As a former Texan, I don't like this bogus "Black Lives Matter" Obama concoction. He thought he would get away with it, then had to retract his attempt at blaming cops. Good for Texas! Blacks have to stop letting politicians lead them around by the nose by selling false victimhood, or giving them welfare in place of freedom a job gives them. Black parents have to stop letting government schools teach their kids they are victims and distancing them from grandma's values. They have to stop undereducating them. The smartest girl in my Latin IV class in the 60s, was a black girl with excellent grammar. She was really nice, never sorry for herself, and fun. Today, they hide under hoodies even in hot restaurants, to what, go back to the follow the leader of tribal life? Thank you Obama for destroying a race you pretend to care about. The FBI gave us Ebonics, not the Blacks. They are a manipulated race for sure, but so too is the white race becoming. Feel hate, see your elected politicians, who did more to create your situation than some white cop. Want your black lives to matter, think for yourselves instead of following the leader into a hell created by politicians or hate groups fronted by rich white guys like Soros trying to destroy the country which is the best in the world...
I was born in Wisconsin, raised in Colorado, served in the US Military for 21 years and currently live in New Mexico on the Texas border. If Texas ever decides to leave, which I know they cannot but that doesn't mean they won't try, I will move 8 miles east and become a Texan. I am an American, but like Reagan said about the democratic party, I feel like that, I did not leave the country, they left me, specifically, the government. The government is not the one I served under. It went crazy and the current administration has just acerbated the problem. The current administration did not start it but they advanced it and accelerated the downfall. The divider-in-chief has caused all sorts of problems by shooting off his mouth before all the facts were known and that seems to be a problem with society in general. The sensation circus called the mainstream media has helped by sensationalizing things and giving credence to a group that based itself on a falsehood. The "Hands up, don't shoot" was proven false and the whole movement is based on that. I feel for my country but that doesn't mean that it is in the right at this time. I will protect the country but that doesn't mean I support the government.
I think the author of the article is out of touch with the current attitudes of Texans. He is a minority in texas in a way that he apparently doesn't recognize. Are "Texans" less politically correct than "NYers" ? Yes, but if Texans had the love for liberty of Sam Houston's soldiers (and possibly the author) then Texas would have seceeded again, and this time would have made it stick.
I am not sure what you think the author's point of view is. Your own suggestions are wide of the mark from my point of view.
Secession is not an option for any American state, nor should it be. What started as a War Between the States, ended as a compact between all the people of the Union and the federal government. The federal union is not a compact among states. States are simply prefectures or provinces: they have nice local cultures and histories, but all are subsumed by the federal union. That radical shift of 1865 still took almost 100 years to play out. Along the way, Freedom of Religion was forced on the state governments. Before 1935, states allowed police the power to torture people for confessions. Then, the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments were forced on the states. When you read about political news and court cases over local gun control laws, like New York City and Washington DC, realize that the issue is whether the Federal Second Amendment is incorporated to the states.
While I am indeed proud to be a "Texan serving Texans" in the state guard, as a member of the Maritime Regiment, I am fully cognizant of Sam Houston's complex personality. I cannot say whether he was bipolar, or suffered an obsessive disorder, or was attention deficit, or a small man caught in great events, or something more or something else. I do know that Sam Houston cheated the soldiers of Texas and reneged on his promises to the sailors of Texas. Houston said that maritime people are shiftless and untrustworthy. He was angry when the Texas Navy forced his hand in the continuing war with Mexico. Houston wanted Texas to appear weak and in need of annexation to the USA, while the Texas Navy continued to win battles. So don't talk to a member of the Texas State Guard Maritime Regiment about Sam Houston's love of Texas. Jesus said to love yourself first, and Sam Houston was apparently a good Christian.
Soldiers and sailors aside, Sam Houston demonetized an entire series of state paper money, thereby cheating the people of Texas. The guy is not someone you want to endorse without reservation.
I like Texas. I really love living in Austin. But first and foremost, I am an American.
You forgot to mention that the rest of Texas considers people who live in Austin as raving liberals.
Texas embodies the spirit and thoughts of freedom. They (the state government) have shown that they are willing to speak out against, if not outright defy, the hacks in Washington D.C. and their "one size fits all" way of regulating us out of existence.
Remember, Texas is considered to be part of the "fly-over" by the pseudo-intellectuals of the East and West coasts.
I have no interest in Sam Houston's acts for or against Texas or Texans. Nor did I make any statement in support of them. So make your comments to the author, not to me.
I could not disagree with you more on secession. Secession is only prevented by force of a central government that has greatly exceeded the limited powers allowed in the constitution. Lincoln and the GOP enslaved the nation and pretended to free the black slaves. There was no compact between the people and the union. The people were superior to the servant government and without indiividual consent to the contrary, every person still is superior to the federal government. The south was conquered by force, all their rights were taken by force, and they have never been regained. Dictatorial extra-constitutional acts by central power are unacceptable regardless of the level of government that imposes them. Free markets solve problems. Government makes problems worse.
FreedomForAll wrote: "...if Texans had the love for liberty of Sam Houston's soldiers (and possibly the author) then Texas would have seceeded again..." Sam Houston is proof that if you seceded, you do not get liberty, just a smaller thug to loot the public.
"The South" was not an entity. Some people seized the governments of some southern states and declared themselves the rulers. Again, here in Texas, they arrested the great Sam Houston because he was opposed to secession, as very many people were. The secessionists just made more noise.
Ideally, all of Earth will have one government. I recommend that you read Ayn Rand's essay on "Balkanization." We have seen this time and again: when the central government fails, the little secessors go to war against each other.
Sometimes the little tyrants co-operate when they can share in the shearing of the sheep.
"The State of Louisiana does not allow an exemption from the Louisiana Motor Fuel tax on automotive gasoline or undyed diesel fuel exported from Louisiana to another state unless the position holder (seller) at the Louisiana terminal collected the destination state’s motor fuel tax. Also, Louisiana requires terminal position holders to collect Mississippi’s tax on aviation gasoline, dyed diesel and jet fuel. This means that Mississippi tax should be collected on gasoline, aviation gasoline, undyed diesel fuel, dyed diesel fuel and jet fuel imported into Mississippi from Louisiana." --
By your own comment, Mike is a big government statist supporter who would rather have a concentrated powerful dictatorship by the self-crowned elite than trust the people to control their own lives. Mike supports a statist government that ignores the constitutional limits placed upon government and uses force to take away the rights guaranteed to the people. It appears that you will get what you want for a while. Then there will be a war because the elite and their fearful, naive, looting supporters can not suppress individual liberty.
See my comment to Lucky. Do you oppose having all of Earth under the rule of law within a constitutionally limited framework of government?
We have had some discussions here on the contradictions in the Constitution. Resolving those by objective legal theory would lay the groundwork for a world government based on individual rights.
In re your first question. I would not oppose that fantasy, although fantasy is all it is. Humanity is too fractious to have a one world government along those lines.
One government! 'One ring to rule them all' One people, one God, one religion, one prophet, but 100 blooming flowers and 100 genders. (Like the above, this comment may not be serious).
If you do not have one government, then you have "competing governments" i.e., a state of perpetual civil war. A single, global government, along the lines of the United States but improved, would be one of limited powers, dependent on the powers granted to it by the people it rules, but, again, always limited by the recognition of inalienable, natural rights.
Yes, I defintely have an objection to that, Mike. The only rational possibility of having government that stays subservient to the people is to have competition. Competing governments are the hope for progress. Given human nature, a single world government will be a disaster. No one can be trusted with that power.
I should have included in my previous post- One Nation, one People, one Führer!
For those who prefer to argue other than by poetry, MM's post has an interesting idea- one world government, so does not deserve a downvote. The idea needs discussing, we are heading that way. My view is it is bad and must be stopped. Competing is an obvious measure to ensure performance and integrity. I am ok with coordination and cooperation but not merging. A better example for one world government would be Switzerland, the 'exception that proves the rule'.
Rhetorical technique- to ask if there is an objection to 'that'. The 'that' is framed to be unobjectionable, but it cannot exist. Power always expands, the justifications follow.
I like the idea that Texans seem to be more independent and actually do have a desire to seceed from the US (which I think would be a good idea).
However, secession would be met with Obama sending in the army to stop the process, just as in the civil war years ago. The economy would have to collapse much more before the federal government wouldnt be able to really stop states from leaving the union.
BLM is a paid for unit of the nations amount of truth or history is gona change that right now...Maybe, just maybe, we might do some good if Everyone knew that all this chaos is what the mindless parasites in DC and the worlds kakistocracies want...they are just pushing our buttons continually...think maybe it might stop or at least some of it, if it was know that their behavior was engineered on purpose.
I like some things about Texas; its willingness to uphold capitalism, its right-to-work, right-to-carry, and stand-your-ground laws, its good roads, and that Houston has no zoning.
I don't like its over-use of the death penalty, its Border Patrol checkpoints, its ongoing punitive fines for those who've had traffic tickets years ago, its abortion restrictions, or its "abstinence only" sex education (which causes higher teen pregnancy rates).
In sum, the negatives slightly outweigh the positives if I were to move there. But if unemployment here gets much worse I'd consider it.
If abstinence was the cause of out-of-control births, the population explosion would have taken place centuries ago. What has actually caused the out-of-control birthrate is the incentives that have been put in place to reward such behavior. Put your logic cap on when you're posting, please.
Shane sounds a lot like his namesake. Let's hope he's right and the political blandness of recent history is put aside as the true spirit of what it is to be an American and a Texan comes to the fore. Personally, I'm fed-up with the crap and would like nothing better than to see a tough, no excuses attitude put forth, no matter what stupid restrictions are put on them from Washington. It is about time that someone stood up to the Obama Milktoasts and said that they won't obey that crap. Go, Mr. Cory, go.
As a native Texan who left there in 1976, I have long thought that, if things got bad enough in America, Texas would likely secede, and I would join them. Each year, however, Texas gets a little lower on my list of places to escape to.
It's a non income tax state so is one of the few states to go to. Washington same except they are waaayyyyyy to far left just look on any map.l think that leaves only Texas and Florida to choose from and maybe New Hamphire. Nice thing about Florida you don't have to actually live there.
TN is another no income tax alternative, but TN is land locked, so not a likely secession candidate. Does have some hills to run for though and generally friendly residents, in my experience. I'd be very tempted to move to any state that seceeded and established a constitution similar to the Articles of Confederation with a Bill of Rights and sovereignty to the individual. I'd fight to defend it if necessary. Life, fortune, and sacred honor.
Well then let's discuss legalities and legalities. When the Lone Star Republic joined the union the agree ment was they could union application secede or divide into multiple states. They no longere have that right.
First the seceded and were the only one of the Civil War States that had the right to do so.
But then they joined the CSA and participated in a war against the USA. Of all those states they were brought into the union as a defeated foreign aggressor and then given standard Statehood. So the notion of secede at will is a dream long over since 1865. any State they can ask to become multiple States. certainly qualify in terms of population, land area, and economic ability. Other areas are Upper Peninsula of Michigan, the panhandle of Florida and the State of Jefferson. Southern from Northern California with real northern meaning above Sacramento and San Francisco. This revives the State of Jefferson Plan with Southern Oregon south of the Willamette Valley.
Would they want to do that? Who knows that's their business.
That is perfectly legal or was under the Constitution. Who knows with this batch and their endless wars. We may end up welcoming Baja/Sonora into the USSA but then I would move again.
Legalities? With the looters in the Dark Center and the Empire State? imo, legal only matters if you have a bigger gun than they do. Then they try to use the banksters to $%^& you. What matters to me is whether they want to force me work for them as a slave. I conclude that they do and I do not consent. I secede. Secession is like revolution. Its legal when it is successful.
I do live in Florida. The lack of an income tax is definitely a major benefit. Because of the lack of an income tax and the reasonable housing prices in my part of Florida, it would take an extra $30-40 K per year in salary for me to have an equivalent lifestyle up north. This week the highs are around 95 degrees. That is about as high as it ever gets here. Usually the highs are around 90-92 for about four months, but it gets over 96 only one year out of ten.
I think there is little hope to change divisiveness. If one millionth of one percent of our population is mentally unbalanced and angry enough to commit mass murder, whether it's innocent law enforcement or innocent people attending church or innocent children in school, it all gets the same wall to wall coverage in electronic media and brought into every household as if it happened in their neighborhood. Sick people have always been with us, and as long as we're free, always will be. But now their actions are magnified with $millions in media coverage and analysis, all searching for every act's national or global meaning. And from those spotlights come actors from every facet of the political spectrum who live to draw to themselves followers and paying supporters. Whether that's Black Lives Matter complaining of Black injustice or the Tea Party complaining of tax injustice, or Jesse Jackson or Rush Limbaugh, or Barack Obama or Ted Cruz, their opposing rhetoric divides us and these horrific incidents only serve to feed the beast that they dine on.
Like the MSM, the author took it upon himself to rant, before he knew all of the facts (or even some of the facts). Unless I'm mistaken, it was proven that there was only ONE shooter.
People should take the time to get their facts straight, before they start making historical connections to incidents they hear about (yes, I know, I'm guilty of this, as well).
Having spent a decade there and only having one instance that I could call a beautiful day, I agree that the weather in the Houston area is sub-optimal. I have lived in high humidity warm climate most of my life by choice and I would not choose Houston based on climate.
I lived in a golf course community on the SW side of Houston for 3 months in 1976 and loved it, after having lived over in Beaumont for 9 years. Beaumont is a great place for an oil person like me, but a beautiful mountain it is not. We were at 25 feet above sea level, and my most vivid memory was canoeing down the street in 1973.
True I was on a tanker ship that called regularly and can steer the Texas Chicken with the best of them. Ok that's one reason. Any others? Highest murder rate in the nation too.
It's a really tough job but someone's got to get stuck with it. That's why "Texas was made that particular size and shape."
I recall living in Oregon once upon a time a joke where a Texan and Alaskan were bragging about being number one. An Oregonian said "You forget water but Texas if you run a garden hose from here to there that should help." "But water wouldn't flow through that small a hose all that distance." "Whereupon the Alaskan pointed out if they coudl suck as hard as they blow no problem." Texan says, "Alaska are you calling us blowhards?" "Not at all that's why we're number one." A Californian ended the discussion with the comment. "It would have to go through my State and we're taking half. You mahy be the largest States but we've got more swimming pools."
Hey how come I didn't get a down vote? Texas has a lot of good things. Selena, A whole city size population of great musicians and singers, and armadillo recipies.
I read somewhere a foreign visitor asked the difference between Texas Barbecue and Southern barbecue.
We of course answered: 'One is good and the other is burnt. Kind of like the difference in your part of the world between Cafe Turkos and Cafe Greco.'
'But there is no difference between Turkish and Greek Coffee!'
'Exactly one is good the other is from Texas.'
One of the best I ever was a Burnt Ends Barbecue. It came from right ont he border with Louisiana.
You were just reacting emotionally to the first reports. The police claimed two shooters, then three. Now we have one. The context of the crime scene being the demonstration underscored your points. That part was easy to understand, but not easy to agree with.
That was the reason why I caution that you step back and let things unfold. There's a lot to come out of this. Just being able to identify it as a "tragedy" versus a "horror" is hard enough.
The wider problem - those other tragedies and horrors - wrap all the chatter here. As I understand the news, in one case, the victim was wrestling with police. In another, he was sitting in his car, reaching for his wallet. Simple labels are not going to serve here.
Just consider the source. If it starts with Guardian it has a high probability of being made up. Same with NY Times and Washington Post. They hire reporters and propagandists not journalists.
Are "Texans" less politically correct than "NYers" ? Yes, but if Texans had the love for liberty of Sam Houston's soldiers (and possibly the author) then Texas would have seceeded again, and this time would have made it stick.
Secession is not an option for any American state, nor should it be. What started as a War Between the States, ended as a compact between all the people of the Union and the federal government. The federal union is not a compact among states. States are simply prefectures or provinces: they have nice local cultures and histories, but all are subsumed by the federal union. That radical shift of 1865 still took almost 100 years to play out. Along the way, Freedom of Religion was forced on the state governments. Before 1935, states allowed police the power to torture people for confessions. Then, the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments were forced on the states. When you read about political news and court cases over local gun control laws, like New York City and Washington DC, realize that the issue is whether the Federal Second Amendment is incorporated to the states.
While I am indeed proud to be a "Texan serving Texans" in the state guard, as a member of the Maritime Regiment, I am fully cognizant of Sam Houston's complex personality. I cannot say whether he was bipolar, or suffered an obsessive disorder, or was attention deficit, or a small man caught in great events, or something more or something else. I do know that Sam Houston cheated the soldiers of Texas and reneged on his promises to the sailors of Texas. Houston said that maritime people are shiftless and untrustworthy. He was angry when the Texas Navy forced his hand in the continuing war with Mexico. Houston wanted Texas to appear weak and in need of annexation to the USA, while the Texas Navy continued to win battles. So don't talk to a member of the Texas State Guard Maritime Regiment about Sam Houston's love of Texas. Jesus said to love yourself first, and Sam Houston was apparently a good Christian.
Soldiers and sailors aside, Sam Houston demonetized an entire series of state paper money, thereby cheating the people of Texas. The guy is not someone you want to endorse without reservation.
I like Texas. I really love living in Austin. But first and foremost, I am an American.
Texas embodies the spirit and thoughts of freedom. They (the state government) have shown that they are willing to speak out against, if not outright defy, the hacks in Washington D.C. and their "one size fits all" way of regulating us out of existence.
Remember, Texas is considered to be part of the "fly-over" by the pseudo-intellectuals of the East and West coasts.
Just my .02 cents.
I could not disagree with you more on secession.
Secession is only prevented by force of a central government that has greatly exceeded the limited powers allowed in the constitution. Lincoln and the GOP enslaved the nation and pretended to free the black slaves. There was no compact between the people and the union. The people were superior to the servant government and without indiividual consent to the contrary, every person still is superior to the federal government. The south was conquered by force, all their rights were taken by force, and they have never been regained.
Dictatorial extra-constitutional acts by central power are unacceptable regardless of the level of government that imposes them. Free markets solve problems. Government makes problems worse.
"The South" was not an entity. Some people seized the governments of some southern states and declared themselves the rulers. Again, here in Texas, they arrested the great Sam Houston because he was opposed to secession, as very many people were. The secessionists just made more noise.
Ideally, all of Earth will have one government. I recommend that you read Ayn Rand's essay on "Balkanization." We have seen this time and again: when the central government fails, the little secessors go to war against each other.
Sometimes the little tyrants co-operate when they can share in the shearing of the sheep.
"The State of Louisiana does not allow an exemption from the Louisiana Motor Fuel tax on automotive gasoline or undyed diesel fuel exported from Louisiana to another state unless the position holder (seller) at the Louisiana terminal collected the destination state’s motor fuel tax. Also, Louisiana requires terminal position holders to collect Mississippi’s tax on aviation gasoline, dyed diesel and jet fuel. This means that Mississippi tax should be collected on gasoline, aviation gasoline, undyed diesel fuel, dyed diesel fuel and jet fuel imported into Mississippi from Louisiana." --
... 50 little governments...
It appears that you will get what you want for a while. Then there will be a war because the elite and their fearful, naive, looting supporters can not suppress individual liberty.
We have had some discussions here on the contradictions in the Constitution. Resolving those by objective legal theory would lay the groundwork for a world government based on individual rights.
See also in the Gulch, Wolf Devoon's "Constitution for Government in Galt's Gulch" (here:
Contradictions in the Constitution here:
An Objectivist Constitution discussion here:
'One ring to rule them all'
One people, one God, one religion, one prophet,
but 100 blooming flowers and 100 genders.
(Like the above, this comment may not be serious).
Do you have an objection to that?
One Nation, one People, one Führer!
For those who prefer to argue other than by poetry, MM's post has an interesting idea- one world government, so does not deserve a downvote.
The idea needs discussing, we are heading that way. My view is it is bad and must be stopped.
Competing is an obvious measure to ensure performance and integrity. I am ok with coordination and cooperation but not merging. A better example for one world government would be Switzerland, the 'exception that proves the rule'.
Rhetorical technique- to ask if there is an objection to 'that'. The 'that' is framed to be unobjectionable, but it cannot exist. Power always expands, the justifications follow.
However, secession would be met with Obama sending in the army to stop the process, just as in the civil war years ago. The economy would have to collapse much more before the federal government wouldnt be able to really stop states from leaving the union.
I don't like its over-use of the death penalty, its Border Patrol checkpoints, its ongoing punitive fines for those who've had traffic tickets years ago, its abortion restrictions, or its "abstinence only" sex education (which causes higher teen pregnancy rates).
In sum, the negatives slightly outweigh the positives if I were to move there. But if unemployment here gets much worse I'd consider it.
Let's hope he's right and the political blandness of recent history is put aside as the true spirit of what it is to be an American and a Texan comes to the fore. Personally, I'm fed-up with the crap and would like nothing better than to see a tough, no excuses attitude put forth, no matter what stupid restrictions are put on them from Washington. It is about time that someone stood up to the Obama Milktoasts and said that they won't obey that crap.
Go, Mr. Cory, go.
I'd be very tempted to move to any state that seceeded and established a constitution similar to the Articles of Confederation with a Bill of Rights and sovereignty to the individual. I'd fight to defend it if necessary. Life, fortune, and sacred honor.
First the seceded and were the only one of the Civil War States that had the right to do so.
But then they joined the CSA and participated in a war against the USA. Of all those states they were brought into the union as a defeated foreign aggressor and then given standard Statehood. So the notion of secede at will is a dream long over since 1865. any State they can ask to become multiple States. certainly qualify in terms of population, land area, and economic ability. Other areas are Upper Peninsula of Michigan, the panhandle of Florida and the State of Jefferson. Southern from Northern California with real northern meaning above Sacramento and San Francisco. This revives the State of Jefferson Plan with Southern Oregon south of the Willamette Valley.
Would they want to do that? Who knows that's their business.
That is perfectly legal or was under the Constitution. Who knows with this batch and their endless wars. We may end up welcoming Baja/Sonora into the USSA but then I would move again.
If your thinking on it is similar to mine, the entire list of options contracts year by year.
People should take the time to get their facts straight, before they start making historical connections to incidents they hear about (yes, I know, I'm guilty of this, as well).
I have lived in high humidity warm climate most of my life by choice and I would not choose Houston based on climate.
I recall living in Oregon once upon a time a joke where a Texan and Alaskan were bragging about being number one. An Oregonian said "You forget water but Texas if you run a garden hose from here to there that should help." "But water wouldn't flow through that small a hose all that distance." "Whereupon the Alaskan pointed out if they coudl suck as hard as they blow no problem." Texan says, "Alaska are you calling us blowhards?" "Not at all that's why we're number one." A Californian ended the discussion with the comment. "It would have to go through my State and we're taking half. You mahy be the largest States but we've got more swimming pools."
I read somewhere a foreign visitor asked the difference between Texas Barbecue and Southern barbecue.
We of course answered: 'One is good and the other is burnt. Kind of like the difference in your part of the world between Cafe Turkos and Cafe Greco.'
'But there is no difference between Turkish and Greek Coffee!'
'Exactly one is good the other is from Texas.'
One of the best I ever was a Burnt Ends Barbecue. It came from right ont he border with Louisiana.
The shooter was from Texas. He was a veteran.
That was the reason why I caution that you step back and let things unfold. There's a lot to come out of this. Just being able to identify it as a "tragedy" versus a "horror" is hard enough.
The wider problem - those other tragedies and horrors - wrap all the chatter here. As I understand the news, in one case, the victim was wrestling with police. In another, he was sitting in his car, reaching for his wallet. Simple labels are not going to serve here.