Posted by LesEolides 12 years, 4 months ago to Movies
Mis-delivered by a drunk stork to this illogical and art-hating rock, I champion the Individual and the accomplishments of the Individual as the most sacred heritage of mankind... have been a "Randoid" (a liberal once disparagingly referred to me by this term in 1980...I've worn it as a badge of honour ever since...) To the last thinker/producer to get to the gulch: Don't forget to turn out the lights!
I myself read Atlas for the first time about 10 years ago. After reading it I got it on audio and listened to it while driving back and forth between home and work (45 minute commute). I then got a copy of "The Virtues of Selfishness" and read it. Then I read Atlas again and purchased an audio version of Virtues of selfishness to listen to it again. I also read "Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand" which was not nearly as good as Rand's own books but still a very good read. I am now reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal" which has been great reading.
Over the last 10 years I have found a philosophy that I have come to love for the most part.
I say for the most part because I am religious and believe in god. The atheist aspects of the philosophy I disagree with.
I too would consider being called a Randoid a compliment. Although as she suggests I use my own mind and my own reasoning to determine what is best for me, therefor the difference about religion.
Welcome to the gulch and enjoy the conversation.