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    Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 6 months ago
    Okay, the title of the article is as ridiculous as the title of the publication. I refuse to take it seriously.

    Not to mention that it doesn't make sense; in the article the author uses the term "the religious", as if "the religious" were a minority. That's like saying, "the humans" are a minority. The vast majority of people are religious.

    Secondly, I'm not going to applaud a measure that bypasses the legal system. The "victims" of discrimination aren't the only ones who deserve justice; the accused deserve their day in court.

    And yes, it *should* be okay to discriminate against Jews... or any other belief system. So long as it is okay to discriminate against Bob for arbitrary reasons, it must remain okay to discriminate against any defining characteristic of Bob that may be shared by others.

    I know; let's pass laws outlawing discrimination against iconoclasts...
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