Great movie - bad timing
Posted by Addestratore 12 years, 4 months ago to Movies
I went to see the movie 3 times, handed out my 100 T-shirts and paper material. The problem that I saw was that 5 movies came out this weekend. It was hard to fill the seats for a movie no one heard of (mostly) when there are 5 new choices and several 1 week release movies to choose from. There had to be a week that there was not quite to many choices
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- 2Posted by freedomforall 12 years, 4 months agoThat's the case most weekends. The amount of sludge that arrives at movie theatres every week is astounding.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by Addestratore 12 years, 4 months agowhat I meant is that most weekends there is 1 or 2 new movies people want to go see. This last weekend there was 5. If it was released 3 weeks earlier it could had done a lot better, seeing as the other new films really sucked.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by ANTImongrelPhilosophy 12 years, 4 months agoAnd the sad part is that the GOOD people who fill the seats FUND the gross on these films that later trickle down to the campaign coffers of the people who enslave them. SAD. Maybe if they took the time to read AS instead of funding Obamas campaign, they would understand that to support the groups of their destruction is the ultimate sin.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|