Air Conditioning Is a Human Right

Posted by awebb 8 years, 7 months ago to News
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"And while free citizens should be able to set their thermostat to whatever level they feel comfortable at (the Department of Energy conservatively recommends 78), imprisoning people in buildings where there is no thermostat to keep the temperature below 90 isn’t just uncomfortable, nor is it just dangerous—it’s a violation of a human right."

Give me a break. While I think that prisons have a responsibility to keep the facility at a temperature that is livable (this is for workers as much as prisoners) they do not have the responsibility to provide AC.

My fiancé and I just bought a house and guess what... it doesn't have central air. Is someone going to come out and give us a unit for free because the builder has violated our human rights?

Comfort is not a human right.
SOURCE URL: http://time.com/4405338/air-conditioning-human-right/

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  • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 7 months ago
    Comfort is something that the user should have to buy for himself, on that much you are right. But the quoted material is about prisoners, some of whom die every year because prison authorities won't provide AC. In that context I believe at some point they are right -- allowing them to bake like that is torture and only the law can intervene to stop it, so it needs to.

    On the other hand I would like to see us try L. Neil Smith's proposal to ban AC in the Capitol -- thus making Congress shut down for at least part of the year.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
      I don't believe that prisoners should just be left to die. You do have a right to life and putting someone in an impossible to survive situation is denying them that right. However, I think other options (besides the taxpayer providing AC) should be explored. How do people without AC across the country survive the summer? While most people (according to the article) in Texas do have AC some don't ... how do they avoid heatstroke?
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      • Posted by Maritimus 8 years, 7 months ago
        "... how do they avoid heatstroke?"
        The same way humans did while living for millennia in the tropics and during the summer seasons on either hemisphere. When has the air conditioner first become available?
        EDIT: Inserted two missing words.
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        • Posted by $ puzzlelady 8 years, 7 months ago
          Yes, and that is how billions of people to this day find ways to deal with their temperatures, both extreme heat and cold.

          The problem with Texas prisons is that the prisoners have no means to provide themselves with cross-ventilation, forest shade, loose clothing, dipping into streams, etc. Prisoners are packed into closed spaces and not only high temperatures but high humidity. They are basically helpless to avoid fatal reactions to their environment.
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      • Posted by roneida 8 years, 7 months ago
        awebb..... Of course in a humane country, prisoners should be treated decently and not subjected to torture, People confined do not have the ability that free people do to move around and avoid suffocating heat or freezing cold. Being in prison is the punishment for their crimes and that is enough. However, I would not want to depend on any government to guarantee my comfort or safety so I do my best to avoid being under their dominion. It would be of interest to hear from our military people and get their opinion on airconditioning....field people, not office.
        A famous philosopher and author, with the initials A R, once wrote in response to someones' demands for something they felt was deserved,' " But at whose expense??.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
          I believe that prisoners do have a right to humane treatment. They should not be starved, waterboarded, deprived of access to clean water, etc. I do not believe humane treatment necessarily includes AC provided at taxpayer expense. Especially if there are other ways to keep the temperature livable.

          I also don't think it is fair to compare prisoners and military personnel.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
            You just didn't compare unfairly. As I recall it was a civilian concern that did the waterboarding. How ever it's part of normal POW camp preparation or SERE Training. We got it after Vietnam and the only comment was where was the training when we needed it.
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          • Posted by roneida 8 years, 7 months ago
            awebb...I definitely,plainly,clearly, in no way compared our military.to prisoners. I SAID, it would be interesting to see the military people give their comments on AC for prisoners. All so called rights are at the expense of someone. A few months ago a baker was fined 130,000 for failing to bake a wedding cake for a service he objected to. Whose rights are more important. Rights is a very slippery word favored by the socialist-commie propaganda to force their views on people non-conforming to their politics.
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            • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
              Legitimate rights are never at the expense of someone else.

              "Any alleged “right” of one man, which necessitates the violation of the rights of another, is not and cannot be a right.

              No man can have a right to impose an unchosen obligation, an unrewarded duty or an involuntary servitude on another man. There can be no such thing as “the right to enslave.”
              - Ayn Rand (http://aynrandlexicon.com/lexicon/ind...)
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              • Posted by roneida 8 years, 7 months ago
                awebb... your first word, legitimate, is the key to the your truth. What we have now is the government decrees and SCOUTS rules being imposed without the authority of the Constitution.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
          Ever seen up close what conditions are like in most old folks homes that are suipposed to be giving them care? I've seen three one in Oregon and two in Florida. When the seniors have to start using diapers and often arent aware the need for them is in a trail from their bed to the john? When they get sick and beg for no treatment so they can die. Why? They are a shell of a once proud able individual forced to live beyond their time. Inhumane treatment we have lots of it's cruel but it isn't unusual. Ever watch how people treat their dogs. House trainig other kinds of training lots of attention. thn't say 'now puppy' you shouldn't crap on the carpet and shake their finger. no they rub the nose and speak sternly and and praise then when they go outside with treat. And when the kiids are hauled in for one thing or another and their hand lightly slapped and they are sternly spoken to by judge and finally....let's jumpt to adult hood. Adult Dog still crapping on the carpet? Not at all. You didn't have to have them gassed or taken out in the woods and shot. Adult kid still crapping on society. Social promotions did't work Teachers failed worse than the parents who aren't allowed to touch them anymore. Finally and maybe jail where they can learn to be worse and find it' till a slap on the wrist. first few times and then one day the magic age is reached - the lfly swatter appears. Little Johnny has been taken the human pound.

          We are not in incaninemane but you can't say we are humane and as Heinlein wrote. treat our dogs better than our kids. Which wouldn't happen in any humane country so why is it happening in the USA?
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          • Posted by roneida 8 years, 7 months ago
            Michael Aarethun...my first response is that our dogs behave better...seriously, one of the unasked, and unanswered questions is overpopulation and diversity. Humans are designed to prefer their own, seek privacy and individual rights and be left alone. when irresponsible overbreeding is not only smiled on but encouraged with money, the outcome is obvious. Charles Darwin did NOT invent survival of the fittest, he just observed it. I assume that you are a reader of Ayn Rand as I am and can only refer your questions to her writings...she explains the complicated, but really simple, way to live..give all the energy, love and devotion to those you love and leave everyone else the hell alone. DOn't force your beliefs on anyone and don't let them force theirs on you. Band together for common defense and friendship if desired, but mind our own business, Governments are designed to do just the opposite,,,no matter what their name, and so are religions. Who was John Galt??? may he RIP.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
              No one is forcing anyone to read Heinlein. One can watch the movie instead. The good stuff is not included. Awareness levels are not forced beliefs. But after reading Heinleins original comment and others i've watched for some decades and will stand by my observations that in this country we treat our dogs better than our old people and our children. Nothing to do with government it's people doing that.
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              • Posted by roneida 8 years, 7 months ago
                Michael Aarethun... Agreed, But you are moving over towards the realm of religion or un provable values or beliefs. Enforcing feelings is a pit with no bottom. The ISIS violence is done in the name of religious beliefs and mystical feelings. Who decides who gets taken care of is no longer a family decision...good or bad. The motto of "Take from each according to his ability to produce, and give to each according to his ability to need." still puts the greater value on need. Who decides is the trick...???
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                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
                  True and your original statement on take care of your own is also valid. The other readers get an unexpected side trip and we, you and me, weren't speaking hot air. Who decides. In the US your ewxample would replace ISIS with USA Government or the school board.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
        Why dont the prison wardens just allow the prisoners to work at productive enterprises, like maybe growing pot. They they could afford to get the prison AC working.
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        • Posted by $ puzzlelady 8 years, 7 months ago
          Ingenious proposal! Prisoners should be allowed to do productive work. How else will "correctional" institutions meet that goal?

          I have to wonder, though, about the Larry McCollum case. They say he received a "short" sentence of two years for writing a bad check. In what universe does that make sense as a just punishment? He was warehoused with no way to make amends or repay his debt, and ended up with a death sentence. Is Texas unique in its combination of fiercely hot weather and gross negligence in their prisons? Who should be held responsible for letting prisoners die?

          No, air-conditioning is not a human right. But the right to life is, and prisoners should be maintained in basic survival conditions--neither a country club nor incinerators.
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  • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 7 months ago
    Of course air conditioning is a human right!
    -- CBJ, Las Vegas, Nevada
    where the temperature reached a toasty 112 degrees today.
    Anxiously awaiting my government air conditioning subsidy (I mean entitlement). :-)
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  • Posted by Stormi 8 years, 7 months ago
    Comfort may not be a human right, but the right to shoose, if we pay for it, should be. Not so according to the moron VP, who announced A/C and refrigerators should go! While Texas denies only A/C to prisoners, as did the Sheriff in Ariz., Biden wants to deny the average person, not the UN or himelf, I am sure. His reaction is to carry out Obama's orders, who told the UN he would agree with implementing UN Agenda 21 in the US. So, those prisoners better think twice, because we are all in danger of losing our A/C.
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    • Posted by IndianaGary 8 years, 7 months ago
      Obama is evil; he knows exactly what he us doing. He is Ellsworth Tooey and Mr. Thompson rolled into one. Al Gore is simply insane and should always be accompanied by a keeper to prevent him from harming himself or anyone else.
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  • Posted by gary29ct 8 years, 7 months ago
    As Ms. Rand pointed out, a "right" by definition, can't obligate another person to provide it, no matter how beneficial it might be. I believe her comment in Atlas, when Dagny was told that workers have a right to a job, was, "Then go pick it off the bush where you think it grows."
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  • Posted by cjferraris 8 years, 7 months ago
    I used to be an HVAC technician for the Department of Corrections for the State of Nevada. When I was there, we were directed to keep the temperature in the cells between 65 and 85 degrees. Sometimes it's a challenge, but we were able to do it. During a summer heat wave when it's 110 degrees outside, it can be a challenge to keep the temperature as cool as 85 or when it's 30 degrees out warming it up to 65 because the prisons out here are out in the middle of no-where, so you're relying on heat pumps to do the job. I'm sure each state has it's own standards.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 7 months ago
    Funny. I've played a role in writing some mechanical design code for prisons. For the most part, the code for prisons is shite. Horribly written. And, the comfort levels for prisoners is clearly less stringent than that for the general public.

    I could probably write a book on this...
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 8 years, 7 months ago
    While I do not believe that criminals should be made comfortable while incarcerated, I do believe that we have a duty to protect their lives, while incarcerated. Maybe AC with the thermostat set at 90 in the summer and 60 in the winter.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 7 months ago
      What kills me is that they get very good medical interventions - while many working folk struggle to get that. Never really understood that.
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      • Posted by Eyecu2 8 years, 7 months ago
        I agree that bothers me as well.

        Another thing that bothers me is how those on the Government Dole can afford excellent dental care for their kids and themselves but I can not.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 7 months ago
    I agree comfort is not a human right, but we should not kill a prisoner with heat stroke. However, I'd also point out that there are always going to be issues, and one guy dying is not an epidemic.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
      Agreed. I'm not trying to minimize the value of human life but the article says "during the past 18 years, over 20 men have died with the cause of death of heat stroke inside prison buildings constructed and maintained by the State of Texas." ... I'm guessing it isn't that much over 20 or they would have stated a higher number. At 20 men over 18 years that's 1.11 deaths per year. That doesn't seem like an epidemic.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
      The prefix epi, or ep if followed by a vowel or the letter "h", is derived from the Greek preposition ἐπί meaning: above, on, over, nearby, upon; outer; besides, in addition to; among; attached to; or toward.

      Pan meaning all or whole

      Demic relating to people e.g. proctodemic

      Just expanding your general fund of knowledge and humor quotient.
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  • Posted by BradSnipes1 8 years, 7 months ago
    Through the fraudulent theory of man-caused global warming, governments seek to gain complete control of the energy sectors of the world. Your rights to air conditioning and comfort will be controlled.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 7 months ago
    Oh, memories to gag for the heat on!
    For 21 years summer heat was something this now retired Alabama corrections officer never looked forward to.
    In my state where air conditioning was located varied.from prison to prison and there are several.
    I'll write of where I spent 21 years instead of the first 6 months at a less, less, less air conditioned old fossil for a prison. I transferred to a new one then being built in 1982.
    In the midst of my 21-year career, a blowhard politician running for some state office complained of felons in comfy air conditioned prison cells.
    Listening to his garbage, I glared at the TV, saying, "What the hell are you talking about, you stupid ignorant jerk?" (Instead of "jerk," I said something more colorful).
    Officers assigned to be "rovers" were supposed to stay where inmates lived. Cell block day rooms had fans that only felt good when it was 99 degrees by standing directly in front of them and the cells had nada. Less dangerous inmates (and that's big time relatively speaking) lived in dorm with lined up bunks that were a tad more airy for ventilation.
    Better off this time of year were the "cube officers" (who watched the rovers and the inmates) in air conditioned high places in between dorms and the day rooms of cell blocks. It did my heart good to see myself assigned in any cube on, say, a day like July 25, 1985.
    There was no air conditioning for the six towers that were, during the late 90s reduced to the only two that operated a gate due to an electric fence being run through two fence perimeter.
    After I left in 2003, I was told of people running out of the surrounding woods to toss drugs into the unguarded prison yards. Glad I never had to rove a prison yard with no one with a rifle and a hand radio watching over me.
    The only air conditioned places at that prison were administration, the visiting room, the infirmary, the chapel, the maintenance station, the kitchen area of the cafeteria, the inmate law library assorted schools for obtaining a GED or learning a trade and the cubes or cubicles.
    Even when you had to worry with someone on suicide watch (two special cells of that), it was always nice to catch an infirmary post during the summer save for two days in a row.
    That's the problem for being known not to whine. For two days straight I caught the infirmary when the GAG! air conditioning was broke. Guess what post I caught after that? I was a GAG! freaking cell block rover.
    Rovers were supposed to stay out of the cubes but we all at times snuck into one to cool off, rest our feet and/or to chat with the cube officer.
    Such I was doing one hot and humid summer day when a fight broke out. As I rushed out to break it up, my glasses immediately fogged up.
    I broke up the fight with help on the way, but it took me a little longer to get there.
    I'll never forget the day I was assigned to the back gate during the mid-90s. Work was unusually busy out under a hot sun. Left with a migraine headache. Had to tell the carpooling driver to stop because I thought I going to throw up. Instead I had dry heaves. At home I took a cold shower and then took my aching head straight to bed.
    I damn well earned my pay that hot summer day.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
      We only had a jail with six month limit sentences. The Guard Captain was about 8' tall and 300 kilos. Used to play entire line position for Dallas. He had a few words. 'Behaving' meant not causing trouble. Everything else was lumped under Intent to Farkle, Farkling and Farkling with Intent. The drunk cell was soldid steel floors, walls, ceilings. No bars monitor cameras and microphones. All waterproof. It was also used for showers. That required the water hoses. I can't think of anyone doing anythng that man's supervision that required seeing a Judge. No recedivism without good cause and plenty of reformation. Good cause meant getting arrested for Thanks giving through New Years. Three big time meals and no limits on seconds or extras.
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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 7 months ago
    A free individual does not have a right to food, clothing or shelter, including air conditioning.

    However a prisoner is not a free individual. When the state incarcerates someone, they assume the responsibility for providing for them since they have utilized force to prevent them from providing for themselves.

    Does this include air conditioning? Probably only to the extent that life is threatened by the temperatures in the prison -- where the individual is being held against their will.
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  • Posted by dbhalling 8 years, 7 months ago
    I know what you are saying, but we concede too much about rights (perhaps not human rights).

    Yes you have a natural right to air conditioning, which means that if you can acquire it the government should not stop you from doing so. We also have a right to health care, which means the government has no right to interfere with our attempt to obtain health care. It does not mean someone else has to pay for it.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 7 months ago
    It's too hot. It's too cold. Whine, whine, whine.

    Go find your own planet to complain on. Not willing to do that? Adapt. Either get used to fluctuating temperatures or build yourself a self-powered suit to always keep you in the height of comfort.
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    • Posted by JohnConnor352 8 years, 7 months ago
      One does not had that ability in a prison. ;-)
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      • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 7 months ago
        Sounds like a really good reason not to go to prison. ;)

        On a serious note, however, I've been to prison to visit people there and I can see why the recidivism rate is so high.
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        • Posted by $ pixelate 8 years, 7 months ago
          I would submit that the recidivism rate is high by design.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 7 months ago
            If you are arguing that the penal system has moved away from the purpose of reforming inmates to merely incarcerating them, I won't disagree. I think that it is criminal - pun intended - but a product of a system which is straying ever closer to that of a politicized system than a true justice system.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
              How many bed spaces were freed up on the three strikes doesn't count for toking initiative? I'm just wondering how many if all the executions were executed. no worries for recidivism or reformation in that category. Ye olde fly swatter theory of immediate crime stoppage with 100 percent positive results and no come backs no complaints not a peep.
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              • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 7 months ago
                Really not sure what you are getting at.
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                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
                  Ah you are new i forgot. Society determines what crimes fit what punishements. One that always gets a 100% positive is fly swatting. The crime is interfering with my picnic. Fly Swatting is a capital punishment, an execution. Plain and simple. No fly thus treated ever bothers your picnic again. No wasting time on recidvism or reeducating or group therapy just one fast SWAT! Doesn't do a damn thing for other flys but that fly is guaranteed never to bother society again.

                  (The serious part. Think Polly Klass. )

                  Does anyone complain? Of course not. The watermelon is untainted and besides what was the name of the last fly you executed?
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                  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 7 months ago
                    No, what I was referring to was that I had no idea how to connect my statements with your following comments because of a total lack of context in your statements.

                    If your point is on the uselessness of capital punishment, a little more elaboration would help me frame a response. (I have no idea what Polly Klass refers to).
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                    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
                      It's pro capital punishment that provides swift justice once the criteria have been met.

                      Polly Hannah Klaas (January 3, 1981 – October 1, 1993) was an American murder victim whose case gained national attention. On October 1, 1993, at the age of twelve, she was kidnapped at knife point during a slumber party from her mother's home in Petaluma, California. She was later strangled. Her killer


                      had been frequently arrested and then paroled or released for the same type of crimes over a five decade period. Last I looked he is still alive with a antisocial personality disorder diagnosis" - No chit charley chan iyou think. Outliving his victims 12 years by 50 years

                      Richard Allen Davis in 2007
                      Born June 2, 1954 (age 62)
                      San Francisco, California, U.S.
                      Criminal penalty Death
                      Conviction(s) Murder with special circumstances (robbery, burglary, kidnapping and lewd act upon a child)

                      The California Three Strikes law first in the nation was based on the Klass murder and many other similar instance. It led to the Amber Alert system

                      Air Conditioning??

                      This nation can't protect itself, it's people, it's childrena nd in fact as Heinlein predicted treates it's dogs better than it's children.

                      I'm a firm beleiver in the Fly Swatter Theory of Executions Doesn't do a bit of good except that particular fly will never kill, kidnap, rape, or molest again.
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                      • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 7 months ago
                        Ah. I am actually pro-capital punishment, but I do believe that it does serve as a disincentive for the types of behavior for which it is used - in addition to removing the problem criminal as well. My problem with it is that liberals and progressives have totally warped and distorted the "cruel and unusual punishment" clause as well as the justice system itself to make it difficult or nearly impossible to prosecute and execute offenders of violent crimes.

                        (And just a suggestion, but the forum does have a spell-checker native to the reply boxes. "No chit charley chan iyou think." ????? Clarity to me is far more important than speed in a discussion.)
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                        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
                          I spelled it that way on purpose it took a while to figure out how to work it in with only one letter change. Common phrase from the early days of television. Ahh it'i was the letter 'i' but then the spell checker was on.

                          On he other subject the nation does up hold cruel but not unusual punishment. Go look at the old folks care giver homes where they are waiting and ready to die but kept alive against there will - artificially Not only does the nation treat it's dogs better than it's children it treats it's dogs better than it's Senior Citizen.

                          So I'm not surprised it keep s serial killers alive.
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  • Posted by Enyway 8 years, 7 months ago
    If you like air conditioning, do not break the law. If you do not like the conditions of your incarceration, you should not have taken away the right of another. Quit your whining and quit your illegal activities.
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    • Posted by evlwhtguy 8 years, 7 months ago
      Agree....however, we incinerate entirely too many people for acts which do not really constitute a "harm" to other people. A large proportion of the population is there for drug "Crimes". If these people want to harm themselves by using drugs, why should any of the rest of us care. I am sure I will hear others suggest that we could end up paying their medical costs or supporting them if they damage themselves and cant work....but isn't that what we are doing by incarcerating them??? Also there should not be such a substantial safety net for the dopers to fall in to when they become disabled or cant work. The fact that we do have such a safety net, causes more of this activity than there would be otherwise. it is in fact a "Moral Hazard"
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      • Posted by Enyway 8 years, 7 months ago
        I'm sure you meant " incarcerate." Anyway, I personally do not believe we should outlaw drugs. It is a crime with no victim, save that of the perpetrator. If drugs were legal, the idiots that partake in them will either be dead or able to cope. It's a win win. We get rid of the idiots and retain those who have some somnolence of a brain. I hate to bring in the deity but, "God knows we need some grey matter that is fluid in common sense." Sadly, common sense seems to be lacking in our society. Fortunately, that is not so. Common sense abounds in our society. It just doesn't get the coverage it is due. It is very simple. First, follow natural law. Second, follow natural law. Third, the only true law that exists is natural law.
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        • Posted by evlwhtguy 8 years, 7 months ago
          Yes...I did mean incarcerate. The state has entirely too many laws and we are in a situation where we are all in violation of a law at all times, leading to a situation where the "Regime" can arbitrarily pick someone that they don't like and pretty much at will lock them up. That is the basis for a totalitarian state and exactly the situation brought up when the state science institute when they tried to get Hank Reardon to sell his steel to them.
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  • Posted by Sassy1Rebel 8 years, 7 months ago
    I grew up without AC and it didn't kill me. We had fans to keep us cool. I think we have just gotten comfortable with AC. Don't get me wrong, I love my AC, but it is not a human right to have it.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 7 months ago
    Laughing...John Kerry would agree...he's worried alllllllll these CFC's are gona take out the planet!!!!

    Carbon, CFC's and methane! OH MY!!! the sky is falling and it's...all YOUR FAULT!
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
      Got it. took awhile. "CFC Correctional Facilty Chiles and carbonated methane." when pumped repeatedly through the body system provides an in house cooling system. Reverse direction for winter heating. Color coded for temperature bandwidth preferred Red Hot to Damn Hot, Green Cool to Warm Cubanas (the light yellow kind) for Cold to Parkasa These average very with type ingested or re-ingested. Recommended Habaneros, Chipoteles, Chiltepins recommended. Warning Labels for Dave's Ultimate Insanity or Ghost Pepper Sauce Warning Labels. Not recommended for Beginners and will clean concrete garage or cell floors as advertised. Look for a complete Scoville rating prior to use or filing complaints and law suits from your prison library.

      What is the Hottest for your CFC&CM needs? Check out the NEW post and move over Dave's
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 7 months ago
        chloro fluoro carbons...you knew that didn't you...?
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
          Not supposed to use them any more last I heard. Or was that some other not supposed to ....so many I have trouble keeping track. Like lead based paint for boat hulls EXCEPT government gets to keep using it.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 7 months ago
            Your not supposed to use them...government does what it wants.
            There are natural CFC's and those released from the ground do not go up to the Ozone layer. Just like all things, the holes are a natural thing and part of a cycle.
            Just chicken little liberal the sky is falling stuff and it's your fault...
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 8 years, 7 months ago
    An individual has no right to a commodity. AC is a commodity. An individual has no more of a right to AC or health care as an individual has a right to a cookie. Reading and listening to statists trumpet their nonsense regarding human rights reminds of of a phrase "life is tough ... but it's even more tough when you're stupid." A lot of these entitlement pushers are worse than stupid, they are mentally-retarded insolent toddlers... and in the context of the ones with political power, they are also wielding a gun.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 7 months ago
    Air conditioning as a human right is, of course, so silly that it is hard to deal with seriously. I can think of many things that make life more comfortable. If they were all deemed a human right, it would be lefty's delight. In order to provide those comforts the state would have to take over every aspect of a citizen's life. Air conditioning would be just a foot in the door.
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  • Posted by stargazer1957 8 years, 7 months ago
    Comfort is not a human right, but life is. The issue here is housing prisoners in unsafe conditions. These people were not sentenced to death, but were restrained in an environment that caused their death. When a prisoner is sentenced to incarceration the state assumes all legal responsibility for their safety and welfare - simply because as a condition of incarceration, they lose the right to defend themselves from aggression and unsafe conditions. "Air conditioning" is not needed to prevent heat stroke, but intelligent building design and good ventilation is. Would anyone think it reasonable to lock prisoners in "sweat boxes" like was done less than a century ago? According to the article the heat index inside the buildings reached 123 degrees. Over long term exposure this is little different than a "sweat box". We have specific legal mechanisms to deny life to those who have committed the most grievous crimes. These prisoners were not legally denied life. Instead they died in conditions that any of us would be imprisoned for leaving a child in our care in.
    (Texas citizen)
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 7 months ago
    Depending on how the buildings are built, the amount of airflow, some time of air conditioning is needed to live-- a human right. At the very least you need to replace the volume of air inside building every three hours. If the building is absorbing a lot of heat, you need more airflow or air conditioning.
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