Donald Trump, game theorist?
Posted by robgambrill 8 years, 7 months ago to Science
From the article...
"Like or hate Donald Trump, the presumptive U.S. Republican Party nominee for president, his positions are consistent with two principles of game theory..."
"Like or hate Donald Trump, the presumptive U.S. Republican Party nominee for president, his positions are consistent with two principles of game theory..."
All that said, I suspect his "say anything" will lose to HC's "committed" communism. Too many in America just don't care enough anymore to gather more info than a 12 second sound-byte. Worse HC are even more delusionally rabid that the DT supporters (each thoroughly repulsive in their Alinsky tactics).
I prefer making deals to being a dictatorship.
I was Cruz all the way (cause I think he cares about the constitution), but Its over now and I think it is important to keep HC from becoming president. I am going to hold my nose and vote republican yet once again! Maybe I should say he is not that bad compared to the last two republicans presidential candidates that I voted for. Who knows, he might even win.
Best strategy I can come up with at the moment. Vote for the maximum payoff I can get, even though it is not the maximum payoff I hoped to get. Compromising sucks!
Trump has had my vote since the beginning. At least he speaks his mind. More than I can say for Hillary.
DT is a committed family man, at least with his kids
and current wife of 11 years.
DT is also committed to financial success for his family --
including grounding his kids in blue-collar knowledge.
all else considered, would his tacit adoption of this
nation's people as "his family" probably include some
"fatherly" actions like these? . could he become committed to
the people and work his ass off for their success,
perhaps? . I bet that it's possible. -- j
Trump isnt offering that, and I fear that the country is way too far gone to accept anything less. And most of the people dont even know what the consititution is, which is why Cruz failed pretty miserable in this election.
The constitution doesnt promise goodies in exchange for votes, it just alludes to promising opportunities for everyone.
No one approaching a negotiation reveals what he will settle for and usually asks for something he knows the other side is unwilling to give, just to get them moving in his direction.
You also don't, as he explicitly says, let your opponent know that you are determined to come to an agreement -- this gives him all the power. The Obama administration was obviously determined to get a deal with Iran. Didn't work out so well.
So, is Mexico going to write a check for the wall? Probably not, but they may wind up paying for it one way or another. Trump has mentioned the amount of money flowing over the border in unbalanced trade. It obviously reflects an opportunity to collect sufficient funds to pay for a border wall.
If you wanted to play the "madman strategy" you could say that you were considering secretly issuing a "shoot to kill" order for illegal border crossings.
That statement would be a deterrent if given by Trump, who could say if he really meant it? I know that is a pretty contrived example of the advantage of being unpredictable, but it would also be far cheaper than building a wall.
Full Definition of cunning
1: dexterous or crafty in the use of special resources (as skill or knowledge) or in attaining an end
2: displaying keen insight
3: characterized by wiliness and trickery
4: prettily appealing : cute
Anyone who has ever been successful in negotiation knows that stuff, if not from book learning, then from experience.
Also, demeanor is a key factor. Just watching Trump is a treat to a good negotiator.
I say that Trump probably does use game theory in negotiations, but he is very deliberate and thoughtful when making a final decision. If he werent, he would never have gotten to where he is in business.
Also, this offspring are really impressive, and that just doesnt HAPPEN by itself.
I would be very proud if those were MY children indeed.
".... he demands that [excellence] from his employees."
Don't believe he "demands" but expects b/c he looks for employees who value excellence in themselves........if, after employment they do not, he faces his error in judgment and removes them. (Excellence is a self thing and can not be demanded, only encouraged, recognized and rewarded.) BT
Once he showed up hours late to one of his numerous duels to frustrate thus infuriate just another doomed opponent.
I lost his "The Book of Five Rings" about martial arts strategies and tactics when I left my ex.
Perhaps she hid it from me in order to study it.
Ha! Ha! Me dino make a funny.,
Cruz put himself in a totally untenable position. Trump gave him all the rope Ted needed to hang himself with and Ted used every inch of it.
Ted cannot endorse Trump now without looking like he is pandering for approval. Ted if he does not endorse has violated his oath/signed pledge to support the nominee proving Ted a liar hence Lying Ted.
The delegation from Texas pretty much abandoned Ted now so Trump proved to be a great strategist. They KNEW what Ted was going to say and allowed him to play it out.
There is nothing chaotic about this convention. Do not be fooled. Trump knows exactly how to work this out. Compare the "drama" of this convention to the WWE and how they carry on their storylines year after year and fans keep coming back for more.
I am betting Hillary and her team are shaking in their boots like a Chihuahua trying to pinch a loaf the size of a peach pit..