The Statue of Personal Responsibility

Posted by DannyMReed 10 years, 8 months ago to Government
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"Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men."

Observing the Statue of Liberty was the First Contact many people had coming to the United States through Immigration on Ellis Island. The observation was made that the West Coast should have a corresponding Statue of Personal Responsibility. Because Government Legislates, Judges, and Executes Law and Order primarily against law breakers and generally appreciates law abiding citizens, it follows that TRUE liberty and personal freedom results from people who behave themselves and are in no dire need of someone else to make them behave. Personal Responsibility of individuals, IF PERFECTED, would not require ANY Laws or even Government controls of any kind. It is the simplest idea in the world to understand. Controls are only multiplied out of necessity because certain people can't control themselves. If you cannot tend to your own needs then someone else must tend to them for you. And if that is the case, you simply must accept their style and manner of control and defer to it until you can do it yourself. Humans are interdependent, of course, so we need each other. That is a fact of life. A Community of less than 1,500 individuals can generally do without the problems that arise from urbanization because there is a stronger sense of knowing each other and being accountable to each other. It takes a Community like this to raise a child, so even with human nature being what it is now, if anyone encroaches upon the boundaries and rights of another through abuse, neglect, misappropriation or outright exploitation, the matter can be addressed effectively at a local level for both the Perpetrator(s) and the Victim(s).

Living in the middle of no where in Wisconsin my whole life, I understand this is over simplified and ideal, even for Rural small communities and families. In Wisconsin, one cannot rely on the Federal or the State functionaries that be on any level, so we have become accustomed to doing things on our own locally. In the end, that is all there really is. Let the Propaganda fly back and forth over our heads and land where it may, but ultimately it's just help your neighbor as you would yourselves. Then, misbehavior is quite clearly apparent and collectively taken care of. If you have a truly decent community of people to begin with, there is no further abuse, neglect or misappropriation committed in that process and things can remain quite open, even transparent.

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  • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 8 months ago
    "If you cannot tend to your own needs then someone else must tend to them for you."

    Nonsense! If you can't tend to your own needs, then you can't tend to them. That doesn't put any obligation on me to tend to them. If I choose to do so because it's to the benefit of my life to do so, OK, but otherwise, that's too bad. To paraphrase AR, 'I'll not sacrifice my life for the needs of another man, nor will I ask another to do so for me.'
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    • Posted by Solver 10 years, 8 months ago
      If you were around 40 years old and had had a weak heart, bad liver and cancerous lungs, you would have needed lots of healthcare. If you could not have afforded to keep pouring in the millions of dollars it would cost to keep you alive, what would you have done?

      The collectivist minded answer: Voted for Obama to evade personal responsibility.
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      • Posted by $ CBJ 10 years, 8 months ago
        If a free market existed in health care, it would not cost millions of dollars to keep people with multiple illnesses alive, and such people would be better able to afford the health care they require.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 8 months ago
    Welcome to the Gulch, DannyMReed! Your post on the statue of personal responsibility was refreshing. The only part that I disagreed with was a minor, but important, point. You said that, "Controls are only multiplied out of necessity because certain people can't control themselves." Controls are also multiplied because certain people don't want to control themselves, whether they are the control freaks that run the government or the moochers who put them into office.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 8 months ago
      Yes, I acquiesce this was a weak statement, and even as I wrote it I was thinking of many ways I was wrong. Also, my statement regarding the tending to one's own needs or someone else must tend to them was in regard to interdependency. I have worked over 30 years with people needing help in many ways at various times in their lives. Most of them were fiercely independent and quite probably subscribed to Ayn Rand's Premise until they were faced with the unavoidable disabilities, aging, and various accidents and diseases of this existence we call "life." I think only hardcore Nazi, Communist, or similar ideologies would support the unsavory "survival of the fittest" policy and procedure and apply it to Capitalism. It is NOT Socialism, nor is it a violation of Objectivism (I do hope), to help people whom are actually in need of help. That is the most altruistic thing a human being can do. And currently I don't get paid a dime for doing it either. There's no money in helping people, but there is plenty in screwing and killing them. I suggest this is an accurate reflection of this System's values. I would not be proud of designing, building, and maintaining the "engines" of such a System. "John Galt" would feel the same. Evaluate your Premises, as Ayn Rand said.
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      • Posted by 10 years, 8 months ago
        The influences upon Ayn Rand observing the Bolshevik's take over of her father's business and her emigration to the United States in the 1920's inspired her lifelong formulation of the Ideal Man, John Galt and those whom would follow his lead. Born in the State of Wisconsin, the land of the 20th Century Motor Corporation and John Galt, as well as Joseph McCarthy and a series of Governors to the Present Day presiding over a failed System, I intuitively feel what Rand's character would feel. And I do not agree with many of the ideologies here that have hitched their cars to this "train." Disavowing this System's "engine" is my view. The a la carte reconstitution and recycling of this System's ideologies is a wrong Premise and soon it will drown in the sea changes now in progress. There is an emerging Global Paradigm Shift here.
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        • Posted by khalling 10 years, 8 months ago
          The engine of capitalism? The US does not run on it but some bastardized version of it
          To react against capitalism with no property rights is a wrong premise. The Constitution did not create the tyranny we are witnessing, ignoring it did
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          • Posted by 10 years, 8 months ago
            Yes, using terms like Capitalism and Democracy; they no longer exist within the definitions or the intended meanings they once had. It's like the Roman Empire. It changed it's form of Government and Economy over and over for much more than 1,000 years, existing as "Roman" in name only.
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            • Posted by khalling 10 years, 8 months ago
              um, the definitions are clear. changing the game plan to be anti-property rights is a bad plan. without property rights, you do not own yourself. intellectually attack that premise...
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 8 months ago
        I wasn't the person who downvoted you, Danny. One of the things that you will find from a couple of Gulchers is that they try to sharpen you so that, when faced with life's difficulties, you will respond more like Galt than like Rearden. As admirable as Rearden was, he was susceptible to the looters' blackmail traps.
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        • Posted by 10 years, 8 months ago
          Yes, I suppose you are right. Sometimes I get going about "the System" and it's such a vague nebulous term, virtually everything is included at times, that I end up going on and on and not really knowing what the hell I am talking about anymore.
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          • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 8 months ago
            One of the reasons I participate in vigorous debate within the Gulch is to be prepared for the fight with others outside the Gulch.
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            • Posted by 10 years, 8 months ago
              Well, one thing I learned early on about debate and argumentation is there is usually no real winner until well after I'm dead and people get a chance to talk about and think about it from all angles. By then, events have proved it all right or wrong and everyone has moved on anyway. I think initially, it is more important WHY people believe what they do believe than WHAT it is they actually believe.
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