Most Sanders supporters are NOT socialists and many will vote Libertarian!

Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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“Fewer than 20 percent of millennials identify as socialists, yet usually more than 60 percent of millennials support Sanders. This 40+ percent of millennials who are non-ideological Sanders supporters are your average millennials. They lean left on social issues, want a candidate with a vision for dramatic change, and are tired of war in the Middle East. Johnson has more in common with these millennials than he does with conservatives who are dissatisfied with Trump.”

Gary Johnson beats Jill Stein among Sanders supporters! “Of those who vote for Sanders when Sanders' name appears on the ballot, 13% say they will stay home if Sanders name is not on the ballot, 41% vote for Clinton, 15% vote for Johnson, 11% vote for Stein, and 7% defect to Trump.”

So it’s a bit early to write off all of Bernie’s supporters – many of them may be on their way to becoming libertarians!

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 5 months ago
    "many of them may be on their way to becoming libertarians!"
    I think they are, although I don't know how many will arrive this year.

    IMHO the trends favor Libertarianism. If we simplify the generations, the Greatest generation saved the world and generated prosperity. Boomers came and took over big institutions and make them more inclusive. Gen X (my generation) was disillusioned with with the reformed institutions and made technology that broke down institutions. Millennials seem like a more upbeat version of Gen X. Maybe Gen X being middle aged is partly fueling the increased libertarianism.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 5 months ago
    I think this explains some of Johnson's actions (or inactions) that are so infuriating to hard core constitutionalists. (Weld as VP? What was he thinking?) Johnson tried the standard libertarian approach in 2012 and he knows it won't work to get him in the debates. He has to bring other voters into the libertarian fold and Sanders' voters are young and still learning ideology. They have more in common with libertarians than they have with either Hillary or Trump.
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