When it's warming it's anthropogenic, when it's cooling it's natural?

Posted by Wanderer 8 years, 7 months ago to Science
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NCAR has finally admitted what environmental groups won't - the Antarctic ice pack is growing but, even NCAR won't admit why because, admitting the increase in Antarctic ice is caused by a global phenomenon would expose anthropogenic global warming as a fib. If the Arctic ice melt were due to an increase in atmospheric CO2 then gas diffusion says the same thing would happen in the Antarctic.

Could it be colder Antarcticsummers and increases in the ice pack when Arctic ice is melting and northern hemisphere has warmed is due, as Milutin Milankovitch predicted a century ago, to a change in precession of the earth's axis? Occam's Razor says yes. We're at the point in Milankovitch's "Wobble" Cycle when the Antarctic experiences warmer summer and cooler winter temperatures which cause the ice pack to increase while, the northern hemisphere has warmer winters so the Arctic ice pack is melting.

Milankovitch Cycles are long term events. This one will go on for thousands of years. Guess we should enjoy it while we can because, after this we go into another ice age.
SOURCE URL: http://www.newshub.co.nz/world/growing-antarctic-sea-ice-contrary-to-warming-climate-2016070501#axzz4DfgBiqSW

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  • Posted by ProfChuck 8 years, 7 months ago
    Follow the ideology! AGW is a powerful political tool because it provides a justification for an increase in government power and authority. From the perspective of the "progressive" politician the reality of AGW is irrelevant, it is only necessary that the voters believe it to be real. From the perspective of the truly objective scientist AGW is something to be studied and understood. This includes all related and mitigating factors such as vegetative response to increases in atmospheric CO2 and the roll played by solar cycles. Selective interpretation of data may provide political leverage but it is far from honest science.
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    • Posted by ewv 8 years, 7 months ago
      The cooling is caused by the warming. Anthropogenic warming explains all and justifies all climate hysteria, which in turn justifies any and all controls.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 7 months ago
    So....what else is new?
    We've known that the global warming or climate change is just so much meteorlogical bullcrap for years. It's used as a distraction so that the fact that we are being killed by inches won't be as significant as the sky is falling. And even some of the most "intelligent" among us fall for it.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 7 months ago
    It's bad enough that western civilization tried to linearize history but western civilization also forgot about the natural cycles as well...even science did this...when you mention that this scenario happened in the past every so many years, they look at you like your nuts...
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    • Posted by rbroberg 8 years, 7 months ago
      Is the cycle you are referring to that of cause and effect? Cause: the climate, or cause: global warming, or cause: energy security, or cause: resource ownership. Resource ownership was cool until it resulted in wars that were not cool. Energy security was cool until it resulted in a lot of money in the hands of regimes antithetical to secular rights. Global warming was cool until extreme hot and extreme cold happened with more or less equal frequencies. Climate change was/is cool until it was/is shown that temperatures haven't increased since somewhere around the 70's. Climate justice is cool now. Climate justice means India and China get proportionally more carbon to emit because apparently it's not their fault that their societies were pre-industrial until recently and apparently because it is our fault that the US burned a lot more fuel in the preceding years. Yes, ex-post facto exists in the world. We are protected from it domestically, but not internationally? Now that's non-linear. So, rather than fighting over resources, people are fighting over who gets the least amount of penalties for using the ones they pay for. Cool, right?
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 7 months ago
        We just forgot the natural cycles, some sought to profit from it, some sought the truth but neither sought nature. If they had, we might be able to tell if all the other things happening to the earth and the solar system have anything to do with each other or if a bunch of cycles have come together at a time never experienced before...(Mayan Calendar) Had we kept up, we might know and have avoided the "Sky is falling" syndrome by the stupid and their followers; the highly misconceived finger pointers that seek to usurp profit fraudulently and the rest of us having no idea how to reasonable prepare or even know that at least in our mindsets to have some idea what we might face in the future.
        If we knew...we'd be growing food indoors, we'd be watching the normally dry areas of the world get greener and take advantage of it.

        What it means to linearize history is to be ignorant of the fact that it often repeats itself if it's ignored. Natural and manmade History always repeats itself and that includes climate, politics, conditions on earth and even culture.

        see: http://suspicious0bservers.org for some great truthful news on climate and adapt 2030 on youtube for up to date of weather patters and events world wide that the lamestream won't tell you about.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
          I was still in school when they cored Greenland's icecap and chemical studies confirmed what Milankovitch predicted in the twenties, the earth goes through clearly delineated climate cycles, one on a 100,000 year basis, another on a 46,000 year basis and a third, the one influencing us now, on a 22,000 year cycle plus, as you say, the cycles mix and match, sometimes enhancing each other, sometimes detracting from each other. In sum, though, what Milankovitch said and the ice cores confirmed is, the earth spends 80% of its time in ice ages of varying extremes. We happen to happily be in between ice ages.

          If I remember correctly, this is where Maggie Thatcher stepped in. She was a professional chemist and, when the ice cores confirmed the cycles, she proposed burning as much coal as possible to increase the amount of CO2 in the air and prevent the next ice age.

          So, in a very backward way, we may have Maggie Thatcher, one of my favorite politicians, to blame for the hysterical reaction to "global warming."
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 7 months ago
            Great story...we at suspicious observers have wondered if carbon,.03% of the atmosphere, really causes warming...it seems just prior to the last major ice age carbon was 4000ppb. Today its a paltry 400ppb; we also know that carbon is a coolant in our ionosphere (and doesn't come from the troposphere), not to mention, that carbon is an electrical dispersent ...might help mitigate solar electrical events you think?
            The Most abundant Warming gas in our atmosphere is...wait...wait for it...water vapor! Let's not tell them cause they'll blame global non warming on the taking of loooooong showers...
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            • Posted by Lucky 8 years, 7 months ago
              Your nit-picker service reports:

              CO2 is currently about 400ppm (parts per million) by mass in the atmosphere. ( 400ppm is 0.04% )

              Human activities contribute about 3% of that amount, the remainder is from natural sources mainly from oceans.

              The half-life of CO2 in the atmosphere is less than 10 years, the IPCC use a fantasy figure of 100 years in their calcs.

              Over the past 150 million years, CO2 in the atmosphere has declined from about 2000ppm to the current 400ppm.
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              • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 7 months ago
                Even then, all it does is encourage plant growth and production. The huge issue none of the idiots ever bring up is the deforestation of the Amazon, and the consequent loss of one of the largest CO2/O2 exchangers there are. Yet they will constatntly bitch and moan to us and tell us what WE have to do to avoid the end of the world, yet never say a word to another country that is doing as much, if not more damage by removing the CO2 absorption system. It's like being in a spaceship with an idiot disassembling the life support system and yelling at the crew to stop breathing so much. They can kiss my CO2/Methane production unit.
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          • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 7 months ago
            Very funny you should say that, as the 22K and 46 K years cycles match precession exactly. Yet very few scientists bother to factor that into the discussion, because it is to long for them to get anyone worked up with.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
        I've lived through too many weather cycles to understand It's not NICE to fool with Mother Nature.The only possible practical differences are a. it get s hotter. Mangos are grown in Northern Mexico, Corn in northern Saskatchewan etc.

        b. It' gets cooler. Mango are grown in Panama and corn in northern Mexico

        c. IF California doesn't exapropriate all the water
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 8 years, 7 months ago
    Whatever shall they do if people don't believe them? That is the root of their power over us, Agenda 21 counts on it.Notice how they NEVER mention how the weather warfare installations heat the ionosphere and change the jet streams?Those run by the US, as well as those run by other countries operate, almost like ghosts no one mentions. They just can't seem to tell the truth, it has to involve control.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 7 months ago
    Also...our "wobble" seems to have changed...our weighted rotational axis has moved from it's traditionally taught spot to just off the northwestern coast of Greenland ( a theory submitted was a ground water migration cycle) while our north magnetic pole has moved closer to Russia on the opposite side of our traditional north geographical pole.
    I have noticed this year that I, on the east coast of New England, am getting more sunlight on the Northern side of my house than ever before...so much so that I have moved my vegetable garden to the front or north side. soil temperatures are higher there.

    some of this info was observed via, suspicious0bservers,org and that info came from government sources, ie NASA NOAH etc.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 8 years, 7 months ago
      Are you saying that the rotational axis of the Earth has shifted thus changing the tilt of the Earth? The magnetic north pole shifts all the time--nothing new there-- but has nothing to do with the tilt of the Earth and the solar energy at any place on the Earth unless you can show that the magnetic field's position determines the cloudiness and weather patterns of the Earth.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 7 months ago
        No as I stated: the weighted rotational axis...as I know and you state...has nothing to do with the magnetic poles.
        Yes the earth has shifted it's tilt for many reasons...Japan moving closer to our west coast during their big earthquake for example, china's construction of a humungus reservoir for another but also it seems that even water tables migrate too...put it all together and ya, we shifted in a different direction. Whether we are tilted more or less has not been reported by NASA or NOAH or anyone else for that matter.

        The magnetic poles wandering increasingly faster has raised many concerns...it appears that they do this from time to time but we have a whole community shouting "Magnetic reversal"...it may, but in my opinion it won't...that cycle seemed to stop 780K years ago. What's interesting is this migration cycle is happening amongst other well known cycles and no one can say whether this is normal or not...we simply are looking at it all.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 7 months ago
    Dobrien turned me on to an author (Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock) who ties a lot of the Ice Age theory together and the causes, and the whole thing is a lot more complicated than the global warming crowd would ever understand. Here is a good explanation of the impact of precession and orbital mechanics as well as the unknown factors such as star output:


    He also describes some issues I had never heard of, such as the fact that the Northern Siberia and Alaska areas were temperate and held huge numbers of animals and humans during the same period, and were only later covered after an obvious huge change in the earths basic setup. The huge numbers of mastodon tusks kept Siberian traders in money for a couple hundred years. It also illustrates the whole issue with short term observations being used as goading tools for political gain.
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