Trump: Cruz, Kasich Shouldn't Speak at Convention Unless They Endorse Me! Waaaaa, boo hoo....sniff sniff

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 3 months ago to News
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Any questions about the psychology of trump?
Any questions about what kind of president he might be, what kind of America we'll live in under this guy?

Don't know about you but it seems that everytime I begin to give this guy a break...he says something really stupid or potentially destructive.

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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
    We don't even know if he's qualified yet nor has any idess on direction, a plan, a drift something besides his love affair with the lberal NYC left. He's definitely not flyover nor Pace Picante material. So toher than revenge or rage against the sysem of wha tuse is he?

    I kjnow give me the same tired old do nothing say nothing cites No thank you. What's his stance on bringing military pay and social security pay up to par with true COLA?

    That's number one.

    Or is his penchant for Pelosillynist politics good ewnough for the rest of you. Vote First Find Out Later.

    Time for something besides boo hoos and sand box antics.
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  • Posted by mminnick 8 years, 3 months ago
    Gentlemen, do you think Cruz or Kasich would let Trup speak even if he endorsed them. Mopst likely not. Also, since each signed the pledge to support the eventual nominee, andthey haven't and most likely won't support him, who is the ligger jerk and jackass?
    I have very little use for politicians and even less for those who make a show og unity until the rubber meets the rod.
    I at one time supported Cruz and even look at Kasich. Not now. They could help keep Hillary out of the Presidency but would rather see her there than Trump win.
    Real solid people there. For the Dumbacrats.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 3 months ago
      "Mopst likely not."

      Pure speculation. You're attributing Trump's narcissism and thin skin to others.

      One thing I think many are overlooking is that the convention is not only to vote on a nominee, but also to craft the party platform. Cruz still holds a Senate seat and the second largest block of Republican voters to Trump. Whether or not Trump likes it, he needs those votes to win. He only risks alienating more Republicans by rejecting Cruz and Kasich from speaking to their respective contingencies. Many people are justifiably concerned with Trump's historical support for Democratic values, including gun control (the Brady Bill), marriage, etc. Trump could do much to offer the olive branch.

      The other thing to consider is that no candidate is obligated to endorse another candidate - even from their own party. Given Trump's over-the-top personal attacks against Cruz' family, that's a bridge burned by Trump's own actions. I don't fault Cruz one bit for refusing to endorse Trump. But one should not confuse a missing endorsement with open opposition. I don't see Cruz speaking at the convention about anything other than the values he campaigned on all along and the need to get American on the right track through fewer regulations, lower taxes, and more opportunities. If Donald Trump is smart, he'll echo that call.
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      • Posted by mminnick 8 years, 3 months ago
        Agree, it is speculation. How could it be otherwise since neither Cruz or Kasich are the nominee or even the presumptive nominee. I base it on thmy observation of their actions while conducting their campaigns.
        As far as narcissism goes, anybody that runs for political office, especially the presidency has to be somewhat narcissistic, or at least something of an egoist (yes I meant egoist not egotist). You don’t get to the positions of power held by these “gentlemen” without being that way, you have to believe in yourself and be willing to fight for what you think right even if no one else does.
        Anyway, enough junior psychologist crap. Enjoyed the exchange, keeps me thinking and reasoning. Keep up the “agent provocateur” role.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
          As much as I don't want that socialsit fascist crybaby in tjhe office I have to ask how DENSE are you to ask such as question. We just went through that with the GOP's one legal chance to dump Trump . Which makes me think they are really working for a combination of national and internatinal socialism.

          The freaking parties have the only power by law to run their selection of candidates during the priamary season which isn't over until the last delegate vote is counted and confirmed.


          They can have the President of France, the First Lord of the Admiralty of the British Navy and the designer of the Kilo sub in to chat from behind the lectern on top the podium of those conventions. They can have a 12 year old martian? They can have me! If they pay my price. What do you mean. hell The others are at least candidates. Maybe they are all going to fall on their swords and we can watch the blood run.

          Next time we hear this level of question will be when a non lawyer gets nominated for Supreme Court.

          get a life and get an education.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 3 months ago
    I'm really starting to loathe DT the more he speaks. He's transcended being an extreme opportunist and wallowed into and settled in the realm of petulant ass.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
      Following the script? Theyi need a way to get him out now he's destroyed all the opposition candidates or for whatever purpose they were supposed to be breathing air.

      Given a choice of Seig Heil I'm a dumb ass joke or Comrades we serve the party who do you think will get the still useless popular vote.

      One more good manufactured crisis and the Witch is home free to claim the china and retaltiate. I'm staying in FNA.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
      Have fun with Hillary then. She will enjoy running your life. Perhaps after a while you will loathe her even more.

      So if Trump is a petulant ass, what is Obama or Hillary? I am so tired of people knocking Trump all the time. It smacks of ignorance and hatred.
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 3 months ago
        Remarkable reply. I grew up in NY and, for 20+ years) witnessed DT as he matured into what he is today. I know people who have had recent business dealings with him in the past. DT is a mole, placed by the Ds, more likely B&HC, to destabilize the Rs when the Ds believed they had no chance to win. The government manufactured desperation of the American people was played on and DT got a frenzied response, more than he expected.

        This Vet says **ck this country if this is best representation we have to offer ourselves. We deserve to fall apart and take a place in history's dust bin if we can't conserve the Constitution and pass on its appropriate legacy to our children.
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        • -1
          Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
          So you will get Hillary, the definite worst of the two. The problem is that the election system is corrupt and needs to be undone. Third party candidates have no chance. The elections are rigged by the electoral college, and the cronyism of the election itself. The big money contributors own the major candidates, and the money buys the media . Plus, the candidates can make promises they never intend to keep and arent held accountable.
          You should want this stuff fixed, and like it or not Trumps supporters are mainly people who want this to happen.
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          • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 3 months ago
            Cruz was THE guy. A Constitutional Conservative that would have effected the changes we both know this country needs. Of course, those on the blow-hard train (DT) slandered him and elevated DT, a NY moderate at very best.

            If HC is what this country chooses it gets what it deserves.If I didn't have kids I wouldn't care at all.
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            • -1
              Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
              The problem is that Hildebeast will speed up the destruction of the country, and not in the distant future. $15 min wage, 43% capital gains tax, increased estate taxes, restrict purchase of guns, etc. Those things will come quickly if she is elected.

              Cruz talked a good game, but he was hated by the congress and would have gotten nowhere IF he even got elected.
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              • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 3 months ago
                Cruz was far more than talk, he had a history of standing on his fidelity to the Constitution.

                As I said, the American people crafted their own coffin and if they want to nail it shut they are more than welcome. Me and mine will survive.
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                • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
                  I think they nailed it shut with Obama, and are applying sealant to it with Hillary. WE will all probably survive, but less well with Hillary in there.
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                  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 3 months ago
                    Trump is the male Hillary. Same coin, different side. The difference is he hasn't had the authority enough to think his sh*t don't stink when it comes to the really bad stuff.
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                    • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
                      You are emotionally frozen in a never trump configuration I think
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                      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 3 months ago
                        Not at all. In fact when in the Tea Part Community website I defended trump giving him the benefit of the doubt. Those who support him, particularly in the Tea Party Community, are Alinsky disciples who refuse to admit it, their conduct is loathsome, and their blind loyalty is on par with any liberal or democrat I've ever encountered. Trumps behavior is child like and self entitled. Let not mention that until up to his decision to seek the R nomination that he was buddy buddy with both Clinton's. If that weren't enough he's a NY "repoublican" aka, at best, a moderate liberal and has been my entire life. Yeah, he changed.....

                        I'm not emotional frozen at all, I've reasoned this out.
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              • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
                Not sure about that...I think he could of bridged that gap and set the example...but we'll never know for sure now...I think we're already half way down the rabbit hole and just barely hanging on to a root!
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                • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 3 months ago
                  perhaps, but I suspect that this convention is going to bring about the demise of the RNC as it dumps Trump and nominates its own poster child that advances their globalist agenda. Some I know think Cruz will be their choice but I think they can't stand Cruz and will go their own way (decimating their credibility and revealing their unvarnished contempt for the people of this nation).
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      • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 3 months ago
        Deflection is always the tactic when the arrow hits home, isn't it. Nobody's saying they like Obama or Hillary. What they are noting is that they're not particularly impressed with Trump. He has to stand on his own merits - not the same tired old comparison. You can say you'd rather step in old turd than new turd because one sticks to your shoe more, but it doesn't change the fact that they're both still turd.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
          Have fun with Hillary, cause thats what you are going to get. Our somewhat crooked system needs to go before third party candidates like Johnson have a shot at it. Right now its Trump OR Hillary whether any of us like it. Dump on Trump, and you get Hillary, period. Doesnt it make sense to choose the LEAST bad one when you only have two?
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
    So the real Trump comes out from under his rock.
    Sorry American people, you get no voice unless you agree with Trump.
    What a jackass.
    You want a dictatorship? Vote for Trump or Hillary.
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    • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 3 months ago
      It's how modern conventions work. They have become the big promotional kick-off for the campaign. They are organized to make the candidate look good. They are a show.

      If you aren't going play the part that fate has assigned you, you don't get to be in the show.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
        By you own definition then Cruz's "Fate" would be to bring some sanity and adherence of the Constitution to the table. Nothing says he has to support anyone or even say so in that public forum.
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        • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 3 months ago
          But, the guy running the show is the winner. Last time Mitt Romney changed the rules to keep Ron Paul from being nominated and getting air time. It's not a public forum it is an orchestrated campaign kickoff.

          He can say anything he wants in a public forum -- the convention floor isn't one.

          And, I like Cruz. Other than Ron Paul, I think his positions are more aligned with mine. My concern with him is that he is really good at making principled stands but not particularly good at getting others to do what he wants. I don't want a dictator I agree with, I want someone who can build a consensus.

          I think Trump will do better at getting things done -- and I like most of his positions. No one is going to give me everything I want. Anyone trying to cut into the crony capitalism is going to face a firestorm. I think Trump can withstand it better.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
            Trump represents crony capitalism. He embodies it. Its his SOP. Trump cut crony capitalism? Only if it adds to his hold on dictatorship.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
              Trump, Paul, all fo the are actors in the sreet theater charade which in the end produces a meaningless popular vote a meaningful electoral college vote and ....four years if we're unlucky before the next street theatre charade. As I said at the beginning the winning party will get 95% of the votes cast - and counted.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
      Its not a stupid comment at all. Its a convention that is supposed to unite under a candidate. If you say you are a republican, you should either support the candidate that won by your rules, OR just dont go to the convention at all. If these guys spoke and tore down the nominee, there would be no point to their going to the convention at all.

      If Hildebeast herself said the same thing about Sanders coming to their convention and talking bad about her, I would stick up for her on that point. If he is going to go, he has to either support the democratic candidate OR go independent.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
        Bullshit. Its the action of a petty dictator, and that's what we get from either Trump or Hillary.
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        • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 3 months ago
          The rules were changed last time so that Romney could make sure Ron Paul couldn't be nominated and speak.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
            So Trump buys in to the statist rules whenever it's advantageous. More evidence that Trump is just another statist ... as long as Trump is the monarch. Vintage Trump. He shouldn't be trusted to run a garbage truck (or anything else.)
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            • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 3 months ago
              While I suspect they all are more statist than we'd like -- they are trying to be in charge of the state after all, the convention is part of the campaign and the candidate manages the process.

              Were you a big fan of Cruz trying to manage the delegate selection so that he got his people as delegates irrespective of how the voters had voted?
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              • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
                Everything about the GOP disgusts me. I don't know how Ron and Rand Paul can stomach it.
                Trump fits in there almost as well as he does with the Dems.
                Voting for the GOP is giving consent to serfdom.
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                • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
                  I can't stomach either side and not too impressed by the Libertarians either...maybe most should be shipped off the fabulous hotel gitmo with obobo poo, george sorass and the rest.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
          he didnt say Cruz shouldnt go to the convention, but that IF he goes to the convention he should support the party's candidate. Thats not dictatorial
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          • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
            He is saying that Cruz has no right to free speech because he disagrees with Trump.
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            • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
              He is entitled to all the free speech he wants. BUT, there is a time and place. IF Cruz is a republican and wants to remain a republican, he shouldnt damage the party by denigrating the party's nominee. Thats all Trump said. There are times to just shut up about the never trump thing, or dont go to the convention at all, or just talk about so called republican values (although I wonder what those values really are these days)
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              • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
                If Cruz disagrees with Trump he has every right to say so, even at the convention. If the GOP doesn't want him to speak they can prevent it. Trump feels everything is about him. He is wrong. That is one of his biggest flaws and it disqualifies him from being able to represent the people. Its about the people, not one asshole named Trump.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
                What's a Republican. What's a Republican Party? The history of political satire at best poltical jokes at worse and in truth the yippy yappy lap dogs of the left wing socialist fascist movement. Term2 deserves their top spot for all his hard work than do those he worked for and i see McCannon bailed again or I'd include him.- or her. when it's over remember two things. The Rino Party is the right wing of the left and there is NO Dumbo Party only Dumbies.
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                • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
                  Actually I have been a registered libertarian for a lot of years. Our voting choices have been very limited for a long time in terms of candidates who have a chance of winning. I want to break up the political establishment. Trump has done that by hijacking the GOP. Sanders nearly did the same thing with the dem party. Now to get rid of the electoral college
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    • Posted by jhagen 8 years, 3 months ago
      Oh come on. Why would he want the career politicians there? Maybe Cruz, but if he did want the talking empty head Kasich there, I'd be very disappointed in him.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
        They can go and support "republican" ideals (whatever they are???), but if they do not support the party's primary winner, they should just shut up or the just hurt the party they claim to be a member of.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
          There you go again with that Republican Party crap. Don't you ever learn or is it jsut folliwng the script provided by Lakoff?
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          • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
            The topic was Cruz , who claims to be a card carrying republican, showing up at their convention and raining on their parade. I just thought it would be a low class move. That was the long and short of my comment. I am not a member of the Republican Party , but I want trump to win over hildebeast
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        • Posted by jhagen 8 years, 3 months ago
          True. But I don't think what has developed into the current "republican ideals" are what got Trump the nomination, and perhaps the people who make a career out of exploiting them (like Kasich) wouldn't and shouldn't be welcome.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 3 months ago
            Contemplate so-called current "republican ideals".
            I just did and my mind's eye is looking at craven Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, who Obama thanked "for $$$making$$$ government work."
            It was talk big for votes and then to cower for Obama RINO behavior that opened the door for someone like "bad hair day loose cannon Trump" as I like to call him.
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          • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
            I would say that what got Trump as far as he got is "anti-establishment" ideas- which is why the media and his own party hate him so much. They are afraid that he will remove their special crony treatment.

            Trump gets support from the people who bear the brunt of the cronyism through taxes to support wars that benefit the rich, federal reserve actions that benefit the rich and make everyday people pay for it, etc. etc. etc.

            In a way, Trump hijacked the republican party right out from under the bosses. They were so complacent they didnt see it coming. Now they are pissed off. Same with BREXIT. The people spoke in the quiet of the voting booth and threw off their chains of oppression.
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            • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
              There is no comparison between the secession of Brexit and the lying, looting foolishness of Trump.
              Brexit was a simple choice: serfdom to a foreign power or a certain degree of self determination.
              Voting for Hillary or Trump is choosing between slavery by the torture of socialist looting or serfdom by the torture of monarchial dictatorship.
              Brexit is choosing neither.
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              • Posted by jhagen 8 years, 3 months ago
                If Trump is monarchial dictator, then what in the world would you term the Oblahblah??
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                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
                  A boring failure unless you are seeing him prepare the ground, till the soil, and plant the last few remaining seeds and consider that a worthy goal.

                  Joke would do except it isn't.
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                • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
                  A parasitical idiot! no brain! The dumbest among them.......couldn't dic a tator out of his own pants.
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                  • Posted by jhagen 8 years, 3 months ago
                    I don't know what he did to you, but clearly his is not an idiot, has a brain (and uses it), and if he isn't smarter than the rest of them (which hasn't been proven one way or another - and doesn't really matter at this point), he sure as hell isn't a looter, and isn't in the race to become one. That should earn your support in and of itself.
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                    • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
                      You do not get that brain only creatures are adept at imitating consciousness, conscience, intelligence and even a mind...and we should not be flattered by that imitation.
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                      • Posted by jhagen 8 years, 3 months ago
                        Which sounds to me like a round about way of making the point that motive is key. Which then begs the point: What's Trump's motive? Is he spending his life energy to become a dictator? And open himself up to all the downsides of that effort? Given his situation/choices, that would be a step down. So pretty darn unlikely.
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                        • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
                          Motive? Trump feels he is God's gift to humankind and he feels he should hold all the power as a result. He is an insulting, repulsive sociopathic megalomaniac and he feels it's fine to loot from others for his own benefit. He doesn't expect any downside for his highness. Obama has shown him that executive orders can be used for anything.
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                        • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 3 months ago
                          Motive: To disrupt the sure thing win for the Rs for the DNC by making a mockery of the R process. His fervid acceptance caused a plan alteration and he (they) now see he can be their guy in the cat-birds seat. I'm convinced that he (they) never intended for him to rise the way he has. For the D this is a no lose situation at this point.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    you are right. I was assuming that they are same now as before. I wonder then what she objected to while she was alive. I thought it was intellectual inconsistency
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 3 months ago
    It would be nice if, under the present rules, some
    other, such as Cruz, could somehow be legitimately
    nominated. But since Trump apparently got the
    majority of primary votes (although not mine), I do not see how that can be. I heard in my childhood "You don't change the rules in the middle of the game."
    As I have said previously, it looks like letting
    Clinton and her supporters shoot you in the head
    with a gun you know to be fully loaded, or play-
    ing Russian roulette.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
      it was possible. They chose not to follow their own rules. But then when you work for the left you do what the left tells you to do. The script was written and the closing acts are....not worth the price of the ticket.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
    The purpose of the convention is to bring the party together and elect a nominee, as I understand it. If Trump won by their own rules, they should abide by them at least. Coming to the convention to denigrate the party's primary winner seems a bit stupid to me. Either dont go at all, or support the primary winner. Otherwise, you are only going to make the party you say you are a member of- weaker.

    So its not a stupid comment at all. Do these guys want Hillary to win? If not, Trump is the only other candidate that has a chance to resist her campaign.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 3 months ago
      The purpose of the convention is not only to elect a nominee, but also to craft the party platform. You don't do that by leaving out a huge portion of your voting base - whom you desperately need in the general election. Ask the Democrats how that played out in the last couple of elections.

      Trump would be incredibly foolish to throw a fit about Cruz and Kasich speaking. If he does, it will only emphasize in many Republicans' minds the #NeverTrump mentality because it will emphasize Trump's own narcissism. If Trump is the great deal-maker he proclaims himself to be, this is a prime opportunity to prove it!
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
        Trump didnt say they shouldnt come to the convention, but if they did they should support him as the nominee. That makes sense if you want to have a party that can hope to elect its nominee.

        As to the party platform, parties seem to talk and promise a lot and then when their nominees are elected, all bets are off.

        A good party platform would be to oppose cronyism at all levels in government. Unfortunately, the only one who even hints at that is Trump and to an extent Cruz and Sanders.

        Hillary IS the posterchild for cronyism
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
          They don't have to support anyone in order to contribute to the platform they want to stand by...trumpet would be wise to listen and take notes...but I doubt he's open to any of that...his ego is way to big; which puts into question his level of consciousness in my opinion.
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          • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
            The republican party was dead in the water until Trump came along and tapped into the anti-establishment sentiment that was brewing out there. Sanders also tapped into that and damn near unseated Hillary. The Republican party was still stuck in the past, and rebelled against Trump, and would have lost badly to Hillary- BADLY. Now they at least have a chance to slow down the advance of socialism here. Obama accelerated that advance, and Hillary will continue it. The republicans should listen TO Trump actually and tap into that anti-establishment sentiment. People are tired of being manipulated by the power brokers who make US pay for their riches through Federal Reserve money printing, restrictive laws, and political correctness.
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            • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 3 months ago
              The problem with the Republican Party is that they are trying to appeal to everyone and so end up alienating almost everyone. The Democrats figured that out twenty years ago. Trump doesn't fix that problem, however. Trump merely targets the emotional portion of the Republican Party and tries to tie in the few Blue Dog Democrats who got left behind during the Clinton years when the Democrats pivoted hard left. That leaves behind the large bloc of conservative voters Cruz predominantly appealed to.

              "The republicans should listen TO Trump actually and tap into that anti-establishment sentiment."

              I agree that the establishment Republicans are a major problem for the Party and that they should take notes from this election cycle. 100% agree. But to disagree with how things are being done is pointless without a plan for what should be done. That starts with values, and what I question is whether or not Trump actually stands by any of those values on his website. He never talks about them in interviews - doesn't even point people there. I'll wait 'til the debates for a final weigh-in, but those are the issues which matter to that vital bloc of Republican voters Trump absolutely must have to win the election.
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              • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
                I will wait and see what he says in the debates too. It IS hard to say what you are going to do without actually being in the office for at least a short time, however, and seeing the lay of the land. When candidates promise all sorts of stuff when campaigning, they usually actually do very little of it in practice.

                A very interesting youtube video link I am putting in there which showed CNN grilling Trumps with his family present and joining in. I say the apples dont fall far from the tree. It was a great interview. Its about 40 minutes long, but there is a very revealing interview with the CNN asshole Anderson Cooper and Trump’s family. YouTube,
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                • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
                  Why do you think Anderson Cooper is an asshole?
                  He asks unbiased questions no one will ask...he doesn't come from any point of view but seeks truth.

                  I've seen countless interviews of him and that is my impression of him...he is self made and had no help getting to where he is.
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                  • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
                    he hates Trump and goes after him to promote his favorite candidate Hillary constantly. Thats not unbiased reporting. He is a statist liberal , as is the rest of the cnn group. He doesnt ask unbiased questions. He is an attack dog, thats all.

                    no help? his mother is gloria vanderbilt with connections.
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                    • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
                      I guess you never saw his interview of hiltery...started out with a devastating question...of course she couldn't answer it and beat around the bush.
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                      • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
                        I did see that, but he let her off the hook when she wouldnt answer. She gets away with all sorts of stuff by just changing the subject.
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                        • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
                          At that point it's lost and one might as well move on to the next inconsistency...that's the problem with TV interviews...If they don't cooperate, ya gota move real would just keep hammering till the nail is sunk.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
      Well it is a preemptive boo hoo sniff sniff cause he has always felt threatened by someone's suggestions or disagreements with begin the discussions we need to have is not a ditch to trumpet. Cruz quit because of the divide getting larger and potentially more dangerous...I don't think he would cause any problems. He carried the second most delegates and deserves to have a say.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
        Cruz can have a say, but its NOT the place to continue the "dump Trump" attacks he was so famous for in the primary season. It just has no class if you drag down the very party you want to win in November. If he is a republican and wants to stay one, and someone else won the primary process, he should support the nominee.
        If he cant, thats ok, but he should either shut up or quit the party.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 3 months ago
          It's 100% hypocritical to accuse another candidate for something your own candidate started! If Trump had lost to Cruz you'd be taking the other side supporting Trump's right to disagree with Cruz. Be consistent.
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          • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
            Not hypocritical at all. I already said if Sanders was going to go to the demo convention and drag down hillary, I would stick up for Hillary saying the same thing as Trump.

            It just has no class to do that. If Cruz was the candidate, I really doubt Trump would even go to the convention and drag Cruz down, but if he did, I wouldnt think it was a good idea. All it would do is help elect Hillary.
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            • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 3 months ago
              First of all, you're assuming that Cruz would advocate for voters to change sides. That's not only a bridge too far built on nothing but speculation, it's patently ridiculous. That's political suicide, and Cruz has already said where his ambitions lie and it isn't the Supreme Court. If Cruz spoke - and I am betting he will - it will be to encourage Americans to stick to the traditional values that made America Great. He'll let Trump be Trump and succeed or fail on his own merits.

              Second, I wouldn't be a Trump supporter criticizing another political candidate of a potential breach of class. That's a foot just begging for ingestion and subsequent indigestion. That was the hypocrisy I was referring to, which started with the whole "Lyin' Ted" mantra. Go back to the first debate and you'll see Cruz being begged to dis on Donald Trump and instead respond "I'm wearing a Donald trump tie." That's class.
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  • Posted by jhagen 8 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I disagree. ...and it has nothing to do with faith.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
      Is it not blind confidence? or at least a hope that observations are not accurate, not to mention his actions and speech are somehow a calculated plan...(I don't see any evidence of his ability to purposely calculated anything...he just shoots off the cuff without thinking) There is a word for this..."Firing off a thought before his mental piston has reached top dead center". I know someone here can tell us what that "Word" is.
      No reflection on you jhagen...just saying...
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  • Posted by $ TomB666 8 years, 3 months ago
    You'd rather have lying Hillary! The woman who asked what did it matter after our Ambassador was killed? While we may not know what Trump will do you can bet Hillary will pack the Supreme court with more like Obama's appointments Kagel and Sotomayor - judges who feel the need to rewrite the constitution, judges who do not recognize that actions have consequences, judges who believe in a free lunch.

    In my opinion, supreme court appointments are the most critical thing our next president will do. Trump might not do any better, but there is at least a chance that he will.
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  • Posted by Hot_Black_Desiato 8 years, 3 months ago
    First both Kasich and Cruz signed a contract in the form of the pledge to support and endorse the nominee.

    Considering BOTH of them have reniged on their pledge, that makes them documented LIARS.

    Why should documented proven LIARS be permitted to speak at a convention that is supposed to usher in the nominee?

    I agree with Trump based on the actions of both Cruz and Kasich, they should not be allowed to speak. In fact were it me I would have them banned form the convention period.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 3 months ago
    The test of integrity is the value of one's commitment. All of the Republican candidates who began the primary, except Trump, vowed in the public forum of the first debate that they would absolutely support the eventual nominee. There were no qualifying statements associated with that commitment, so anyone who refuses to honor their word at the convention is a dishonorable hypocrite.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
      Not when one considers the vial, adolescent, inaccurate rhetorical attacks they had to endure.

      I too, on that basis, would of withdrawn my support.
      I also would intend to speak on a platform we should adopt for a successful campaign for the restoration of America.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 3 months ago
        So, if you get your feelings hurt, you feel justified in backing out of pledged commitments? I can assume you've never had to deal with serious contract negotiations, then. Sometimes, people fail the test of trust, and those wannabes who lost in the contest and now won't back the winner are showing why the American people were right in not choosing them.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
          Has nothing to do with feelings or anything "subjective" it has to do with ethical judgements, perceived associations and act of responding differently because an approval of that behavior would be a mistake and just be perpetuating that behavior.
          They can speak without saying whether they support anyone or not and I think that's exactly the way Cruz will treat that situation...there is no need to race to FOX and endorse trumpet and his childish behaviors.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 3 months ago
    After the revelations today, of the Benghazi Committee, I'd vote for anyone short of Dr. Mengele rather than Hillary Clinton. Whatever Trump is he is better than this evil incarnate running for president. Is Trump childish in his pronouncements? Is he unknowledgeable? Can he screw up? Yes to all those, but compared to the rapist's assistant, he is slightly below sainthood.
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