From the Left: Why the American Revolution Was a Mistake

Posted by bsmith51 8 years, 7 months ago to History
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As with so many opinions these days, this is astonishing but not surprising.

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  • Posted by ewv 8 years, 7 months ago
    The left has always thought that individual freedom was a mistake. They are becoming more brazen in saying so openly as collectivism is more explicitly accepted.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 7 months ago
    Mr. Mathews says it's good news indeed that "government spending in parliamentary countries is about 5 percent of GDP higher, after controlling for other factors, than in presidential countries." That's a good thing!???

    He says it would have been better for people who didn't get the right to vote because without a revolution, they wouldn't have been singled out for disenfranchisement. I say respecting some people's rights was a great step in the right direction that paved the way for respecting everyone, even people who are in some unpopular minority group.

    It says it's easier for a parliamentary country to take action, e.g. implement a carbon tax. As much as a I'd like to see carbon taxed, it also makes it easier for gov't take other actions.

    It also says the slave owners would have been a smaller percentage of a larger gov't, so the majority would have forced them to abolish slavery earlier. That's good, but it cuts both ways. Being a smaller percentage of the gov't means it's harder to accomplish good things too. Thomas Jefferson wrote about states and even neighborhoods experimenting with different systems of gov't. I think he was completely right about this and people who crave a strong distant central gov't are wrong.
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