Massive John Galt moment

Posted by $ johnrobert2 10 years, 9 months ago to The Gulch: General
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The school which my daughter will be attending in about 6 weeks had a "connection day" on Friday. While we were taking care of some other stuff, I needed a few moments in the facility to return some coffee I had rented. While on my way, I passed through a group of about 20 people waiting in a short corridor. Did I mention I was wearing my "Who is John Galt" t-shirt? Anyway, on my way back through, one of them remarked they had googled John Galt to find out. So, being the person I am, I told them about ASP3 and they needed to see ASP1 and ASP2 first. What a rush!!

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 9 months ago
    Is your daughter going off to college? I remember that your daughter was a teenager. Given your disagreement with the coffee, the two of you might want to reconsider. I am educating future Galts, Danneskjolds, Reardens, d'Anconias, certain Taggarts, etc. at Florida Tech, today's Patrick Henry University. As I write this, I am wearing my "Atlas Shrugged: Now Non-Fiction t-shirt". My daughter is going to Florida Tech to study biomedical engineering and told me that Dagny is her role model.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 9 months ago
    Good job John. It's a shame that in a group of twenty people that no one knew who John Galt is.
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    • Posted by coaldigger 10 years, 9 months ago
      I wear my 20th Century Motors hat a lot and some have given it a puzzled look but no one has commented. On the other hand, I sometimes wear a hat with the logo of my oldest son's company on it and a few have asked if that has anything to do with "That book". The company is Fountainhead Irrigation and the answer is definitely.
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      • Posted by lmarrott 10 years, 9 months ago
        I was wearing my hat the other day and walked into a presentation being given by a company to my team and one of the guys got it and said he loved my hat. Asked how often people recognize it. I told him not often and he laughed and said he is from Seattle and thought he would get even less recognition from people out there.

        But all in all I agree that it is uncommon for people to say anything about my hat, which I take to mean they don't know where it comes from.
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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 10 years, 8 months ago
    I've been hammering away at the idea of "Who Is John Galt?" as a simple and effective marketing device for the films - which should've been plastered everywhere financially possible from sea to shining sea from the runup to ASP1, but it fell on deaf ears.

    It's a perfect, ready-made publicity tool because it taps into the curiosity factor that resides in every human being and offers the film as its answer.

    Not surprising then, that your shirt with that simple line of text on it may have introduced Rand's work to at least one of a group of random bystanders. That's getting it done - so my compliments!
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