How to End Racism
Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years, 8 months ago to News
In the wake of the Zimmerman verdict, gangs took to the streets at all political levels to exploit the tragic death for their own social positions, using democratic imposition to force rules on society that is ultimately designed to rob value from once social sector to provide another what it’s missing. The behavior is as stupid as a village of hunters and gathers fighting over the watering hole of an animal both are hunting, or a bunch of foolish Europeans fighting over one version of religion over another. Collective groups are the source of the trouble because they seek to hide individual merit behind their social blanket allowing poor behavior and decisions to be supplemented by the value of others in their group. In every case, such as the would-be criminal Eric Holder, or the members of the Black Panthers, or any of the radical demonstrators who took to the streets to vandalize property like a bunch of malcontents when Zimmerman was found not guilty—the demand is not for justice of a slain kid, the demand is for an improvement in social status without the work of actually earning it. Behind the actions of the hoards who are declaring “equality” are drug addicts, womanizers, jobless buffoons, welfare recipients, child molesters, victims of the molested, and a whole host of characters who are lacking personal value for one reason or the other and find it is much easier to steal value from others to fill themselves than actually doing the work of being good people of good merit. That is what racism is all about, and why it will never go away so long as groups of any kind are given sway over other groups in a perpetual battle for value that is unearned.
Thanks for your post, and insight....
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Have you ever considered the effect of the theft of limited liability from minorities for which they are not compensated with effective merit based protection when seeking employment from the corporations that are built on that subsidy?
Have you ever considered that the country grants protection, limited liability, to investors because it's ostensibly good for the economy but we don't offer effective protection to qualified minority labor though they're good for the economy?
But the perception of some African-Americans is that when the pre-hyphen modifier is "Caucasian," merit becomes a less emphasized metric. How do you relieve them of this belief when the U.S. requires that corporations open their books to prove that all Americans, majority Caucasians, have been getting their cut of the taxes but they don't have to open their books to prove that hiring and promoting are done free of discrimination? It seems to me that when Caucasians are going to benefit, all the stops are pulled, but when minorities might benefit at the cost of Caucasians, we get liberty fever. Why would anyone conclude that it's not motivated by racism?