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  • Posted by Hot_Black_Desiato 8 years, 4 months ago
    I would have to say based only on one empirical measurement Hillary would be more collectivist.

    Hillary has never produced anything, employed anyone, and her entire career has been spent receiving largess from the taxpayers.

    Trump employs tens of thousands, manufactures and produces products and services. Trump also in his companies has a 100% meritocracy. You do not produce, "You're Fired"

    Based on that criteria alone and not taking anything else into account Hillary is the collectivist.

    Edited to fix sentence.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 4 months ago
      (And I edit all the time. I've even thought of something to add or subtract while taking a shower and made it back before the time was up for the edit thingie).
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago
      Allow me to make a slight correction. Hillary has employed Debbie The Dive Queen Wasserman. We don't know 'employed' what or doing what really but that's one. Maybe she's lining her uip to take another dive in the other ongoing investigations and it does look like she - meaning D. W-Schultz is no longer interested in being in Congress other than collecting a pay check. Having said that I'll make a prediction.

      D.W. will be the next leader in our new government protective echelon which of course in German is SchultzStaffel. Did I spell that right? I intended to do so. Not to be sarcastic right,sure, uh huh I'm referring to the Directorate of Internal State Security.

      She will need a place for all those who fell on their swords and who won't be drawing a paycheck after Jan 20th.

      But at present only one so it's a small suggested collection. Wait a minute she paying Wasserman?
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 4 months ago
    Well HC is a communist, so I give her the edge- only slightly though.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 4 months ago
      She is worse than just being a "Communist", she is an opportunist, controlled by the Banking Elite and is no "real" friend of Bernie Sanders army. If she is a Socialist (halfway to being a Communist) she is the ultimate hypocrite who lives right while voting and talking left! How can anybody be fooled by that disbarred (or at least non-practicing) shyster lawyer who is worth 100's of millions of dollars selling influence......?
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  • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 4 months ago
    Both are collectivist so to me it doesn't matter how much.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago
      All politicians in government are collectivist because all of them believe in Government Controlling Citizens to one extent or the other which makes them all some flavor of left wing. Ranging from those who still use the Constitution I think maybe five or six and the rabid extremists like Hillary and Pol Pot.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 4 months ago
    hiltery would put Everything in her marxist progressive collection. trumpet, only a few wall street, imports and rightly, immigration which is governments job any way and perhaps, russia...still vetting the associations involved.

    Did I miss anything.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 4 months ago
      Yes, her selling influence to the tune of 100s of millions of dollars to the likes of the Saudis, Wall Street (now add the $100,000 a plate fundraiser hosted by a Rothschild at the end of the recently concluded Bilderberger conference in Dresden Germany)..........For what its worth!
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 4 months ago
    My uneducated guess is they're about equal. If Trump were president, he'd manage the collectivism poorly, which could lead to big problems possibly followed by reforms. Clinton would manage the collectivism expertly, kicking the can down the road.

    I consider aiming for problems in the hopes they lead to reforms to be the "flood myth" fallacy, so if Gary Johnson were not running I would vote for Clinton. If modest reforms to reduce scope and cost of gov't are not an option, I'd rather maintain the large/intrusive fed gov't, kicking the can, than have a crisis that may or may not lead to reforms.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago
      What can i say Lykofff has spoken. The suim total of reasons to vote for fascist socialism. uneducatied, could lead to, possibly follwoed by, may or may or may not lead to...flip flop flip flop flip flop. That's pure secular progressive. Still as i said to all the opinions you should vote yiour conscience even if you aren't conscious.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago
    Just as there are two basic brands of socialists the duality applies to their collectives.

    International Socialism and all of it's off shoots hold that the no one individual owns anything and the state wihich is the entire population own everything including things, thoughts whatever and since the collective has already determined everything any part of the collective needs to know or have the parts just folow the plan and the orders which are given from the most wise and experienced so don't worry about it they wil do your thinking for you as only they have that ability or gift.this drivel goes on and on etc. ad nauseum.

    They are international in scope and intend to rule the world and beyond.

    Pure Plato. It includes economics which of course is why it fails. It denies human emotion and spirit and curiousity and inventiveness by claiming it for the collective. Those who disagree are executed or disappeared. Since the workers own everything they are held solely responsible for failures.

    National Socialism begun by people like Mussolini who was the former leader of the Italian Socialist Party was a nationalist and created with his ruling class naitnal socialism along with another character Adolf Hitler. Hitler was a half a half. Natinalist with Internatinal aspirations.

    Nationalists allow independent thought and private ownership to an extent but heavily controlled. the private owners are solely responsible for production and meeting norms. The heavily controlled part became known as fascism. They get a break by using capitalism under those restrictions which works but overload it in most cases. Factory or farm owners are solely responsible unless they can prove sabotage or at least suggest it. the top dogs are never responsible .

    Switch a moment to pure capitalism which automatically cures most of it's evils by the laws of supply and demand. It had to refine itself not to have socialism with a capitalist support which is the National Socialist model but to have capitalism with a degree of social conscience. Schools, educatinn, medicine become desirable. For a true laissez faire nous capitalist system ALL the workers CEO to janitor are important as individuals contributing to the well being of the whole. for an amount of time then going home

    The capitalist based social contract sates i will agree to give up x time and y ability for z return as it is my personal business and therefor ei shoud get the same business breaks as does a corporation, Therefore if Corporations get the benefits of being an individual I should get the benefitsof being a business. the employee's business is doing a certain job to assist in creating something that cannot be done by an individual in a timely manner or size needed. The construction corporation;s job is building such structures etc etc etc.

    There in lies the differences...

    There fore in my back to normal way...lies your answer. The degree of collectivism required and the wayy it is operated and the differences between ruling class and working class are minimized and moderated so they work together as a team....and share in something called pride of ownership or pride in production of something to be proud of when they all go home for the evening.

    short version iyou an figure the rest out for yourself.

    All the examples are forms of collectives. The difference is which destroy the human spirit and which controls it in a non human way..It is a blend of voluntarily provided parts and people i.e., the social contract.

    All else stems from that. forgive the spelling and whatever I'm dashing for some needed sleep.

    PS dont forget customers are part of the equation as are investors.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 4 months ago
    Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton is a communist-fascist
    and Donald John Trump is a capitalist-fascist. . Hillary
    is, by far in my humble opinion, more collectivist. -- j
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  • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 4 months ago
    the problem is that Trump does not even know what he is philosophically...he is an opportunist and pragmatist...and whatever pops out of his mouth next...
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