El-Sisi for UN President

Posted by Wanderer 8 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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President of Egypt: Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil el-Sisi, addressing 5000 assembled Egyptian Muslim clergy:

“We have to think hard about what we are facing,” he said. “It’s inconceivable that the thinking that we hold most sacred should cause the entire [Islamic world] to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world. Impossible!

“Is it possible that 1.6 billion people [Muslims] should want to kill the rest of the world’s inhabitants — that is 7 billion — so that they themselves may live? Impossible!

“You cannot feel it if you remain trapped within this mindset,” el-Sisi said. “You need to step outside of yourselves to be able to observe it and reflect on it from a more enlightened perspective.”

How strange that the only politician in the world willing to speak the truth about Islam is a Muslim and, how odd that the Western World has abandoned him in his efforts to avoid World War 3.
SOURCE URL: https://medium.com/@Penseur/isis-isnt-causing-the-jihad-the-jihad-is-what-caused-isis-b760e521cb14#.x2p7k4tks

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