Gail A. Wickstrom
Posted by galentol 8 years, 7 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
Objectivism can only prevail effectively only if we make the correct choice now. That means voting for Trump whether you like him of not--he may stave off a lot of nonsense. Results of a Hillary Clinton victory are obvious--you can then espouse Objectivist views from under a tree. You''ll then most certainly be looking at one party rule from now until the end of time."Gimme this, gimme that, food, medicine, dope and sex has all got to be free."
Will John Galt ever show up?
Will John Galt ever show up?
I have to disagree with your statement. Objectivism's survival in America does not depend on people voting for someone they disagree with.
Here’s a man who blames the Brit’s exit from the EU on their attitude toward wealth and money. Those stingy bastards. Wealth and money must be redefined this Ellsworth Toohey without a prospective position of political power awaiting him claims. At best, he gets to lecture to a throng of Peter Keating’s.
Who owns what? Paraphrasing Hawking, we must learn to share and share alike, within nations and across all borders. Think that’ll work?
According to Hawking, major world challenges include climate change, food production decimation of other species and over-population. The latter claim is true.
Hawking had best stick with black holes and the radiation issuing therefrom.
Demographics are against us, pure and simple.