Your Life is Yours, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 8 years, 6 months ago to Philosophy
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Actually, civilization is far worse. Not only are the non-productive kept alive, they’re in charge. They don’t produce, but they tax, regulate, redistribute (mostly to themselves), and mortgage the production of those who do. They wage stupid and costly wars that benefit their friends in the war and intelligence industries but increase the threats and dangers faced by everyone else. The plunge their nations into debt and have brought the global economy to the brink of ruin.

The honest and productive toil on, hoping against hope that their masters will leave them alone. As their liberties shrink while their masters’ powers increase, as the governments they fund grow ever bigger and more intrusive, they are told they have nothing to fear as long as they do nothing wrong, as defined by the masters, of course. That’s a vicious asininity. “Wrong” is always shifting and arbitrary, at the discretion of the masters, and the right—integrity and productive ability—only gets more taxed and regulated, condemned, and forcefully reminded of its duties to society, or more accurately, to the masters.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article, please click the above link.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2016/07/18/your-life-is-yours-by-robert-gore/

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 6 months ago
    I love the first half. It explains how both castaways are better off by specializing and trading. Then it says things are far worse off in the global economy. In terms of limited gov't that's certainly true, but in terms of productivity, things are much better in the global economy. People can specialize in one arcane area of production and sell what they make for an affluent life buying products and services made from millions of other people. The two castaways found their lives improved by trading with two people instead of doing everything individually. Multiply that by billions of people, and you have an affluent life beyond the wildest dreams of what a few hardworking people could put together alone on an island.

    Much of the second half focuses on how the world economy suffers from wasteful spending and poor monetary policy. The wasteful spending is huge, but this post presents it as if there are specific people who benefit only from waste while the righteous do not. In reality it comes in the form of things like gov't awarding a cost-plus contract that allows a business to reconfigure their production line more than they would if it were fixed bid, but they're not vicious moochers. There are real stories of people making a living out-and-out milking the gov't, but if we made them all disappear it would only put a dent in the problem. The problem is gov't being a third of GDP, regardless of how well it's managed.

    The part about monetary policy I'm less clear on. My thought is if people are using money to make voluntary trades and it appears to have a predictable decay in value that's easy to put into a spreadsheet, then who cares. You posted something a year ago, though, that asked what properties should money have, NOT what we've had all our lives, but what if we were creating a monetary system from scratch. My response to that is it wouldn't be a system run by the gov't. This has me thinking that it's time to privatize money, just as we privatized phone carriers when the technology for competition emerged.
    Link to the Real Money article: https://www.galtsgulchonline.com/post...
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 6 months ago
    Civilization and anti-civilization; conscious humans and parasitical humanoids. We have lived within an anti-civilization and with parasitical humanoids for 8000 years and probably more...when will we learn.

    I felt depressed at the realization of rescue.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 6 months ago
    I agree. I feel like I am under attack by our governments, and just want them to leave me alone. And cops are the enforcers. I would rather not have them around basically at this point.

    I will defend myself, thank you.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years, 6 months ago
    Robert, your hypothesis could very well occur. When much of the worlds economy goes into a nose dive there will be very little incentive by the populace to stage a revolution. Trying to figure out where your next meal is going to come from will be more important.
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  • Posted by lrshultis 8 years, 6 months ago
    The "if you see something, say something" meme is one danger in letting the deranged emotional actors run the show. Few people are capable to make rational judgements on what they observe: does that guy have a gun or a toy truck as in the latest accidental police shooting of the therapist who was helping the disturbed man in Miami where the report was the the man was suicidal and had a gun when he left the group home without permission. I would not trust anyone whom I know to give an accurate description of reality and, for sure, I have no trust of those who run the asylum of the contemporary USA who have no clue about what life, liberty, property, and happiness entail.
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  • Posted by chad 8 years, 6 months ago
    The main goal of tyranny and enslavement is accounting for all the slaves and their production and how much can be taken from them leaving them alive and willing to produce more. Previous historical attempts were always burdened by the number of 'overseers' required to monitor each slave. With the advent of computers, software programs, cheap cameras and inexpensive tracking devices this problem has been solved. The NSA's mega computer being built in Utah will provide the necessary information database now it will be a matter of collecting the data and interpreting it to decide what action need to be taken. As in the movie THX 1138 when it is more costly to collect the slave and his production than what the expected return the slave may be let go simply because the effort isn't worth the reward. Sometimes the slave will be pursued and publicly announced to keep the other slaves in line. Americans have already shown their willingness to be the slave masters by plundering their fellow citizens and doing what ever is necessary to protect the status quo, or the public safety by being willing to kill their fellow citizens for not willingly participating and offering the plunder. When the need of the many sacrifices the morality and production of the few the only remaining choice is to remain out of detection or to participate fully. I have been in this fight for over 50 years and have watched the continued erosion of privacy and property to a point I think of as exceptional and revolting without so much as a whimper from the general population in fact a demand for more and any threat to the enslavement labeled terrorism with a demand for prosecution for the 'offenders'. If there were any place in the world that offered liberty I would go there without hesitation. I have some ideas of how to exist without being observed but am reluctant because I do not want to leave my children and grand children. Which is something tyranny always exploits.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 6 months ago
    Thanks again for straight lining ideas that point out truth based on reality.It is uplifting and depressing at the same time. Uplifting because we can see the beauty of prosperity through effort but at the same time we know that its universality is beyond our grasp I have always sent your posts to many on my varied lists, but the list of those who will listen is ever growing smaller.The big HOWEVER, is that those wo listen and understand are a determined and powerful group. The glimmer still exists.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
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      • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 6 months ago
        The scam that's been played has been to take a legitimate problem, like physical disabilities, which prevent one from producing, and continually adding disabilities (many of which are self-inflicted) that are subsumed under the original set, expanding the non-productive to the point of exhaustion. How is this done? First, by presenting the new disabilities as something that needs to be cured/treated by all, and then using guilt to shame any who resist. Now you can see why I love Ayn Rand, who showed us how the scam is run.
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