Hillary's America - Dinesh D'Souza nails it

Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 7 months ago to Movies
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Watched this last night with my wife. It terrified me enough that I might even vote for Trump.

The movie lays out how Hillary Clinton is the biggest looter the world has ever seen and exposes the Democratic Party for the racists they always have been. I highly recommend it to everyone in America.
SOURCE URL: http://hillarysamericathemovie.com/

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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
    I will go see it. Hillary really is crooked as the day is long. She is into 100% power, regardless of what it takes to get it. She has the pasted on 2016 smile and angelic look, but I have always thought she was an evil witch at heart.

    If she couldnt keep the benghazi consulate safe, I want to know how she would keep out country safe.

    I want to see those emails supposedly the russians got from her insecure server. I also want to see the transcript of the speech she gave to goldman sachs for $200k. She can tell them things, but she cant tell US those things when she wants the presidency????
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    • Posted by lrshultis 8 years, 7 months ago
      Did you notice how Trumps words and meaning about those possibly hacked emails had morphed into something different everywhere, even with the republicans. He said that he did not know whether the Chinese or the Russians had hacked them but if they did that the FBI would like to see them. That went to Trump asks Putin to hack servers and Trump is guilty of espionage. The only place that I saw a correct title to an article about the hack was at Huffington Post. Anyone else notice that or did I finally go senile.
      On Fox the discussion took the form of how could he have asked such a thing, not that it wasn't there to start with, but rather why would he since there no longer is a server and the emails are nowhere to be seen, so nothing to see here, all is well.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 7 months ago
        What I thought was hilarious was that the DNC was equating a hack of their email system to be equivalent to an attack on the security of the United States! The gall of it...

        The other fact I found damning was that they had been told months ago that their systems weren't even close to being secure - advice they ignored.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
        I agree totally. I listened to what Trump actually said, and you got it right. He wasnt asking the russians to hack into our email systems. The media is indeed very biased and they twist and turn everything Trump says into something bad. Whatever Hillary does bad is just glossed over and forgotten.

        I am about ready to boycott any advertiser that deals with CNN, in addition to just boycotting CNN period myself. Its so crooked.

        You are not going senile !!!

        As for me, I DO want to see whats in those 30,000 emails that were deleted so we the citizens cant see them. If they were only personal ones, then its not a matter of national security at all if the russians have them. If they do have them, yeah, send them over so WE can see them too.

        And while we are at it, I really do want to hear what Hillary said to Goldman in exchange for $200k speaking fee. THEY can hear her speak, but WE the citizens of the USA cant hear it???? And she wants to be president?
        I am not sure I would use the word "crooked " like Trump does, but in fact she is a lying, canniving evil witch who IS as crooked as they come. I dont understand how she can get away with all that she has done.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 8 years, 7 months ago
          The trouble was that it wasn't just CNN but all the networks including even the talking head conservatives on FOX. It was as though everyone heard something and without going to the source just parroted what they had heard. Both left and right are mental collectivists where belonging is the most important thing in life, don't want to be contrary of others.
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  • Posted by $ TomB666 8 years, 7 months ago
    If this scares you, don't look at "Clinton Cash". You will have to vote for Trump if you do ;-)
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
      Whats so bad about voting for Trump and getting RID of Hillary forever. He CANT be worse than her, and the choice this time is TRUMP OR HILLARY. There are no other electable choices this time.

      At least Trump speaks his mind instead of hiding like Hillary. The last thing Trump is going to do is push the button. In the event of some disagreement with Russia, he would pick up the phone and call Putin- who would at least take his call. Trump would say whats on his mind and they would reach some agreement. No one wants nuclear war.

      Putin hates Hillary and would think she was lying.

      If Hillary cant make Benghazi safe for our diplomats, how is she going to make the country safe.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 7 months ago
    Lately I have been told that they don't have any more
    headphones at this library. I have been to the Dol-
    lar Store but the only ones they offered were Com-
    munist crap. But anyway, it would have to be a
    mighty short movie for me to watch it on the ma-
    chine in the time allotted.
    I heard about it on Glenn Beck's radio program. At first I thought it was a mere person-
    al attack, and, even though I can't stand Hillary
    Clinton, I didn't care for that idea. But then when
    I realized it was meant to be a history of the
    Democratic Party, I wanted to see it, but, with
    no job, and the sponging I have been having to
    do off my family and friends, I have no money
    for movies. Besides, the things that were men-
    tioned on the show, I knew about most of that
    already. Since when is it a secret that the Dem-
    ocrats were the party of slavery, segregation,
    Jim Crow, and the Ku Klux Klan? Was it not
    already known all across the U.S.A. that George
    Wallace was a Democrat?
    But maybe people are more ignorant of history
    than they used to be, and need to be told these
    things, or reminded of them.
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  • Posted by kalkalmanek 8 years, 7 months ago
    After seeing how these awful people were towards black slaves, I have to admit that I'm ashamed to say that I once was a Democrat. I should have studied more and I would have never been a Democrat. Please everybody go see this movie.
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  • Posted by wmiranda 8 years, 7 months ago
    I knew about the Democrat history before the movie but it was more detailed by Dinesh. In fact, when I learned the history, I went from Democrat to Independent (recovering Democrat). My wife knew nothing of the history and she was amazed. Now that we saw the movie we bought the book to really learn more details. But I was going to vote for Trump anyway. To me it's astonishing how people find Hillary, a corrupt lifelong career political prostitute, a good presidential candidate against anyone. But then again, following in the movies thoughts, the Democrats created urban plantation to harvest repeat votes. The strategy is to give them enough to keep them in the plantation, not enough to get out of the plantation. Otherwise, you lose your repeat votes. One more thing, the communist party of America is assisting the Democrat party. You won't find an admission in the Dems website, but you'll certainly find it in the communist websites. They have infiltrated and planted their operatives at all levels. If you doubt what I say, just google it. They are very open about it, almost bragging that the Dems have taken their cause..
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  • Posted by Ben_C 8 years, 7 months ago
    What angers me is the hypocrisy of the federal government - on both sides of the isle. Neither side addresses the problems with funding government. Zero based budgeting with incentives to stay under budget would correct most of the problems. Sunset regulations for government giveaway programs based on available funds would put a stop to the "vote buying" agenda of politicians. (Tytler had something to say about this). Discontinuing the "anchor baby" citizenship policy by enforcing the citizenship of a baby is determined by political governance, not geography. Another form of political bribery for votes. etc etc.
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    • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 7 months ago
      I despise the Democratic Party but I do believe in
      birthright citizenship.(Amendment #14).
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 7 months ago
        "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

        Let's take a look at this very carefully. It says that two tests must be met for someone to receive "birthright" citizenship: 1) they must be born or naturalized in the United States, and 2) they must be subject to the jurisdiction thereof. Now the first test says has been interpreted two ways: first, that their birth took place geographically within the States or territories constituting the United States of America or at least one parent was a natural citizen of the United States. John McCain was born to military parents overseas, yet no one disputes his status as an American Citizen.

        The second test, however, is the one which many tend to ignore, and that is that they must be subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. Every nation holds a similar policy to the United States on citizenry being passed to one's children. That means that a Mexican who comes to the United States is not "subject to the jurisdiction thereof". Anyone who can ask for consular intervention because they are citizens of other nations are not citizens of the United States and neither are their children regardless where they were born. Being born geographically within the United States fulfills only one of the two necessary prongs.

        When the Fourteenth Amendment was written, it was written specifically to recognize freed slaves as full citizens of the United States. They fell under the jurisdiction of the United States and no other nation. The Fourteenth Amendment was never intended to be use to grant citizenship status to children of foreign nationals. The author of the Fourteenth Amendment was very clear on this. That it has been interpreted otherwise by various entities is in violation with its original intent and the historical practice of citizenship.
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  • Posted by joy8995 8 years, 7 months ago
    I grew up in AR so I know all about the nastiness of the Clintons. The first thing that pops into my head when I see either of them are the two teenagers it's "rumored" were killed because they saw some of the Clinton drug running back in the late 80s. It's hard to find anything on the internet about it anymore, but here is a story done on the 25th anniversary of their deaths, and there is a book about it too, it can be found on Amazon. In a word, the Clintons are VICIOUS. http://bentonbryant.thv11.com/news/ne...
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 7 months ago
    I've thought about seeing that movie but I've reached the point can't even stand to look at or look that evil hag.
    Same goes for the current Commander Of Grief.
    I don't really need to see it. I already know what Shillary is.
    If I wrote a dictionary, I would place her face beside "corruption" and also the "b-word."
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 7 months ago
      I agree that I can't stand listening to either her screech or Obama's "let me be clear". If it would make any difference, the entire first 2/3 of the movie are all about the racist past of the Democratic Party, starting with Andrew Jackson.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 7 months ago
        I grew up in segregated also at the time Democrat Alabama and I even knew some Dems in the KKK.
        So I do believe all I'll get out of that is a reinforced education.
        Causes me to think of a Wakenhut Security training instructor being thrilled over a retired annually trained (even went to an academy first) state corrections officer me of 21 years making a 100 on a dinky one week's training exam.
        I wasn't surprised about it at all.
        He is the one who became surprised because it showed.
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  • Posted by Manywalks 8 years, 7 months ago
    Saw it yesterday. It is a great piece of work. Anyone paying attention knows the Democrats are masters of rewriting their despicable history blaming everyone else for their mistakes. I don't like most Republicans either as most politicians on both sides have their hands in our pockets while trying to keep us under control, all in the name of common good. The Dems are also really good at creating distractions away from critical issues they've created or made worse and their own corruption. Most minions will parrot the slogans “Dems good, care about people and the earth”...Repubs bad, hate people and want dirty air”, Unfortunately, They'll have no interest in seeing this movie to learn what Dems are really about, but would rather stay focused on their free phones on their way to enjoy their entitlements. This year is a clear choice between one of the most corrupt Washington insiders who's greed is a beast that's never satisfied no matter the cost to the country, and a true outsider who loves this country, doesn't need the job and can't be bought. A choice between two families. One of corrupt greedy liars with ties to similar miscreants, and the other family who are all talented, hard working and successful. Despite his faults and not being as conservative as I'd like, Trump is presently our best hope to save this country. Clinton will drive it down even further to a point from which we may not recover. She can only beat him by being so nasty that the minions believe trump is simply worse then her. This movie clearly demonstrates why the Clintons can never set foot in the White House again if America is to survive. Kudos to Dinesh D'Souza!!!
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  • -2
    Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 7 months ago
    More fear of hillary propaganda. Waste your vote on the GOP. Yes, that has worked so well in the past.
    Assume all the bad things said about Hillary are true.
    It still doesn't justify giving your consent for looters to ignore their vows and to steal liberty from anyone.
    When will you ever learn?
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 7 months ago
      Vote your conscience. I wasn't advocating anyone vote Republican, only that they inform themselves about Hillary and the Democratic Party in general by watching this movie.
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      • -1
        Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 7 months ago
        Does the film encourage people to resist all looting statists, or is it a biased rant about Hillary?
        Does it point out all the faults of the GOP as well as the faults of the Dems, and the fact that the two are actually one party with the goal of concentrating power in the elite while forcing the people to pay for their own enslavement by the looters?
        If not, then it is pro-GOP propaganda, and only damn fool Hillary supporters should watch it.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 7 months ago
          Go watch it for yourself and see. What it presents is an in-depth look at the racists history of the Democratic Party and an analysis of Hillary's goal and tactics. I found it well worth $10.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 7 months ago
            There is enough GOP propaganda for free. Not going to pay a GOP propagandist just to hear him rant on and on for revenge against the Dem admin. Wouldn't blame anyone for doing so, but if its a tale that doesn't point out the real problem (one combined statist party) because of the writers bias then its propaganda that favors statism over liberty. We do not need more "lesser of two evils" propaganda. We have been enslaved by that for half a century or more.
            Not to minimize the offenses of the Dems over their history after Jefferson's exit from political life. It is a hideous history just as the GOP history is. Power corrupts and there are no exceptions. Rational people should never grant such power to others.
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            • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 7 months ago
              I don't think I'd refer to the movie as republican propaganda...it's history. I do get your argument that we should focus on the problem with both sides today...Like there shouldn't be SIDES!
              I am sure he'll eventually do a film of how progressiveism invaded the republican side.
              There will be at some point coming the history of progressiveism itself...it should be free and possible on Youtube...I'll post it when it comes.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 7 months ago
      It's still the factual truth...regardless of who else people vote for...truth, accurate, non biased history is in short order because of progressives here over the last 100+ years but globally for 8000 years.

      If you do not know from whence you came, you have no idea of who your are nor where you could go...inspite of this fact...we have thrived anyway...Obstinate bunch are we not? laughing.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
      There isnt justification for taking the worst of available alternatives , however. Too much at stake. Hopefully if Trump wins, he will help open up the election process so third party candidates can actually win in the future.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 7 months ago
      Looks like the GOP faithful can't handle the whole truth and just want to hear again and again how bad the Dems acted in the past. Shoot the messenger bringing the truth and keep wearing blinders and earmuffs. (This rant is not pointed at blarman. He is just another messenger that posted his opinion on Dinesh's movie just as I posted my opinion. )
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 7 months ago
        No one is arguing that the Republican party is perfect. But the point of the post was to talk about the movie and Hillary Clinton. If you want to post about your disagreements with the Republican party, start your own thread. Don't hijack this one.
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