Ted Cruz

Posted by coaldigger 8 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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I voted for Cruz in the Maryland primary because, on paper, many of his positions are most consistent with mine. I do not like his stands on social issues that are the result of his religious beliefs but I could live with that for faithfulness to the Constitution and a stance on free trade. It also seems to me that, in his grasp for power, he has character flaws that I do not admire. Many times, while saying things I agree with I get the notion he is insincere and pandering to his constituency. His strategy of being nice to Trump early, expecting him to quit and he could pick up his supporters was dishonest. Once the race began to narrow the ugliness erupted on both sides. He was asked to speak last night, as many others were, to help unite the party. Those that could not endorse Trump, stayed away even though they were criticized for doing so. They were honorable for standing on their convictions. Cruz could not resist trying to launch his campaign for 2020 at the party's expense so he took the stage to take what he wanted without giving anything in return. It was dishonest and when there were murmurs, he insinuated that the New York (Trump) organization was the only ones unhappy with his approach. That was an insult to the whole body and I think is a gaffe that he will never recover from. I said, OMG, he just doused himself with gasoline and struck a match. One of the talking heads said well there you are, people in Washington have been asked why so many "instantly" dislike Ted Cruz and the answer is "It saves a lot of time".
Ideology is very important and I share none of Hilary's and don't believe Trump has any. But character is equally important. Without honesty, you cannot tell if someone agrees with you or just lying to get your support.
As a small consolation, I believe Mike Pense is an honest manifestation of what I liked about Cruz even though he is not the top of the ticket.
What a mess!

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  • Posted by robgambrill 8 years, 7 months ago
    Could not disagree more! I think Cruz is sincere and correct.

    Trump is the more guilty party by far. If he had apologized for the insults about Cruz's wife and father, after Ted dropped out , then I would agree that Cruz should have endorsed Trump.

    As a matter of fact, Trump can't apologize and won't. So if Ted Cruz holds a grudge, I can't blame him.

    Also I still don't see Trump as having policies at all. He will say whatever he thinks will get him elected. Including that business about "Lyin Ted". I see no evidence for Cruz being dishonest at all.

    I have little hope for a Trump presidency other than it will be a reprieve from the "government by executive fiat" that has been the norm of Obama's two terms. I think and anticipate that congress will hold Trump in check far more than they have been able to do with the current administration. Trump does not have the "First Black President" title to hold over them. I think the legislative branch is getting sick of being rolled, and will be forced to uphold the separation of powers clause of the constitution.

    So for me it all comes down to voting for Trump, because the alternative would be far worse. Cruz said that and got chanted at for it. Trump is getting my vote, but that does not mean I like the guy. Who cares if the Trump crowd throws a fit?
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