover the hidden craziness and cronyism in the current system. Hillary will expand the cronyism to pay off the money her "supporters" gave him.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
        I don't believe Trump will do as you think he will. It's just a show in his never ending lust for greater power. Trump has been a cronyist all his life and it will continue as long as he gains from it.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
          But what actually do u expect he will do tha is so bad?
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          • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
            Continue the destruction of the constitution, concentration of power in the POTUS via executive actions, continuation of meddling in foreign affairs without any expertise or exit strategy, use of federal power against enemies of Trump, socialization of medicine, etc. He can't be trusted with power. He will not be a public servant; the people will be his servants.
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            • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
              Wow. That is indeed a littany of bad things. I thought initially you were talking about Hillary or Obama !! I think Trump would do far less of these things than Hillary, not more. Also, he would help to break up the two party lock on elections and cut taxes. Hillary would raise them. Government power is proportional to its taxation
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  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 4 months ago
    people keep forgetting that there isn't enough money
    in the "rich" coffers to finance all that Santa D wants
    to give everyone. . and DT is a fright, but less of one. -- j
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago
      Santa D is Donald?

      We KNOW Hillary is evil
      We DON'T KNOW Donald is evil
      We DON't KNOW Johnson is evil

      Step two

      We Do Know Trump is not politically astute whatever that means and is an outsider.

      We do Know Johnson is politically astute and is an insider but perhaps not in Washington.

      We do know two of the three VP's selected with a vote total of one each are unacceptable airheads
      at best and we're not sure of the third.

      We do know we don't want a Washington insider regardless of politcal savvy and experience.

      So at present it's a choice between Trump and Johnson.

      For the most part we can throw out the wild card opinions and tendencies. They have nothting to back themselves up except Grandpa hated them so I hate them.

      In looking Facts in evidence minus the BS

      a. which candidat regardless of experience has the best and most acceptable advisers on hand?

      b. what are the clearly stated problems we're facing

      c. what has each candidate stated about those problems, in what priority, and with what initial a t least ways of solving them?

      d. which candidate will do the most damage if elected other than Hillary which is a given. Objectively speaking she meets know known test for being useful and I can find no way to justify her breathing air much less holding any government job in any government other than North Korea, the Cubans and Venezuelans don't deserve her.

      e. which candidate is most likely to do the most good if electged and here's the catch.

      f. what is the likely makeup of the congress using the Republican/Democrat or left wing of the left and right wing of the left forumula and how many supporters that are not caught in that trap would work with which of the two candidates if elected. That one is a bit more complex

      g. Which candidate if dead or incapacitated has selected with their one vote majority a competent replacement?

      h. What is the probable makeup of the House of Representtives which would provide the third in line.

      i. What is the importance of stopping and reversing not just slowing the slide to the left with each candidate.

      j. What is the importance of that to you Meaning your stance on Constitutional Republic versus Socialist Autocracy.

      k. Since bv know you see where this going....there have been opportunities for each to state their opinion of executive rulings especially those that are blatantly unconstitutional. Using that as a guide which is most likely to not use them, use them to over rule one's already made or to use them in the tradition of Obeyme.

      l. Almost finally apply same to other important bell ringer issues. such as 1st and 2nd Amendment hell the whole Bill of Rights?

      m. who has the best chance -and handicap this as if you are betting your entire lifes savings against your future because you are - of sitting i the oval office on Jan 21st.

      n. I only did this one in case some of you are superstitous and m. is th13th letter .
      John your sentence structure is instructive. The other way of putting it is - isn't willing to plunge us further into debt to finance all their campaign promises.

      Don't gloss over that sentence " JohnPE constructed. It says a lot in a few short words about character vs. lack of same.

      Anyone want to comment on the liklihood of the Libs ore even Johnson on his own doing a coalition deal with Trump in exchange for an acceptable seat a the table. I used Interior an example. Most of their interests seem to lie in that arena.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
    What is one of the ultimate stupidities is when the D party says to tax the rich, or tax the corporations They don't realize that they are taxing themselves. Their motto should be "Tell 'em what they want to hear no matter how stupid it is." Trump is a master of that, but the people to whom he is aiming the rhetoric want to hear a somewhat more rational diatribe.
    If things get any more nutty, I'm just about ready to blame this election on God.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
      The democrats know there are only about half the voters. Therefore, the increased taxes will be at least half paid for by "others".
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago
        But most of the welfare basket cases are Democrats. Higher proportion of people who pay taxes and who vote are Republican. Lower proportion of people who pay taxes and who vote are Democrat or to put it properly Left wing extremists versus right wing of the left.

        Most voters are leftists as the left is those who believe in government over citizens. Democrats about 29% Republicans about 26% Libertarians expected to be about 12% this time OF the eligible voter pool.

        The ratios will run in similar fashion but narrow between Trump and Hillary barring some unforeseen circumstance like Hillary getting arrested or Trump doing a Perot and quitting or Johnson doubling his percentage.

        At the present time with Johnson in play there will be no one with 50% plus of the actual vote which affects the makeup of the Electoral college.

        IF they do the same which is less likely for there is no valid law to force them to vote one way or the other it goes to Congress. There each Party chooses one candidate per state delegation.

        So the STates that have more Dumbos are expected to Choosd Trump those with more Asses expected to choose Hillary but not necessarily Dumbos asre famous for caving and not much else.

        However the back room deal making will be pandemic and with the money as free speech rule in effect Trump can write one check and outspend Hillary ten to one with help from others but to counter there are more rich Democrats than Republicans lkely to pull out the check books. except for one factor.

        Unless some deals are made on exemptions most billionaires and millionaires will go with less taxes rather than more.

        Which is again countered by who has more money in foundations and and other tax exempt LLC's.

        Where personal wealth is concerned there are no party lines. So the 'lean' will favor Trump even though the amouont of wealth is in Hillariys Party.

        Another factor is the amount that will not support hillary because the Democrats publicly declared for socialism. The flight of capital must be tsunami proportions by now.

        One thing counters the other but the power is not with the popular vote which is exactly zero. The power is with wealth and they aren't going to give that iup with out mondo deals. Now if iyou were a billionarie would you trust Trump or would you trust Hillary except for Soros and Lewis.

        Half and half addresses popular vote but it does not address tax shares.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
          Quite complicated. It's the people who use the government to give them undeserved goodies. Vs the people who don't want to be looted I think. If the government was run by the constitution, I would have lost interest already in the election. But that's not the case now. Hillary will steal a lot more from me, so I will vote for trump
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 4 months ago
    The definition of "rich" is fluid to the left. They want followers to believe that the rich are like Scrooge McDuck, bathing in pools of hoarded cash, waiting to be deprived of those ill gotten gains for the betterment of the less fortunate. The reality of who pays is that anyone not currently in financial stress soon will be, if Hillary Clinton becomes President and succeeds in even part of her goals.

    In Democrat's minds, the pack mule can't be coerced with the carrot, and is only to be beaten into submission by liberal application of the whip. The punitive actions they have in mind will only accelerate the departure of business, fortune, and jobs from the nation.

    Actually, in counterpoint, the persons who vote for the Green Party are disgruntled hard lefters who wanted to vote for Bernie Sanders, and would never vote for Trump. Any Green vote will draw from the Democrat side and benefit Trump. A Libertarian vote seems to detract from as much Democrat as Republican, with the advantage to Trump larger in a four-way contest than a two way.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 4 months ago
    As I said before: allowing yourself to be shot
    through the head with a gun you know d**n well to
    be fully loaded (Hillary Clinton)--or Russian roulette.
    Russian roulette provides a (slightly) better chance.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago
    Wrong thread but it fits here. Objective examinaiton of goals.

    Hillary is a let wing extremist but in their ruling class not their main collective. In Socialist terms she is a statist/cororatist fascist.

    Johnson at the other end of the scale is a Constitutionalist or at least supports a Constitutional Republic with some issues.

    Now for Trump. Knowing his background I asked one simple question. Since Trump is for himself which direction would he lean to continue that goal?

    He isn't a Hillary style leftist as their mantra is nobody owns anything and everybody owns everything UNLESS he's a more equal pig but tht invites a lot of competition. Frankly I don't see him jeopardizing his own pesonal goals.

    He works within a socialist leaning system especially in NYC which means he knows how sociaist statism works and could be like all other businesses in the Big Apple a Socialist Corporatist supporter. I bet the don't kee their money there. Even Soros isn't that stupid.

    So Trump thnks about it and says should I lean left or right? Left I stand a good chance of having everything taken at the stroke of Hillary's or someone else's pen. Pelosi comes to mind. She hates people who give jobs to the unemployed.

    Trump we list as flawed as he has no hands on political experience as an insider but plenty from the citizen side of the fence

    Or shoud I lean right since they are basically capitalists working within a socialist system and if I become President which way do I lean.

    Let's see left for confiscatory taxes on me and all my employees or right for making that second eight billion.

    Is he more or less stupid than George Soros who is n the evil class with Hillary?

    We know what Hillary will do.

    We're hopeful for what Johnson can do. But his all or nothing right now strategy doesn't seem to be working as well as hoped which is ....standard for the libertarians.

    We don't know what Trump will do and can only watch the indicators. That's fine. Voting isn't open for business yet.

    Your choose.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 4 months ago
    You are so right about not taxing the "already rich", but rather the "working rich". AMT is the worst invention ever, and it has gone so far, generating so much of the revenue even the small government people can't see how to withdraw it.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago
    Some get stuck in a rut. Then can't get out. So they stay. As an example and because one of he posters asked about books giving the truth of history I thought great place to provide both. David Ledbetters series America's Forgotten History. The idea of republicanism as opposed to supporting a Constitutional Republic did not start with Lincoln nor with Jackson but with the first three Presidents and was summed up rather neatly by Thomas Jefferson.

    Here's an excerpt with quoted material you won't find in school texts.


    On March 4 1801, one month to the day after he took office as Chief Justice, John Marshall administered the oath of office to Thomas Jefferson and sat down. He was there at Jefferson’s invitation, the beginning of the tradition that the Chief Justice administer the oath of office to the incoming President.

    He was one of the few sitting close enough to actually hear the weak-voiced new President’s First Inaugural Address. He came away guardedly impressed.

    For Adams and Hamilton, Jefferson had been the lesser of two evils. To them, Vice President Burr, now sharing the podium with the Chief Justice and President, was an amoral power-mad politician whose superior skills only made him all the more dangerous.

    For Marshall, though, cousin Jefferson was the man more likely to bring the nation to ruin. Burr would have invested the presidency with authority and power, as the first two presidents had. Jefferson, the mere “speculative theorist” with no understanding of the nation’s need for a strong center and leader, would gut the office and leave nothing to prevent the nation from unraveling.

    But he had to concede the speech was a masterpiece of reconciliation, especially the famous appeal for both sides to unite. …every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names brethren of the same principle. We are all republicans; we are all federalists.

    Readers of the original speech would see the subtle distinction inaccessible to the listening audience.

    The reconciliation was lowercase. Jefferson was not talking about actual political parties. He meant that most Americans accepted both republican principles and a federal government. In fact, the election had proven that point. Whatever their disagreements on interpretation, both sides preferred to operate within the bounds of the Constitution even when that would exclude them from power, even when they were certain that election of the other side would bring disaster.

    The transfer of power had been carried out peacefully because both parties were loyal to the idea of a constitutional transfer; both were brethren of the same principle. Foreign policy, too, would be reconciled.

    The need for election rhetoric now gone, Republicans could admit that the French Revolution was not going as it should. It had first collapsed in a reign of terror and then found its footing only with anti-republican institutions such as standing armies, militarism, and centralization of power.

    Federalists also could see more clearly now the dangers of tying America’s interests too closely to England’s. Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address echoed Washington’s Farewell Address in voicing the principle that would mostly guide American foreign policy until 1898(_). …'peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations – entangling alliances with none.'

    Addressing Federalist fears that a Republican government would not be strong enough to defend the nation from attack, Jefferson gave a lesson in the origins of republican strength.

    "In republics the people are the true government and true source of strength. Leave standing armies to other systems that cannot afford to place their trust in the loyalty and devotion of the people. I believe [ours] the strongest Government on earth. I believe it the only one where every man, at the call of the law, would fly to the standard of the law, and would meet invasions of the public order as his own personal concern. There would be no sedition acts. If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it."

    He addressed Federalist fears that human fallibility makes strong government necessary. Rather, he explained, human fallibility makes strong government dangerous."

    Ledbetter, Mark David. America's Forgotten History, Part 1: Foundations

    (Kindle Locations 5463-5489). Mark David Ledbetter. Kindle Edition.

    *1898 The year the revolution of progressive socialism began - led by Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt among others. thus the beginnings of what became the Republican Party and it's reason for existing. In short order the Democrat party began and it's began in hte belief that slavery was the natural order. the rest is history. The Republican ideals you just read a sad remnant without leadership. Trump is their last chance. If he is not the one -thee is no one and no more Constitutional Republic. 240 years ...Average length of any nation and proof to many that man Cannot Govern himself.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago
    Ditto Don't know about the Libertarians don't need our voes they need the perception of our vote. Which method will get them a seat a the table the fastest.

    Run for office until they win

    Do a litle coalition politics and trade what they have to Trump for a seat at the table say...Secretary of Interior?

    Seriously which route is going produce real dividends for them?

    Which will provide four more years of waiting.

    And which will provide nothing to wait for?
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago
      Infanous E are you in a Winner Take All State? That means either Trump or Hillary are going to take your vote and count it as their own.

      If you are serious about your values the correct approach is dont sit at the table in a crooked game. If registered don't vote for anyone if not registered don't register.

      If you are not in a winner take all state your vote is safe vote your conscience.
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