Government confiscates because of offensiveness
Posted by Grendol 10 years, 8 months ago to Government
I am not a fan of the NFL or most any sport. What I am concerned about here is that the US Trademark Office has confiscated Intellectual Property due to it being offensive, which is a violation of the first amendment to the constitution. If the government is allowed to confiscate private property due to it being offensive, where does this stop? The public might not shed a tear if the neonazis or the kkk lost their property due to confiscation but where does this stop? Who is next?
Where does the first amendment protect anyone from being offended?
Freedom of speech protects ALL speech, offensive or not.
Much of what I see or hear offends me but I don't have a right to shut them up.
"No trademark by which the goods of the applicant may be distinguished from the goods of others shall be refused registration on the principal register on account of its nature unless it—
(a) Consists of or comprises immoral, deceptive, or scandalous matter; or matter which may disparage or falsely suggest a connection with persons, living or dead, institutions, beliefs, or national symbols, or bring them into contempt, or disrepute; or a geographical indication which, when used on or in connection with wines or spirits, identifies a place other than the origin of the goods and is first used on or in connection with wines or spirits by the applicant on or after one year after the date on which the WTO Agreement (as defined in section 3501 (9) of title 19) enters into force with respect to the United States. "
The key thing in the law is the phrase "shall be refused registration". Once trademarked isn't it too late to 'refuse' the trademark? This is confiscation/revocation, not refusal. If they are allowed to ex post facto refuse something based upon the ever changing politically correct doctrine of the time, then what was safe decades ago is unsafe now. This standard for refusal is nebulous at best.
Coke could lose its trademarks because of the new connotations of the word "coke"...
"In response to the inexplicable uproar concerning our team name by politicians in this town who want to distract our citizens from their numerous failures, I have decided to rename our team to something that more appropriately matches the nature of our city of Washington. I hereby rename the team to be the Washington Foreskins."
On the other hand, I can easily design it...
Crap, that's the old sailor coming out again. Happens when I get fed up and really angry. Sorry.
Washington Thieves
Washington Fascists
If it was brought by a recognized tribe, then it should be addressed as a diplomatic incident if they are one of the tribes with soverign status. (A stupid arrangement in my opinion)
So what to kids play now......
Rodeo buckaroos and native americans?
Political Correctness = THE worst cancer eating our country
Our President was recently in North Dakota to stir up strife in the WILLISTON area at the Fort Berthold Reservation.
Can you see what's coming next?
What's next, the "Braves" name is offensive?
If they don't have a problem, why should anyone else?
There is no doubt that people like me who grew up with the “Washington Redskins” will never watch them again if they have their name stripped. A brand’s logo and name is important part of the psychic that goes along with being part of a loyal base.
The Ravens have gotten star-rock attention ever since becoming a team. They even gone to the Super bowl in their short history. The Baltimore Ravens have even benefitted by having Sandra Bullock star in a movie promoting their player Michael Orr. But you know what? At the the end of the day the Ravens are not the Washington Redskins and I think that is what this is really about. Divide and conquer.
I have it...
Oklahoma was formerly the "Indian Nations".
We have all kinds of tribes here.
We recently got the Thunder basketball franchise (formerly Seattle Supersonics). We are due for our own football franchise. People whine that Dallas (200 miles) is too close, and there are too many OU fans (seems to me a weekend of highschool football on friday night, college on saturday, and pro on sunday would be darned popular....)
But I think we're due.
They should move the Washington Redskins to Oklahoma City. No name change would be necessary, I'm sure.
Without following the link, can anyone tell me what "Oklahoma" means? :)